Jesse Ventura for President? (On CNN Last night)

My biggest problem is if he wants to run for a major position in government, he can't openly blame the government for the death of thousands of innocent civilians on native soil. He can believe all he want's behind closed doors, but do NOT allow the world to believe our government might ever consider doing this to our people. If someone running for President makes noise like he believes it, it gives it criedence, and we don't need that.
He can believe all he want's behind closed doors, but do NOT allow the world to believe our government might ever consider doing this to our people. If someone running for President makes noise like he believes it, it gives it criedence, and we don't need that.

And why don't we need that? Brcause we are the shining example of a perfect society? If, and I say IF, our own government officials had anything to do with something of that magnitude on our own soil and against our own people, I kinda have the inclination we should be a little more worried about what else they're capable of---NOT what some other country might think. Since when is it American to blindly follow authority without question? Questions still exist, and the answers don't all add up. At least he's honest enough to say what he believes, not what a PR director says will gain him popularity.
If, and I say IF, our own government officials had anything to do with something of that magnitude on our own soil and against our own people, I kinda have the inclination we should be a little more worried about what else they're capable of---NOT what some other country might think.
I agree, plus, we would not be posting this. We would be somewhere in hiding, cleaning a lot more weapons than we have now.

Since when is it American to blindly follow authority without question?
It's not. I was in the military during the Vietnam war, and that's when the questioning really started big time.

Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against the man. Heard a lot of good things about him. I just could not vote for a man who ran on a ticket of "And I won't kill you"
James Janos got my vote,
Remember how he was laughed at? Then when his military service was laughed at my mind was made up.

He got the young vote in a big way, and was totally immune to mud slinging.

I thought we were in for a terrible time, But, on the whole we did OK with the big Knuckle Head!
Back to the real topic, which is Mr. Ventura running for president.

I saw him on Real Time with Bill Maher (a self proclaimed liberatarian sp?? who smells more like a far leftie to me) and he made a lot of sense. Flat Federal tax rate that taxes people based on spending instead of income, gun rights, and he comes across as a normal guy. Not some two faced back stabbing opportunist who's opinions will change with the polls.

I much prefer to have someone in office who I know what is about instead of someone who will surprise me every step of the way. Funny thing is he won't have a chance because no one thinks he can win so no one will vote for him.

If his name is on the ballot I'd be glad to cast my vote for him...I don't care much about being on the winning side.
I think we need someone with the attitude of Jesse Ventura in office as president. I get so tired of listening to these fake, I'll tell you what you want to hear politicians. I think every 4 years , our choices for president just keep getting worse and worse. Where are we heading ? It's really scary when you start thinking of where we might be in another 10 to 20 years.
I recall that he said that organized religion is a crutch for weak minded people who find safety in numbers.

His statement was actually a better description of the motorcycle club he used to ride with.

This from a guy who has a Scripture in his net handle.

I'll trust my motorcycle club to have my back long before I trust anyone at my church to do the same.

I have no motorcycle club or church (but I used to have them once upon a time) and have faced the reality of the human brotherhood and the religous brotherhood.

I am truly sorry if anyone takes offense from my remarks, but I could not let this one slide after I have held my tongue so many many times.
I'll tell you what you want to hear politicians.
Trust me, that's not McCain. There's a lot of conservitaves who are so PO'd at him because he leans way to far left to make us happy. You want someone who tells you what you want to hear listen to Obama or Hillary.
CHL2236 wrote:

His statement was actually a better description of the motorcycle club he used to ride with

This from a guy who has a Scripture in his net handle.


I'll trust my motorcycle club to have my back long before I trust anyone at my church to do the same.

Sorry to hear it. I depend on myself, not a Church or a club.

I have no motorcycle club or church (but I used to have them once upon a time) and have faced the reality of the human brotherhood and the religous brotherhood.

Were you a 1%er?, a member of an OMC? That's the kind of club Ventura used to ride with. And I stand by my comment for many of them.

I am truly sorry if anyone takes offense from my remarks, but I could not let this one slide after I have held my tongue so many many times.

Let what slide? How is calling Ventura for his disrespecting others offensive?

