Just heard on radio news. bHo sealing his own doom


New member
I just heard a blurb on local news radio which I think seals bHo's doom in the election.

In the interests of promoting "party unity," the bHo campagin has agreed to allow Hillary's supporters to enter her name into nomination and have a roll-call vote on the floor of the convention.

That's right, bHo's campaign, in it's infinite wisdom, has decided to unbury Hillary's coffin and take the wooden stake out of her heart on a rainy midnight at a crossroads.

Can you freakin' believe it?

For you youngun's who don't follow politics, in 1976, Gerald Ford was the GOP incumbent President (took over after Nixon resigned).

In the primaries, some dude named Reagan came in a very, very close second.

The convention went to a roll-call vote on the floor, and the razor-thin margin of Ford's win was exposed, which damaged Ford even further.

Having a roll-call vote on the floor of the Dem convention can only hurt bHo.

And with the eeeeeevil Clintons, taking the stake out of their hearts can have only bad, bad results.

Allow Hillary to enter her name into nomination? The fools.........the mad fools

Bury her or give her air, either one is a problem. There are a lot of Hildabeast supporters really ****** off at "not being heard." Giving them this opportunity is a pay off to get their support in the general election. Obama needs them, and badly, since his cross over appeal has started to fade.

At the same time it is a risk. The worst case scenario would be a large scandal breaking right before, or during, the convention with Hillary as an option. In such a situation the super delegates may swivel to her "for the good of the party."

Now you wouldn't suppose that the Clintons could be in possession of any dirt on Obama which they would use... It is a long shot but a possibility.
The story gets a little better, even.

According to another story reported by the news radio blurb during commercials is that the plan is that Hillary will be entered into nomination, and votes will be tallied for a bit, and then Hillary will officially release her delegates to vote for bHo.

This plan depends on a CLINTON keeping her word, following the rules, and doing what's right.

Oh man................

This level of naivety alone should disqualify bHo in itself......trusting Clintons to keep their word, follow the rules, and do what's right?????

Oh man.

Oh freakin' man.

Obama's birth certificate is still in question as being forged. He may not be a US citizen.

Therefore being disqualified. Guess who is next in line ?
Well, now, an interview Bill Clinton had with some TV correspondent is looking a bit more interesting. Said interviewer tossed what I'm sure she thought was a batting-practice fast ball, "so, would you say Barack Obama is qualified to be president?" Instead of answering a firm "absolutely!" or saying no, for that matter, ol' Bill spoke about how no one is qualified for the job on day one. When the question was repeated, "but you would say Barack Obama is qualified to be president," Bill took on a professorial air and went on about well, the Constitution sets forth the qualifications for being president.

I'm not normally a black-helicopter guy, but I froze as I listened and thought, "they have it. They have that birth certificate, and they plan to send one right into the fuel bunker of the good ship Barack Obama."

Curiouser and curiouser. :D

I'm cheering for injuries in any event!!
My guess is even Obama doesn't really know where he was born. If he had a birth certificate (a real one), he could have put the matter to rest a long time ago. The fact that he hasn't suggests he can't prove where he was born.

But the Clintons can't prove it either. Or can they?

But one thing's for sure, Obama doesn't have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. He needs superdelegates. Barring a Clinton handgrenade, his biggest potential problem is that he might slide further in the polls. If he loses his air of inevitability (and electability), some of his presumed superdelegate support might go away.

The Dems in my view have no choice but to nominate Obama. If they nominate Obama and he loses, oh well, they should be getting used to that. But if they pull the rug out from under Obama now, I can't imagine what all the consequences will be. The ensuing loss in the presidential election will be a trivial part of it.
Musketeer: In such a situation the super delegates may swivel to her "for the good of the party."
If they do that there will be riots that will make the ‘60’s look like a walk in the park!
My guess is even Obama doesn't really know where he was born. If he had a birth certificate (a real one), he could have put the matter to rest a long time ago. The fact that he hasn't suggests he can't prove where he was born.
The matter has been put to rest. Even Snopes.com has weighed in on it. Some people just keep saying it hoping that wishful thinking will make it true. Either that or they are just ignorant themselves or hoping to be able to convince enough ignorant people of a lie.
Snopes.com has put one misinterpretation of the law of citizenship as it applies to Obama to bed, not any question about the legitimacy of the birth certificate. The one that has been provided is a proven forgery, and no authentic one appears to be forthcoming.

