Jimmy Carter on gun control - I am ashamed...

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OK, how about "street sweeping shotguns". Now, "The Street Sweeper" is a specific model of shotgun and I believe it was banned under the original AWB94.

Rotary drum shotguns were banned, and the Street Sweeper itself was declared a Destructive Device under the NFA by ATF.

Remember folks that 12 gauge shotguns are one "not suitable for sporting purposes" declaration away from being treated the same as grenade and rocket launchers. So, in answer to this question

(Someone wanna come up with a better pejorative for the duck guns for me?)

how about the following?

Abnormally large bore weapons that can be bought over the counter only because of the "sporting purpose loophole"

People that think their right to own any kind of firearm is safe are just not paying attention to what the antis want or what is going on. If you support banning any weapon, you are ultimately supporting a ban on your own.
44 capnball posted:
In England they are even trying to discourage airsoft, because they want to quash any vestige of the gun culture.

I'd go a little further and say that in England, they are trying to quash any vestige of the "self defense is acceptable" culture. My god, you can't even carry a small knife on you out in public because it can be used as a weapon. What will their military look like when all of their wussified youth get to be of military age. They'll ride rocking horses and have cork guns. Sheesh.
Psych hat on from studies:

1. There are two gun cultures, with some overlap:
a. Sporting, hunting, rural - guns may have an auxiliary use in self-defense but not a prime focus.
b. Urban, suburban self-defense (little or no interest in hunting or sporting clay types of things)

The perception of the anti-gun/non-shooting public is also split between those two gun cultures.
To those people, a person living in a rural setting with a revolver, a lever action, and a nice over-under shotgun with wood furniture is not seen anywhere near the threat as an urban/suburban dweller with an M&P and an AR, and a short-barreled black stocked shotgun.
We as gun owners and enthusiasts know this to be completely false. We must remember that many of those anti's have received their entire firearm education from exposure to fictional television or video games, biased media, or another anti in the public education/college system.
All guns are just that.....

Guns..... The general, responsible shooting public only use them to punch holes in paper, for sport, to knock clays out of the sky, to recreate the old west (CAS),to put food on the table, basically, to have fun with :D

Apart from the military, LE and when folks are forced to protect their lives and those of their loved ones....... they generally only become weapons in the wrong hands, criminals :eek:

Here in Oz, & in some states in the US, a 10 round mag in a SA HG is perfectly ok..... more than 10 it is an assault weapon??? 1 extra bullet makes all that difference? What if you have 10 + 1 in the spout? Does this change the gun all together instantly? I know in Kalifornja, the same gun with a threaded barrel, instantly becomes illegal?? How stoopid? My Walther P22 has a barrel nut.... so what? In California, the nut has to be glued on so it is no longer an Assault weapon?!

How fast can you change a mag? I can do it pretty quick? So BG can only get 10 round mags? He will just carry a few more mags.... it makes no difference, does it? He might carry 2 or 3 guns each with 10 rounds, as well as spare mags.....

The problem lies in the person who commits the crime.... the gun didn't do it? Perhaps rather than trying to ban certain guns or types of gun, they should put REAL sentences (jail time) on criminals who use guns in crime, so others might not choose guns for the fear of going to jail for a long, long time?

As for the loonies who go berzerk and commit mass shootings, nothing will deter them, if they are trying to commit suicide by cop, or intend to shoot themselves anyway? Whether they choose a SA and lots of mags, or a revolver and lots of speedloaders/moon clips, a bolt action rifle, or whatever, it doesnt really make any difference......

Loonies are just loonies anyway, if they cant get a gun, they might well use a car or truck to run down crowds.... maybe we should ban automatic cars?

People are the problem..... not guns, they just, unfortunately, are the tools the loonies tend to use & the media are too happy to sensationalise this fact.

Guns dont kill people.... PEOPLE kill people..... yes, an old saying, but true

If ALL guns were somehow taken away, PEOPLE would still kill PEOPLE....

