Just got chased by a random car...


New member
I was behind a random car just now at a stop sign. It seemed like he was asleep at the wheel and not moving at the stop sign. I gave him two short toots of the horn. As soon as I got past the stop sign he was tailing me. I slowed down and he got ahead of me cutting me off. I stopped for a brief second and then he got out of his car. I floored it. He got back in his car and caught up. I wont say what kind of car, but his car was much faster then mine.

I got on the phone with 911 and was amazed at how complex it seemed for them. I started calling out street names and cross streets as we circled the community. His car was faster so I decided to keep making turns going around the block while talking to the police. Finally, the other car turned in the other direction.

Seeing what happened in Pennsylvania this experience rattled me up. The police dispatcher was doing her job, but it seemed like she offered moral support then real help.

Im glad this experience turned out well enough. It was not a positive experience to say the least.
My Wife has a habit of honking at people when she drives. I try to discourage it. No where we need to be bad enough to cause a confrontation.

Todays society is just TOO volatile. Im always armed, but thats not the point. Applying hindsight before hand (:rolleyes:) id rather sit thru a cycle at a light then have something turn into an incident where i had to protect my family by using my pistol

Im not advocating any kind of pacifist view... When its time to fight, FIGHT. But if you can avoid the entire affair, i think youre better off
I made a right. He made a left and pulled a u turn. At first I wasnt certain what was happening until he jumped out of his car. I thought he wanted to go round.
Just got chased by a random car...

It was not a 'random' car kemosabe.

It was an individual you ticked off.

Do you 'randomly' honk your horn at cars to?

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Drive straight to the police station while you're on the phone with cops/911. As soon as they see the cop cars, they'll limp off somewhere. Good that you kept your cool.
My area has many different townships and is spread out. Each township has a police force with its own dispatcher. I dont know where every police station is for each township. This particular area I was traveling through I was not familiar and so had no idea.

It is very common for a car to hold at a stop sign or intersection around here. Many times people are texting or surfing the web. On a daily basis I will be behind a car where they stay still after the light turns green or at a stop sign, etc. Usually a short toot gets them to move. Many others do the same and its common to hear someone sound the horn when a car is not moving.

In any event, someone sounding the horn is not an excuse to give chase or get out of your car with the intent to assault the other driver.
I agree not to be antagonistic, but come on, if the light turns green and the person in front of you isn't moving after 10 or 15 seconds a short toot of the horn isn't declaring war. People need to calm the hell down and not take everything as a personal affront.

Color me different but I don't think the OP did a damn thing wrong.
I agree with SA, it's not like he blasted the horn for 20 seconds and made an obscene gesture. Blaming the victim gets a little old -- even if the victim in hindsight contributed to the situation a little.
Todays society is just TOO volatile. Im always armed, but thats not the point. Applying hindsight before hand () id rather sit thru a cycle at a light then have something turn into an incident where i had to protect my family by using my pistol

Im not advocating any kind of pacifist view... When its time to fight, FIGHT. But if you can avoid the entire affair, i think youre better off

This is great advice.

I was once chased by a young guy in a van about when I was 19. He followed me honking and swerving for almost six miles! Luckily for me I had two friends in the truck and a friend following me with 5 more friends in his car (driving to a friends graduation party.) He eventually cornered me at a red light; but for some reason he got cold feet when 8 people all got out of their vehicles near him. Came up to me and asked me to be more polite then took off...

Sometimes people are just having a bad day and overreact. Seeing all those people willing to defend me seemed to defuse the guy real quick!

That said, avoidance is indeed best and we tried as hard as we could to get away; but when we were forced into confrontation we did so with overwhelming force. I think it's the Marines that say "never show up to a fair fight" or something like that. I agree. If I have to fight ill do everything I can to avoid confrontation and if neccisary make it on my terms by fleeing to a better location and establishing an advantage.

Sounds like you avoided the situation as well as possible.
You were on the phone with 911. Ask them where the nearest police station is. Pretty simple. Did this just last week. The moment I pulled in he took off. That's what we pay them for.
It used to be considered POLITE to give a "Beep, beep" if someone didn't notice the light change. No people want to get shot over it. Pretty amazing.
A few notes...

I had two places I could have gone immediately which was down the main road to a traffic light or turn into a community of houses and circle the block. I decided the best course was to circle the community of houses. My experience is there are many alert people in these houses and I had better odds with more witnesses. Also if we got caught up in a circular chase then the better for police to locate me.

After 2 to 3 laps around the community the person in pursuit called it quits probably figured out my strategy.

I would have gone to the police station had I known the location. Lets say I asked the dispatcher...that may not have done any good. I was focused on driving.

Another thing to note is that I couldnt outrun his car so I settled on doing as many turns as possible. If he was armed then I wasnt about to give him a clear shot. Also attracts more attention turning.

Im happy I didnt get as crazy as the guy in pursuit. I did not attempt to hit his car and I steered right around him flooring it once he left his car. It would have been a bad move if I decided to go on the attack rather then utilizing purely defensive tactics.
OP did nothing wrong.

The OP did nothing wrong. Waking up some fool at a light is something that I have to do every day. Stay armed as you never know what may happen that you may need a firearm on any given day. If some fool wants to commit suicide by trying to chase you down then at least you are prepared for it.
This is exactly why I spent $20K to have the oil slick, caltrops, tear gas, and grappling hook added to my car. :D
If some fool wants to commit suicide by trying to chase you down then at least you are prepared for it.

This shows a remarkable lack of understanding about the aftermath of using deadly force.
JD0x0 noted:
This is exactly why I spent $20K to have the oil slick, caltrops, tear gas, and grappling hook added to my car. :D

I went with the 10KW dazzler / Phasor. :) Less residue and it doesn't create a traffic hazard.

(That's sarcasm for the humor impaired, in case your day was longer than mine)
Sharkbite said:
hartcreek said:
If some fool wants to commit suicide by trying to chase you down then at least you are prepared for it.
This shows a remarkable lack of understanding about the aftermath of using deadly force.
I agree. If that's your overall self-defense mindset, please do us all a favor and stay away from guns.
The one thing I regret not doing, which I might do in the future, is file a police report. One thing I am certain of is that this individual will get into trouble in the future and maybe a report detailing what I know might be of some assistance. I did send a detailed email to the chief of that small department. Someone like that will eventually get themselves into another incident.

Another thing I might do is get a dash cam. HP F210. Look it up on Amazon. Such a device would have gotten more details like the plate and what thd guy looked like. If you are on the road a lot its not a matter of if, but when you will come upon someone similar to the one I encountered today.

I did read the responses above. Your conduct will be put under the microscope in these situations. Exercise great care in that regard.