The KOS image security border pattern does not match any known specimen from any known year. It does not match the pre-2006 nor does it match the post-2006 certificate patterns. The placement of the text in all of the pre-2006 and post-2006 certificates are almost identical pixel location matches while the image’s text placement does not match any known specimen from any known year. The shape and kerning of the fonts used in the 2006 through 2008 certificates are identical while the shape and kerning of the fonts used in the image does not match any known specimen. The KOS image shows clear signs of tampering such as the mismatch in RGB and error levels, visible indications of the previous location of the erased security border, easily detectable patterns of repeating flaws around the new security border, EXIF data that says the image was last saved with Photoshop CS3 for Macintosh, and finally a technician from Hawaii who confirms it just looks wrong.
All Obama has to do to put this issue to bed is to request that Hawaii provide a certified copy of his certificate of live birth and provide it to the media. But he won't. What's up with that?
Gestalt wrote in response to Musketeer:

Musketeer: In such a situation the super delegates may swivel to her "for the good of the party."

If they do that there will be riots that will make the ‘60’s look like a walk in the park!

This will dwarf the Rodney King riots in LA. The riots will take place all across the nation. Blacks in America will not sit idly by and let a white woman snatch their victory from Obama. There will be violence, for sure, IF that happens. Even though we are talking about the Clintons, it seems to be a long shot that they would risk this for Hillary's power grab. But, then again, we are talking about the Clintons. As a previous poster pointed out, Bill Clinton has made some very interesting remarks in regards to the question posed to him about whether Obama is qualified to be president. Also, though he was never asked the question, he immediately volunteered that he is not a racist. Was this a pre emptive statement because he knows what will happen at the convention? Get lots of tinfoil and start making hats. ;)
There was a time when ...

... The convention votes determined a parties Presidential nominee and Vice-President. The primaries were only a beauty contest and preambles to convention politics and voting. Once the DNC and NRC in cahoots with the mass media started changing the primary rules to enhance coverage of their "stories and candidates" the whole process got blown out of all proportion. Now you have special interest groups threatening mass rioting and national disruptions if they don't get their way.
"This will dwarf the Rodney King riots in LA. The riots will take place all across the nation. Blacks in America will not sit idly by and let a white woman snatch their victory from Obama. There will be violence, for sure, IF that happens."
To some it is becoming evident the current presumptive nominee of the DP might be a tad on the over-reach side of things especially in light of his extreme leftist "ideas". While a particular group of people will feel slighted or robbed depending on their particular point of view if politics raises it's ugly head at the convention, encouragement to keep working for the future would better serve than rioting.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Barack Obama has done the impossible.

He has managed to make Hillary Clinton look like an acceptable choice for the White House.

That took some doing.

I didn't think the Dems could possibly field a candidate so scary that a Clinton would look good in comparison. It's really amazing.

I didn't think the Dems could possibly field a candidate so scary that a Clinton would look good in comparison. It's really amazing.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

What makes me crack up is that weasel Dick Morris. Several months ago when Hillary was the favorite and Obama was starting to show real life this worm was on Sean Hannity saying how he hopes Obama wins the nomination because he is at least a good and honest man as opposed to the Clintons... Then, just a couple weeks after Hillary admits defeat he comes out with a book about how evil Obama is, unsuited to the presidency and starts hawking it on the same show he supported Obama over Hillary on... AND DOESN'T GET CALLED ON IT.
I, too, now find Clinton a more acceptable candidate than Obama. Never been a Clinton fan and never will, but Obama scares the H--- out of me with his leftist leanings and socialistic plans for the government. Obama makes even Clinton seem like a moderate.
Here's the problem I have with this and Democrats in general.

They are announcing up front that this is a rigged, scripted, empty, symbolic gesture to make Hillary supporters feel good enough to support Obama.

As Rush would put it, symbolism over substance.

Okay, what does it say about the party leadership when it believes it can sway people's minds with a rigged, scripted gesture that they've announced up front is rigged and scripted?

I think it says something about both the leadership and the rank and file.

Why don't they just bring in the writers and producers of "WWE Raw!" to script the whole damn convention?

You could have a shirtless Obama talking trash about Bill and Hillary and then have Bill come in off-camera swinging a folding chair. He could chase Obama up on stage for a several minute stand-off--microphones in hand--until a bare-chested Al Gore and John Kerry come up on stage to calm down both parties?

All of this with running commentary from Mean Gene and Vince McMahon.

Followed by the entire auditorium standing up and doing the macarena while booing and cussing a Boy Scout troop...

What a contemptible bunch of people.
Oh, I don't know. He might be crazy like a fox.

As of right now, Hillary just simply won't go away. There are many that believe BHO should nominate her for VP.

If her future is discussed in an open convention, and she fails to generate momentum, he can always point to that and demonstrate the Clintons' reign has sputtered to a stop.

He can then freely name his own people on his own terms.