I dont know what the answer is, but all this BS about banning a few different types of guns makes no sense at all :confused:
Jimmy Carter should stick to the Peanut farming, habitat stuff and the middle east.

Jimmy Carter should practice keeping his mouth shut. He knows nothing of the concept, like most everything else, and really needs to learn it.
What? 'Got a crystal ball or somethin'?

My crystal ball is in the shop this week, my bad.

Jimmy Carter should practice keeping his mouth shut. He knows nothing of the concept, like most everything else, and really needs to learn it.

I agree, dont talk about things you dont understand. I think there are alot of things he does understand. The thing with Jimmy Carter is, whether he says something good or bad, no ones going to listen.
I think there are alot of things he does understand.

A more accurate statement is that there were a lot of things he understood at one point. I believe he's lost the capability for true understanding over the years, due to age and outrage at the way history has treated him.
Carter did one good thing while in office; he started a comprehensive national energy policy. IIRC, even had solar collectors on the White House.

Reagan dismantled it as soon as he got in office.

Oh, and one other thing I almost forgot about. Carter signed the law that legalized home brewing of beer. (Wine was already legal, but beer technically was not)
I once volunteered on a Habitat for Humanity program outside of Atlanta where I got to meet former Pres. Carter and even work along side him for a day. In my opinion Jimmy Carter is an amazing man, he is an impressive intellectual, he is an exemplary human being, he is an outstanding motivator, and he is an example of compassion and humanity that most men and women could only dream of comparing to....but he is a horrible politician and just too far left to be setting public policy.
I guess I had to jump in on this one since I own the dreaded black rifle...remember the 2A is not about hunting period...but I use my ARs for hunting especially the 458 SoCom knocks wild ferrel pigs down like the hand of God reached down and smacked it...and yes we here in Oklahoma and Texas have a real big problem with these critters...Carter has nothing to lose by making those outragous comments he surly not going to hold another elected postion if he can get elected...I took an oath when I was 18yrs old to support and defend the constitution against enemys foriegn and domestic...just my 2centavos
I once volunteered on a Habitat for Humanity program outside of Atlanta where I got to meet former Pres. Carter and even work along side him for a day. In my opinion Jimmy Carter is an amazing man, he is an impressive intellectual, he is an exemplary human being, he is an outstanding motivator, and he is an example of compassion and humanity that most men and women could only dream of comparing to....but he is a horrible politician and just too far left to be setting public policy.

Those are some of the same sentiments I have about GHW Bush, except he's not too far left or too far right. I thought he was a mediocre politician at best, but I suspect he is a pretty good human being, and an amazing man in real life. He did some good things, but he failed at others. I think he tried to be too nice at times and was a go along to get along Prez. That often doesn't translate into good leadership. I almost felt like he didn't want to be the Prez anymore in his campaign battle against Clinton. Maybe he found it too hard to be nice and be a leader, all at the same time. That's just my opinion. I never met him as you had met Carter.

Note: Back to the topic at hand, my younger brother just joined ranks with us EBR owners. That's Evil Black Rifle owners for those of you in Rio Linda, CA. He bought a DPMS with a 20" barrel. Looks nice in the picture. I'll have to visit him in a couple of weeks to help him break it in. Aim small, miss small.
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Jimmy Carter on gun control

Published: April 26, 2009

Times Topics: Gun Control
THE evolution in public policy concerning the manufacture, sale and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons like AK-47s, AR-15s and Uzis has been very disturbing. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and I all supported a ban on these formidable firearms, and one was finally passed in 1994.

When the 10-year ban was set to expire, many police organizations — including 1,100 police chiefs and sheriffs from around the nation — called on Congress and President George W. Bush to renew and strengthen it. But with a wink from the White House, the gun lobby prevailed and the ban expired.

