Jump on in here and get with it!!

Remington kid

New member
Come on you guy's and gals, jump in here. There are allot of people who come on here to learn things or just to see what's being said but never offer much or join in with us.
It don't matter to us if you have never held a gun in your hand or maybe your just interested in the days of the old cowboys, mountainmen, soliders or the settlers. Don't be affraid to ask questions or just join in and have some fun.
We have some great people on here who have much to offer in the way of the info you seek or just want to talk about and they are happy to help or share there info to anyone who ask.
So stop learking from the outside and jump in, pull up a stool and lets talk. You can bring your gun and leather or you can leave it home.
So many of these sites will not even answer your questions and that's not true on here.Everyone has something to offer and the long cold winter days are on the way so you may as well spend some time with us. I'll through another log on the fire and wait fer ya:) Mike
Same here...If I know the answer to a question I'll give it and if I have a question I'll ask it. I think that most people who are into the BP shooting are the same way and would be more than willing to help out a fellow shooter. I've learned a great deal on here in the last couple of months, there is lots of great first hand knowledge about these guns on here. I watched the forum for a couple of months before I started posting regularly and it was kind of quiet in the BP forum for awhile, but now we're getting some great people on here who really know their stuff and are willing to share, so ditto what Remington Kid said...join on in!
Yes Please jump on in, I have learned a lot in the short time I have been on here and I'll ask a question if I have one. I'll answer what I can.

Well , I thought I would just take you up on your kind offer of registering. I'm a pretty casual shooter now, although I used to be pretty darn good at chucks and ducks. Learned to call very well, and that answers any questions on why I was good at ducks. They are a lot easier to hit if they fly right into your blind.ha ha

Once a week I shoot 36 rounds of cap and ball from my .44 cal Navy Colt reproduction. Then 50 rounds with the Winchester 94 30-30 (cast bullets and very light loads) and a 100 rounds with the Ruger semi auto .22 cal. Then I go home and clean guns for a couple of hours. I'm retired obviously.

I shoot it all standing, and while they are all on the targets, any critter smaller then an elephant and more then 75 yards away is probably safe.

Do I care? Nahhhh I just like loading and shooting, plus my ability to walk is limited to roughly a 100 feet, so I can no longer hunt anyway.
qajaq59, I'm not the owner of this site or even a moderator nor do I want to be one, but after spending several years on some of these sites and just getting back on, it's plain to see that it's hard to get any reply on some of them. It seems that you can go for day's or even weeks and not get any help from anyone.
After being on this site and chating with a few of the guys here it was easy to see that we had folks who wanted to learn from some of us old guy's and
maybe teach us a few new tricks and have fun doing it. :)
I have learned new things just about every time I come on here from the youngens and the oldens and I have been at this black powder and love of the woods thing for way to many years.
Broke my back in three places in 1989 so I know what your going through. Just take it slow and get out there and I know all the guy's on here are happy to know we have a new friend to chat with. Mike
OK Mike, and Yup, age only equates to wisdom if you happen study along the way. And I'm sure I can learn plenty in here..............
I think the folks here as well as at other sites that share tips and info on BP shooting do so for many reasons. Not the least of which is that while accidents can and do happen with modern firearms, the sort of accidents that can happen with BP firearms are almost always really bad and no one wants that to happen due to ignorance. If I can keep one person from hurting themselves along with the reputation of our sport then I've done good.
Good thinking C&B. They can be dangerous for sure but most were built well enough to stand abuse, now if we could just say the same for our body parts....:)
yall are all right! if anyone has a pause about getting into bp shooting because of just not know what to do like loading or what to load,you'll find all of that here and anyone here is more than willing to help.you can get hurt if you dont know what your doing but then again you can get hurt driving a car too but we had to learn how 1st,now its no big deal! same with anything in life you want to do.if you want to do it just ask how and someone will show you.i love shooting bp pistols,hell,i'd carry one on duty if they'd let me.lol.but it would be a bad day when it came to reloading it in a hurry.these guns are a lot of fun and i have learned a whole lot more about them on here from these veterans and i expect to only learn more as time goes on.

I shoot it all standing, and while they are all on the targets, any critter smaller then an elephant and more then 75 yards away is probably safe.

Do I care? Nahhhh I just like loading and shooting, plus my ability to walk is limited to roughly a 100 feet, so I can no longer hunt anyway.

Welcome aboard! This whole BP shooting thing is about having fun and it sounds like you have that figured out. :) There are several of us on here who have 1858 Remington replicas and I think we are all out shooting just about every weekend and sometimes through the week. I enjoy the whole loading, shooting, cleaning process and have recently refinished a new 1858 and am in the process of slicking it up. It's just fun and relaxing to me and my wife rolls her eyes at me because I enjoy this stuff. lol! I don't limit myself to the 58 in target shooting, I have several other guns I like to take out over the back hillside and use to kill paper targets, milk jugs, and pine cones but I like the flexibility of a bp firearm. You can load it up or down depending on what you're using it for and you can buy em over the net with no ffl! :D
Welcome aboard. I have just been on here a few weeks myself and have learned a lot. First thing I learned, if you have a question, these guys most generally ill have, or will find, the answers.
OK You guy's, I have a question for you all..... How do I talk my wife into letting me buy an original 61 Navy .36 for just a measly $17.000.00 ? :) It's in perfect shape too!!! When I told my wife that she just shook her head at me and walked away....That does it! , I will no longer buy her any ceramic Roosters for Christmas :mad: :p
Sure - She'll let you buy it if you just don't tell her about it.

Of course, I hear that the aftermath can be rough using such methods... :eek:
Yorec, Yep that would work untel she saw the big chunk of change missing from our already small savings account:o I do believe my sadle bags would be packed and in the yard along with my divorce papers. :eek: Oh well, we only live once!
Then there is that Shooting a $17.000.00 original. I have shot every original I have ever owned. I'd weaken someday and knock a couple thousand off that piece. None of my originals have ever been over $4,000.00, but I know that feeling that creepsover you. I just wish I could buy my last Rem. Original back for what I got for it. Oh well maybe someday. At least I have owned some good ones in the past.

I got's no one to tell me no, but I also don't have a bank account that I can break like that either.

Hey have the rest of you had trouble getting this site to come up the last few days? Wha Hoppened?
Old Dragoon, Don't know what happens to this site but every now and then it goes down like that. There was another site that got hit with a virous of some kind a week or so ago. Maybe anti gunners screwing things up.
Yep, I like the originals but even if I could afford one there is no way it would sit on a shelf or a glass case. Just don't seem fair for a piece that may have seen more action along side good soliders or settlers or outlaws,:) Mike
MPP1423, Good to hear from you and to know that you are alright. Is it getting cold down there. The temp is going to be about 18 here tonight.
Hope you don't have to make to many traffic stops in this weather or chase some bad guy across the frozen Tenn. tundra:)
Shot about 12 rounds today in my Remington. I loaded 2 cylinders with paper cartridges and 40g. fffg. Don't know why I keep messing with them with that big a load. The barrel sure comes out clean due to the paper wipeing it on the way out.
Gun season opens Monday and if I'm feeling good enough I may just drop one and then post a picture for the na sayers of useing these weak little gun's for deer,:D
Well I believe that they once were used, they're not used up, and I cannot afford to have wall hangers. Any gun I got has to work somehow, someway. Either meat on the table, varmits, targets, or..bad guys.

Originals sure are cool in your holster rig. Raise a few eyebrows strapped on at the gunshows too. Course it'll be funny when someone asks to see my Remmy at the next show...LOL