Just heard on radio news. bHo sealing his own doom

Hillary Wins Nomination

This is what I think is going to happen.

Hillary's backers convinced Obama that more trouble would result in not allowing her to have her pledged votes counted than not. Now Bill & Hillary will put plan Xray into action. Two days before the convention they will release a secret story about Obama they have been sitting on. The story will be so damaging Obama will have to step down and Hillary will step up to the plate and save the party by accepting the nomination.

(The above is my opinion not to be confused with real events, persons, or facts).
Madmag is maybe closer to ...

... the truth than anyone knows.

For some unfathomable reason (cover story: Unity) Obama not only adds Big Bill one night, Hill the next night, allows Hill's name to go in nomination, adds two states votes and opens up the floor for politicking. Now why would any half intelligent person do that?

Maybe, it's old fashion political blackmail. Bill & Hill have the goods on the upstart and he's still trying to find a way for it all to work out.

Now, here's my take:

The skeleton in the closet when made public is enough to assure Obama will lose the general election against McCain especially if it comes out after the convention. Hill's puts her backroom deal to him. Obama seeing the light, gracefully drops out and nominates Hill for Pres. In return, Hill now the Pres nom, for the sake of party unity and to facilitate Obama's future political career and avoid all the nasty riots, nominates Obama for VP and promises she will only fill one term leaving it to Obama on the second term.

Everyone wins! Hill is the first Lady Pres, Obama's image is rehabilitated and enhanced over the next four years, riots are avoided and in four years Obama has a shot at being the first Black Pres of the USA.

Mission accomplished on all fronts.

Anyway, what the hell do I know?

I know ...

... I left that open on purpose to see how fast someone would pick up on Hill and one term. That's the real beauty of this deal ... She has four years to destroy Obama and go for the second term.


HA! That would NEVER happen.
Hee hee. Just like Global Warming. No intelligent person could possibly question it! It's been put to rest!
Global warming is a complex and wide ranging scientifically quantifiable occurrence. Obama's citizenship is a simple matter of easily verified fact. Don't play the anti-intellectual game of trying to confuse the two very different circumstances.

People who go around acting foolish and trying to challenge Obama on ridiculous ideas such as him being muslim or not being an American are the very people that are going to assure his victory.

It is not going to be the far left that elects Obama. It is going to be the far right that does...and they will do it by turning the middle against the right with their outlandish behavior.
Careful on the birth certificate stuff -- McCain's is from PANAMA

And no court has ever ruled on the question of whether someone born outside the US, even if on a military base, is "natural born" for purposes of Article II, Section 1 of the US Constitution which provides that:

"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

And the Fourteenth Amendment provides in Section 1 that:

"1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

The argument against McCain being "natural born" iwould run along these lines.

A. Somebody can claim citizenship under the 14th A. by virtue of either "birth" or "naturalization."

B. McCain wasn't born here.

C. He certainly wasn't "naturally" born here.

D. He was born "there" in Panama, which at this point is not a state (and likely never will be, certainly not in time for McCain).

E. He aint a "natural born" citizen.

F. He can't be president.

I'd be happy to hear any other arguments, strict constructionist or otherwise, to the contrary.

PS NY Times ran an interesting and inconclusive article on all this at http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/28/us/politics/28mccain.html
Now you wouldn't suppose that the Clintons could be in possession of any dirt on Obama which they would use... It is a long shot but a possibility.

I'm not normally a black-helicopter guy, but I froze as I listened and thought, "they have it. They have that birth certificate, and they plan to send one right into the fuel bunker of the good ship Barack Obama."


Torpedos los!
It would be great if both couldn't run. We could re-do the nomination proccess and actually have some decent candidates.
Global warming is a complex and wide ranging scientifically quantifiable occurrence. Obama's citizenship is a simple matter of easily verified fact.

Verified is the wrong way of phrasing it. He exists. He is located in America. He has a Social Security number, a passport, and a driver's license. These are documents that establish his identity.

Where he was born, though, is harder to verify. A birth certificate would do it. I think he mentioned (in one of his books) that he has a birth certificate. People have studied the image of the birth certificate he produced. These people say that it's a forgery.

I'm no document expert, so it could be baloney. But the way people react when the subject is mentioned suggests they'd rather not talk about it. That kind of thing is smoke indicative of fire in my experience. When I see a subject make people jump around like frogs wired up to batteries, I sense a problem.

This is a guess:

He doesn't have a birth certificate. Maybe he thought he did. I don't think he really knows where he was born. Does it matter? To Hillary. Can she do anything?
While we debate the specifics on how BHO might capitalize on this spin, we are ignoring one of the main ideas here--there are enough American voters who believe in those same ideas.

Heck, even I am sick of the war, sick of the economic malaise, tired of being raped for gasoline and truly ill from the posturing.

But I don't want "change" for the sake of throwing the dice, I want a statesman to lead this nation, and there isn't one. What Reagan did was more than just hold the office of Executive Branch, he was in fact our leader.

Frankly, I'm not comforted by the options of either a leader whose views were galvanized by the Vietnam War or from the other guy who schmoozes with Oprah. As I have stated, I'd vote for Sonny Barger if he were on the ticket--at least that man has succeeded when under duress. The leadership life experiences of a felon are precluded in the very Constitution he'd be excellent in guiding.

Twenty years ago there was an underground movement to get Mickey Mouse on the docket. It was felt that such an act would send a clear message to Washington. Oh, the irony.

Our little Mickey was actually born in the USA, has spent more time in office, clearly directed a successful corporation, reaps profits in real estate, endured several wars and can laugh at himself.

In a very real twist, the Mouse/Barger ticket makes the most sense for a thoughtful voter.
Musketeer: Now you wouldn't suppose that the Clintons could be in possession of any dirt on Obama which they would use... It is a long shot but a possibility.
Are they in possession of anything? Who knows?

Will they use it if they have it? There is no doubt in my mind!
You guys are so limp.
Barak Obama was born in Honolulu Hawaii. Believe it or not but back in the stone age that was 1961, records were kept and those records survive.
This is Jerome Corsi level idiocy.

Now to the matter at hand. Obama beat the Clintons. That's not something that happens often so I suspect he might be a good politician himself and has a good team backing him up.
The decision to allow the contested nomination, works on several levels. He has the votes to win on the first ballot so there's no risk involved. Winning again at the convention reinforces his legitimacy. It continues the themes of togetherness that Clinton and Obama have been stressing since the end of the primaries. It gives the media something to carp about instead of Obama.

It would be odd indeed not to let Bill Clinton speak seeing as how he is the only two term Democratic president since 1944.
It would also be odd not to let the person who got half the primary votes speak. While most people here hate Hillary Clinton, most democrats do not. They see her appearance as a positive indication of party unity.
There is also the fact that every time a Clinton gets respect, somewhere, a republican head blows up. That's more than enough reason to let them speak imho.
Obama beat the Clintons. That's not something that happens often so I suspect he might be a good politician himself and has a good team backing him up.

Or the Dems are Ghost Dancing. I favor that interpretation. They haven't shown good judgement in a presidential nominee since...Hmm...