I have used weapons since I was big enough to carry one, and now own two handguns, four shotguns and three rifles, two with scopes. I use them carefully, for hunting game from our family woods and fields, and occasionally for hunting with my family and friends in other places. We cherish the right to own a gun and some of my hunting companions like to collect rare weapons. One of them is a superb craftsman who makes muzzle-loading rifles, one of which I displayed for four years in my private White House office.

But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives. That’s why the White House and Congress must not give up on trying to reinstate a ban on assault weapons, even if it may be politically difficult.

An overwhelming majority of Americans, including me and my hunting companions, believe in the right to own weapons, but surveys show that they also support modest restraints like background checks, mandatory registration and brief waiting periods before purchase.

A majority of Americans also support banning assault weapons. Many of us who hunt are dismayed by some of the more extreme policies of the National Rifle Association, the most prominent voice in opposition to a ban, and by the timidity of public officials who yield to the group’s unreasonable demands.

Heavily influenced and supported by the firearms industry, N.R.A. leaders have misled many gullible people into believing that our weapons are going to be taken away from us, and that homeowners will be deprived of the right to protect ourselves and our families. The N.R.A. would be justified in its efforts if there was a real threat to our constitutional right to bear arms. But that is not the case.

Instead, the N.R.A. is defending criminals’ access to assault weapons and use of ammunition that can penetrate protective clothing worn by police officers on duty. In addition, while the N.R.A. seems to have reluctantly accepted current law restricting sales by licensed gun dealers to convicted felons, it claims that only “law-abiding people” obey such restrictions — and it opposes applying them to private gun dealers or those who sell all kinds of weapons from the back of a van or pickup truck at gun shows.

What are the results of this profligate ownership and use of guns designed to kill people? In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 30,000 people died from firearms, accounting for nearly 20 percent of all injury deaths. In 2005, every nine hours a child or teenager in the United States was killed in a firearm-related accident or suicide.

Across our border, Mexican drug cartels are being armed with advanced weaponry imported from the United States — a reality only the N.R.A. seems to dispute.

The gun lobby and the firearms industry should reassess their policies concerning safety and accountability — at least on assault weapons — and ease their pressure on acquiescent politicians who fear N.R.A. disapproval at election time. We can’t let the N.R.A.’s political blackmail prevent the banning of assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president, is the winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.
Let's address some of President Carter's points:

have used weapons since I was big enough to carry one, and now own two handguns, four shotguns and three rifles, two with scopes. I use them carefully, for hunting game from our family woods and fields, and occasionally for hunting with my family and friends in other places. We cherish the right to own a gun and some of my hunting companions like to collect rare weapons.

This guy is a certifiable nut case. His age is affecting his thinking, it would seem. So, he owns sniper rifles, eh? He also owns handguns which are the weapon of choice for criminals who kill cops, innocent people, and other criminals. I use all of my guns carefully as well, including my "assault weapons". I too like to collect rare weapons. So, I'm just as much of a good guy as he is.

But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives. That’s why the White House and Congress must not give up on trying to reinstate a ban on assault weapons, even if it may be politically difficult.

I have no desire to kill a policeman or anyone else for that matter, be it at a school or workplace. I could kill with a sniper rifle, or with a handgun as the guy did at V-Tech. So why does Carter own handguns then? He's tilted so far left that he fell off his park bench. I don't want to take my own life with a gun or any other weapon. Does he? I don't want to be shot by cops. Yet, I still want to own my assault weapons. Am I just weird or is he just crazy?

A majority of Americans also support banning assault weapons. Many of us who hunt are dismayed by some of the more extreme policies of the National Rifle Association, the most prominent voice in opposition to a ban, and by the timidity of public officials who yield to the group’s unreasonable demands.

Proof please Mr. Prez. I've not seen a poll lately on how many people want to ban assault weapons. 65 of his own party members in Congress sent a letter to the current AG and told the AG to lay off pushing for an AWB. Are they just stooges of the NRA? Are they scared of the NRA? Why would they be scared? Because NRA members might vote them out? Too bad. That's our political system at work Mr. Prez.

