Jump on in here and get with it!!

Dang, that sounds like a whole lot of history. Been doing the rendezvous scene for 8 years now, so I have nowhere near the history with the place as you do, but I'm working on it. Hit at least two national 'vous each year and another dozen or so smaller, local 'vous. I never have been able to camp friendship, just for the cost. Not to mention the primitive isn't really seperated from the non-primitive and that sort of spoils it some for me. I still hit Friendship about twice a year just to shop for the 'vous season and now for parts as well.

I'm not sure that Freindship has always had hunting, but I know you have to be an NMLRA member and request a permit through them and sign in when you are on-site. The hunting there is only open to black powder and primitive archery; keeping with the whole history of Freindship and the NMLRA. ;)

Looking to have a blast. We'll we prowling in in the early morning hours and sitting/stalking for the better part of the day. :D

Good to be here all, and thnks for the warm welcomes.
Hey everyone, just want to say thanks to every one for all the great info you share. I'm a new member, but I've been reading your posts for quite a while. Thanks for your time. God Bless.
Welcome Aboard!! There Are Some Great Guys Here And All Are More Than Willing To Chat With You And Share Info.if You Have Any Questions Just Feel Free To Ask.
Welcome aboard. There's a bunch of great guys here. If you have a question, just ask and we'l do our best to answer it or lead you to the answer. I've learned alot in the month or so I've been here.
Welcome. One of the things I find on the black powder site at TFL is you don't seem to have the flaming and name calling like on some elsewhere.I could probably call Mike (Remington Kid) an old geezer or Kevin (MPP1423) shorty and they would know I was just kidding and not send a hit man to my place. I hope.

I'll be glad to tell you my address....right along with this disclaimer: if my lights are off, I don't want company and will answer the door with little brother in my hand. Course I'll hear someone coming, they have to get past the 6 dogs on the property. LOL

I have a sign in my trailer window near the door that reads "Armed Response" A friend gave it to me years ago. Don't know from whence it came, But a couple police officers have asked me about it thru the years.

Wake up call.
I was very ill one Thanksgiving and didn't have a phone at the time (before Cell phones). I was supposed to go for Turkey at my girl friend's home. Of course I didn't show. She called the local sheriff's office that night to do a wellfare check.
It's late at night, and there comes a loud banging on my cabin door. I get up jam a Model 29 Smith in my undershorts and go to the door. There is all these red lights lighting up my living room and driveway.
There in all the blazing glory of a 60 watt outdoor light was my friend, a deputy, His eyes as big as saucers, the red lites blazing a swath thru the night. . He asked meekly, are you OK? and is That(the Model 29) Real? I said " Yes on both counts." Then he toild me my girlfriend called them to do the wellfare check,
He radio'd in and they patched us thru to the gal so she'd know I was OK.

Afterwards, the Deputy said. "Geez, C.D. I thought yoiu were going to shoot Me." I said "Naw, David I could see who you were, what with them redlight's blazing up the neighborhood and all."

On other time I found the magic sentnece to get the Deputy's there ASAP when I needed them. I caught someone cutting firewood on my neighbor's property across the street. I called the sheriff's office and they said it'd be a hour or two before someone could respond. Knowing that the wood thieves would be gone by then, I casually said"that's Ok! I have a gun I'll take care of it"...Wrong thing to say and I have never said it again, but I had deputy's there in minutes.
After they sorted out the "Thieves"(actually a kid and his girlfriend cutting wood on his Grandfather's land, or so he thought, They were actually to far west on my neighbor's property. ) the Deputy's came to my door and asked If I truly would have used my gun. I told them only if I needed too. They (David was one of them so he knew about the Model 29) told me "Never say that again." to get us here.
I know you LEO's hate it when we citizens say something like that. I'd never use that line again unless it is a matter of life and death, then you betcha I'd use it and little brother too.
I live in a small village, little crime, but am an old fart.

With "home invasion" being in the news these past couple years, anybody who opens the door to strangers without the means to repel them is just dumb.

I can't claim to whoop some young punk who crashes thru my door. I could, if I have my preferred shootin' iron in my hand give it a hell of a good try. Don't matter which one it is, just that it is loaded and ready.

I don't know if it is an older person kinda thing. Way back then, didn't seem to matter, I thought I could whoop anybody wanted to barge in, now, I think I prefer having backup.

We don't have police patrolling my streets, BTW.

I'd suggest not trying to come into my house. I sleep kinda light, 'nother old fart thing, and not having anybody else in the house, don't have to worry I'm gonna shoot one o' my kids. Bonus, there. You're in here, you shouldn't be, you're gone.