Are you saying it's OK for Ventura to disrespect other people's religion, or disrespect patch holders in the Christian clubs then?

Respect is a two way street. On that basis, I think it's fair to state that Ventura is a contemptuous jackass deserving of little.
Glen J
My biggest problem is if he wants to run for a major position in government, he can't openly blame the government for the death of thousands of innocent civilians on native soil.

Why not? So, if our government is bad, we can't tell them they are bad or seek office in government because we think they are bad?

That makes no sense.:cool:
"Respect is a two way street. On that basis, I think it's fair to state that Ventura is a contemptuous jackass deserving of little."

CHL, how so?
CHL, how so?

Basically, Ventura has made comments about religious folks, non-veterans, etc. that indicate a great contempt. For example, his comment about organized religion being a crutch for weak-minded people who seek safety in numbers, or his contempt for anyone who isn't a veteran.

Right back at him.

Respect is a two way street.
As a religious person, I take issue with Ventura's statements. As an American, I appreciate the freedom he has to make his statement.

Ultimately, the President is not a religious figure. Ventura did not make an issue of religion as Governor of Minnesota, so I don't believe he is on an anti-religious crusade or anything of the sort.

With that said, I also understand where this statement by Ventura comes from. Our society gives us any number of things to distract us... to keep us docile. We have television (Hollywood), we have sports (which is like a religion to many), we have a pseudo-religion even larger than Christianity called "Materialism", and we also have organized religion. All of these things do have the capacity to keep us off of the streets protesting our government because they keep our minds on other things. In that regard, Ventura may have a good point. Especially since the government controls religion by holding power over a churches "tax exempt status". Make a political statement on the pulpit and the government can pull a churches tax exempt status. So, the government ultimately controls the church, in a sense.
Jesse Ventura as my Minnesota's Governor ...

One of the biggest problems that Jesse Ventura had as my Governor of Minnesota, was that the Democrats, and Republicans refused to play ball with him. They just did not negotiate in good faith. The Democrats, and Republicans basically just bypassed him when ever possible and not include him in the process. This caused him to be a "Lame Duck Governor ". This was, not at all, entirely his fault. I think he had many good ideas that failed to get implimented because of the Democrats, and Republicans. So don't judge him too harshly for what the Democrats, and Republicans caused.
One of the biggest problems that Jesse Ventura had as my Governor of Minnesota, was that the Democrats, and Republicans refused to play ball with him. They just did not negotiate in good faith. The Democrats, and Republicans basically just bypassed him when ever possible and not include him in the process. This caused him to be a "Lame Duck Governor ". This was, not at all, entirely his fault. I think he had many good ideas that failed to get implimented because of the Democrats, and Republicans. So don't judge him too harshly for what the Democrats, and Republicans caused.

Has the political environment changed such that he would not have the same thing happen to him as President?
If the Democcrats and Republicans won't work with...

If the Democcrats and Republicans won't work with Independents, maybe we should just abolish the the Independent Party then? Sounds a bit like a Monopoly of their own creation doesn't it? That would not fit right in my book either!
I nominate Haystack Calhoun and we can all wear "my president is fatter than yours" T-shirts.

LOL! And Mr. Fuji and Prof. Toru Tanaka as tag team Secretaries of State!
HiMastr, I agree with your premise.

It is clear that change in this country will come from the ground up, not from the top down. Continuing to support the two parties which are now dominated with Socialist thinkers is leading nowhere. The two parties are simply two feathers of the same bird. Sure, they distract us with their contrived differences, but they vote the same on the big issues.

For example. In 2006, the democrats claimed they would stop the war in Iraq. They gained control of Congress AND the Senate. But, have you heard anything more than sound bytes in the media FROM the democrats on this issue?

Of course not. The democrats and republicans are the same. There differences are simply on the surface.

In Soviet Era Russia, Stalin actually created his own opposition groups. He controlled them. Disaffected people joined these groups thinking they were making a difference, when in reality, they were simply playing a game created by Stalin. That's how I see the two major US parties these days. One is not really in opposition to the other... it is an illusion.