Jury Nullification Redux


Got a call from one of us guys here this morning who asked me to expound on certain things regarding jury nullification. Pleasure talking to you.

Anyway, Made me think. I think some of you guys need to see HOW a criminal case works.

If you want to play we can do this: I'm going to give you guys a criminal case. Facts and Law. Its a gun case, and I am going to limit the facts and law to that what you would get in a real trial.

Id like to see if 12 guys could come to a verdict. So if there are twelve volunteers, pitch in. The ONLY CAVEAT is that you MUST follow my instructions.

Ya Think it would be neat to see a jury deliberate on a gun case? Let these 12 hash it out, the rest of us will watch (except me, I can answer questions on law ;)

Where be the jurors?

Ok..if we the jurors have a specific question for the witnesses that is not covered in the questioning by either the prosecution or defense what is the procedure we need to follow in order to ask that question ourselves?
Would you accept a simple guy that's not as good at law as you guys? I have a hard time writing as educated as you folks, but I'm willing to be a "juror". But I will understand if you want someone to keep up. No kidding or sarcasm to note in my statement.
same thing as in a reeal trial. You ask the judge to have a specific portion of testimony read.

Facts not in evidence?

Here will be your charge:

When you judge the facts you are to consider only the
The evidence in the case includes:
the testimony of the witnesses,
the exhibits that were received in evidence, [and]
[the stipulation(s) by the parties. (A stipulation is information
the parties agree to present to the jury as evidence, without calling
a witness to testify.)]
Testimony which was stricken from the record or to which an
objection was sustained must be disregarded by you.
Exhibits that were received in evidence are available, upon
your request, for your inspection and consideration.
Exhibits that were just seen during the trial, or marked for
identification but not received in evidence, are not evidence, and
are thus not available for your inspection and consideration.
But, testimony based on exhibits that were not received in
evidence may be considered by you. It is just that the exhibit itself
is not available for your inspection and consideration.

If no testimony on something you think important? You may be able to draw an inference. Depends on how liberal I am gonna be with the defense:)

I know I'm too conservative to make your jury, but it should be fun to watch.:cool:

Of course if I am needed, I will certainly be there to help my community.
Do I have to take an oath? I don't own a bible.. :D

how many do we have now, I can fill this out if you wish. No less than 6, no more than 12, right?
If you are short a guy I can fill in (lost count and couldn't make sense of everything)

Still sounds like it will be interesting to see.
Can I see the written law that requires me to take an oath and what that oath is supposed be comprised of?

Why bother? If it's not specifically spelled out in the Constitution, you're not going to accept it as valid in the first place.