Jimenez and Budget Guns In General:

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The reality is. The cheap stuff is getting better and the costly stuff is getting worse.
The low cost producer already knows how to make stuff cheap and their tools are getting better and better.

The high buck guys have no idea what to do. They try to cut cost and just muck it up.
I think there is a lot of truth in that statement.

I would definitely buy a hi-point before a Taurus. I have owned a few hi-points over the years and all have functioned well. If they don't I know I can send them back and receive great warranty service.

If you read my letter I said ANY GUN, not just a certain make.
You vouch for the safety of todays guns...well...so did the people who shot themselfs or injured others.
It´s the Pro 1-in the chamber crowd who are going to cost us our 2nd. amendment rights. Too the anti-gunners everytime someone shoots themselfs in the foot it just gives them more fuel for their mission that gun owners are reckless and irrisponsible and should not be allowed too have such dangoures toys.

No i am not a rep for Jimenez or any other gun maker, just a Yankee Blue who want to keep his 2 amendment rights.
The cheapest budget guns weve seen, from sales not coming back, and not coming in for repairs is the hi point. No, it does not have any style points, and is heavy, if you seek a carry gun.
Its big, heavy and ugly, but it works, and puts the bullets where you point them.
The bersas have shown to be pretty good as well.
Taurus guns have been coming back for repair a lot, and quite a few got sent back without even being sold first.
We dont sell a lot of charter arms, so not a lot of info there.

I remember in the 70s when the only taurus guns you saw were blown up revolvers on display at gun shows. By the mid 80s, they got better, and stayed that way through until here several years ago.

Sure, you can buy one of the other cheap guns and get one that works. Its not going to be every time, though. Plus, if you like to shoot a lot, it wont last long.
I'm confused, Husqvarn. You said in your OP:
Can the Jimenez Budget Gun Bashers please explain why their complaints .
Then you say:
If you read my letter I said ANY GUN, not just a certain make.

I don't know what letter you are referring to. Your OP specifically referenced Jimenez Budget guns. I have a Jennings J-22 and a Lorcin .380 - Basically two Jimenez (predecessor companies) guns. That is why I chose to respond in the first place. I told you what I know about them. Personal experience. Not youtubes. Not blogs. Not he-said she-said. Just personal experience.

As far as carrying a gun with no round in the chamber - this is foolish. If you want to do this for home protection, then fine, there's a chance you may have enough time to rack the slide and chamber a round. If you are attacked at a gas station while pumping gas late at night or at an ATM machine, or walking across a Home Depot parking lot late at night, you won't have time to pull your gun from concealment, rack the slide to chamber a round, point and shoot.

As for the tragic Walmart Shooting, I don't know exactly what kind of gun it was, except that it was reported to be a 9mm. It probably did not have a safety, probably was not in a holster and probably was not double action only as the boy who pulled the trigger was only 2. There are safe ways to carry a concealed gun with a round in the chamber - it's the individual's job to learn how. FWIW, if/when I have a Glock with me (car carry on long trips), I do not keep a round in the chamber - but, I then again I carry that gun in addition to my DAO 9mm.
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I would definitely buy a hi-point before a Taurus. I have owned a few hi-points over the years and all have functioned well. If they don't I know I can send them back and receive great warranty service.

I would have said the same thing before I replaced my Hi-Point with a S&W SD9VE and traded the Hi-Point for a very old Taurus revolver. I then bought the little Taurus TCP. One big reason I prefer the Taurus and SD9VE over the Hi-Point is disassembly. They disassemble much like a Glock and it can be done in seconds. The Hi-Point is far more difficult to disassemble and it takes far longer. They all have a lifetime warranty that works well.
I like budget guns. I haven't spent as much as 500.00 on any gun yet. I really like my SAR B6PC (under 300.00)and I may even pick up a Cobra at some point just because.

I also think that a mother letting a child have access to a loaded gun is as stupid as carrying a gun without one in the chamber!
Can the Jimenez Budget Gun Bashers please explain why their complaints .
Then you say:
If you read my letter I said ANY GUN, not just a certain make.

I have a Jennings J-22 and a Lorcin .380 - Basically two Jimenez (predecessor companies) guns. That is why I chose to respond in the first place.

I had a Jennings J-22, same design as the Jimenez, a prior company in the chain of the so called "ring of fire" companies.

The experience was so bad I won't touch them again. It malfed all the time. I couldn't go through a magazine without a failure. (And yes, I had two magazines.) Every conceivable type of failure -- feed, fire, extract, eject, stove pipe.

And the extractor, which was a simple bit of stamped sheet metal, broke twice.

I don't recall that the safety was ever a problem. But, it was never carried with the chamber loaded.

I suspect the design could be made into a reliable gun. But, it would be priced out of its "rock bottom" market niche into a much more crowded niche.
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Lastly you have a Lorcin that goes back Before the Days of Jimenez and it is still working thanks too Jimenez who are not obligated too service it!
Hallo....that kinda tells you the Company must be pretty good to customer who are not even their customers.

I have a old Jennings .380 that quit working long ago.
Have been saving it for a liberal gun buy back deal to appear.
I wonder if Jimenez could fix it??? Might be worth a phone call.

My quastion was direkted at the Jimenez owers who have had problems with their guns, how the problem was dealt with by the Company and if not satisfied why they didn´t go to the BBB?
So far the respons has been people are either unaware of the BBB or have no faith that the BBB can help them.

The Jennings/Lorcin owners would not come into this catagori.

The safety issue is a side step from what I am after and irrelavent as I would never chamber a round unless I was intending to shoot my weapon! The scenario of a Unintentional Discharge is scary enough I don´t have too come up with fantacy scenarios of some bad guy jumping out of the bushes and mugging me unprepared, the chances are if he´s armed he´s already got the drop on me so going for my gun is either going too get me shot first, if not by his gun then by my own from trying too get it out and in the high stress situation I shoot myself, either way I come out the looser.
If your in a situation where you do not have time to Draw - Chamber - Aim -Fire your just going to get yourself shot trying too play John Wyane.
If you buy a new car with garantee and your haveing trouble with it you take it back to the dealer and if they don´t fix it you take steps too get it fixed.
Same thing with your gun regardless of the make, it´s just the Jimenez seems too be the dog everyone wants too kick.
If they were really that bad as some say the Company would have been out of buisness a long time ago.
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Hi Coz

Wouldn´t that be something if they did fix your gun under the old Jennings Garantee!
Give em a call and see what they say.
My quastion was direkted at the Jimenez owers who have had problems with their guns, how the problem was dealt with by the Company and if not satisfied why they didn´t go to the BBB?
So far the respons has been people are either unaware of the BBB or have no faith that the BBB can help them.
This was the original question of the thread. That seems to have been answered to the OP's satisfaction.

Let's call it a day on this one before it wanders any farther afield.
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