My driveway is 1/3 of a mile long, and dead ends at my neighbors house. There are just the 2 of us at the end of the road and 2 others down at the beginning, (we have to share a driveway because of the way the property is laid out). There is no way to sneak past my house without me knowing about it. I recognize the sound of my neighbors cars and go out on the front porch to check on who's there if I hear anything that doesn't sound familiar.
There have been several people riding 4 wheelers who have found me standing on the front porch, 45 auto or 44 remington in hand, to greet them as they come into view of the house. I just stand and watch them as they turn their rides around and head back the other way, sometimes they can't get turned around quick enough! The background on that is that people around here aren't responsible riders, bunch of young kids that tear gravel roads all to pieces playing games and I can't afford to buy them gravel to play on, so they aren't welcome in my driveway and I don't see them come back after they have been here once.

Meth is a huge problem in this county and since I live in kind of an out of the way spot with little police prescence, I try to keep my eyes open. My neighbor doesn't own a gun and although he hasn't said so, I get the impression that he appreciates me keeping an eye on who goes in and out.
Up a couple I said I live in a small village. Good friends with all my neighbors. I go away for a few days with one'a my kids, say to a g'daughter's soccer tourney, they don't see me leave, they worry, leave messages on the answering machine, if they see anybody prowling a round at night, call me, etc.

My kids are building a house 2 miles away, 650 feet off the road, one house between them and the road, woods behind the house. No guns in the house.

Nobody there to watch out for them. The boy works late one night a week, guess I'll make sure I visit till he gets home that night. With a couple acres of their own behind them, mebbe we can set up a little range, 50 yds or so, get the daughter shooting, feel more comfortable with guns in the house.

Hell, if I have a BP sittin ' on the floor near my recliner when they visit, she wants me to hide it from the g'sons. Damn, they ain't gonna load and prime a Colt 60 or a Rem 58. Just a chunk'a iron, and too heavy for the little 'uns to even smack each other with.

Everybody should read "Call 911 and Die". They can't get to you fast enough to be any help. We ain't much better off, law wise, than we were 100 years ago. Too many rich people and businesses need police protection to waste it on us peons.



I hope this doesn't sound political. I don't care who's in there, we are still second class citizens.
Guys,all I Can Tell Ya Is You Dont Want To Shoot Anyone If You Can Help It,trust Me! Oh,if Someone Is In Your House Or Trying To Rob You Sure Pop Them I Would Too But Just Remember,you Cant Take The Bullet Back Once Its Out The Barrel! Im No Tree Hugger,just Saying There's A Lot More To It Than Just Shooting Someone And Going About Your Normal Day Life Again.
Kevin is telling you like it is. It's also not a good idea to be talking about how you would pop someone on a site like this. We all know that all of what we say on here or anyplace on these computers is there for anyone to seefor years on down the road.
If you ever were involved in a shooting it could come back to haunt you in court.
Not trying to tell anyone what to do or say but you may want to think about it before you start typeing. Personaly I will do everything I can to avoid shooting someone first including getting away from them so as not to have to shoot . If I'm backed in a corner and have no choice and fear for my life or the life of others then I will take whatever action I feel is necessary to survive and protect.
I agree.
Thankfully all that is explained in CCW classes.
I don't ever want to have to use what I have, but I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I do not go looking for trouble, but I don't want trouble come looking for me either.

I know the agony and soul searching that goes on afterward for some of my LEO friends that have had to shoot. Thankfully I do not , nor ever want to, know the feeling myself. That being said, I will not be a statistic if I can help it.

In the CCW classes they teach you to be completely aware of your surroundings wherever you are...that sticks with you.
Thats #1,your Right About Your Surroundings.always Pay Attention To What Is Going On Around You And Things That Just Look Out Of Place And React Accordingly.you Know,the Legal Issues After A Shooting Is Probably The Worst.your Home And All Personal Property Is At Stake,is That Fair?hell No,but We All Know How Things Are Today And Should Keep This In Mind.
You're right, and just because a State's Attorney General, and even that state's legislature defines your right to use deadly force does not protect you from either criminal nor civil suit.

I live in PA, and once upon a time our deadly force restrictions were that you had to retreat to the farthest place in your domicile, and if there was a window open to a roof, even to there, and unless the roof were so high you would surely be killed were you to jump, you were not permitted to shoot.

It has been changed, by law, to where forced or illegal entry is the qualifier.

Don't get me wrong. I do not think it is easy to shoot another human being. I think that those who routinely do it (I will exempt most LEOs from this, as most do not routinely shoot people) are animals, similar to a sheep killing dog, they've tasted the blood, they like it, the next is even easier. An abberation. The only thing to do with such people is put them to death or incarcerate them for life with no parole.

At one time there were millions of Veterans of our wars. Those who shot at the enemy at long range or dropped bombs or artillery fire on the other guys seemed to have no mental hangups. Those who got into close up and personal shootings seem to be the ones who have nightmares and PTSS.

I hope to never have that forced upon me, but I will be damned if I will let it happen to my kids if I can prevent it. Myself, I am an old fart, but I won't sell myself cheap.