Heavily influenced and supported by the firearms industry, N.R.A. leaders have misled many gullible people into believing that our weapons are going to be taken away from us, and that homeowners will be deprived of the right to protect ourselves and our families. The N.R.A. would be justified in its efforts if there was a real threat to our constitutional right to bear arms. But that is not the case.

He says that the NRA is misleading gullble people into believing that our weapons will be taken away from us in an article he wrote proposing that we have our assault weapons taken away from us. Who's gullible again, here, Mr. Prez.? Who's gone off the deep end?

Instead, the N.R.A. is defending criminals’ access to assault weapons and use of ammunition that can penetrate protective clothing worn by police officers on duty. In addition, while the N.R.A. seems to have reluctantly accepted current law restricting sales by licensed gun dealers to convicted felons, it claims that only “law-abiding people” obey such restrictions — and it opposes applying them to private gun dealers or those who sell all kinds of weapons from the back of a van or pickup truck at gun shows.

I have yet to hear the NRA say that criminals should have access to ANY guns. I've heard them say that criminals should be locked up so they can't get guns and commit more crimes.

There is no such thing as "private dealers". You can sell a gun without a license from your private collection, but you can't be engaged in the business of selling guns for profit without being licensed. Again, he seems confused. Alzheimiers? No joke, but I think he may be there. His scoped rifles could also penetrate cops protective vests, depending upon what caliber they are. He's either looney, misinformed, or disingenous. Boy, he really hates the NRA, doesn't he. Too much hate is probably stressful on his heart and nerves at his age. He should let go of the hate and relax a little.

What are the results of this profligate ownership and use of guns designed to kill people? In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 30,000 people died from firearms, accounting for nearly 20 percent of all injury deaths. In 2005, every nine hours a child or teenager in the United States was killed in a firearm-related accident or suicide.

Um, don't many liberals say that all guns are designed for one thing, to kill? Don't many liberals say that handguns are only designed for killing? Why does he own any handguns. Why does he own any guns? Do I hear Rod Serling talking in the background?

The CDC numbers include all guns, not just assault weapons. Why does he own any guns then? Has he entered "The Twighlight Zone"? He's in the twighlight of his life and it's obviously taking a toll on his ability to think rationally and with logic. Again, most of those deaths and injuries are associated with handguns which he owns. He should be feeling really guilty, but he can't think straight anymore.

Across our border, Mexican drug cartels are being armed with advanced weaponry imported from the United States — a reality only the N.R.A. seems to dispute.

They don't dispute it. They dispute that the majority of the guns are coming from licensed gun dealers in the US because most of these guns are coming from the US govt. and other countries such as China and Venezuela. Much of the weaponry is full auto, hand grenades, RPG's, frag grenades, rocket launchers, etc. You can't buy that crap at a dealer or a gun show in the US Mr. Prez. Is he confused by the media and Obama or is he just lying to support Obama and a new AWB?

The gun lobby and the firearms industry should reassess their policies concerning safety and accountability — at least on assault weapons — and ease their pressure on acquiescent politicians who fear N.R.A. disapproval at election time. We can’t let the N.R.A.’s political blackmail prevent the banning of assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

More irrational hatred of the NRA. There is a reason that politicians fear the NRA. How often do we hear that the SAF or the GOA need to be held up for public scrutiny for their policies on gun rights? They are not publicly and politically powerful enough for the pols to worry about. But the NRA, with 4 million plus members who cherish their right to vote as much as their right to keep and bear arms, they must be paid attention to. So what? That's how politics works.

Now you can see why he was only a one term failure as a leader. Sheesh. He's daffy.
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I see no reason to get worked up over this. Jimmy Carter has about as much sway in this matter as the Queen of England: not much.
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