Jesse Ventura for President? (On CNN Last night)

He spits the inconvient truth, I would vote for him in a hearbeat. Pay no mind what the haters say.
Jesse has a very interesting resume'. In spite of his image as a pro wrestler, before that he was, I belief, a Navy Seal, and has at least one college degree. He's not a dunderhead, as some might like to characterize him.

Never before in the annuls (sic) of history has a fire caused a steel structure building to fall to the ground like these two did
I did watch the film of Building 7 going down and in my opinion there's no doubt that that building was brought down with demolition
How could those buildings fall at the speed of gravity - if you put a stopwatch on them both of those World Trade Center buildings were on the ground in ten seconds - how can that be?

He's in with the 9-11 truther crackpots. Not someone I want as my president.
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Wikipedia said:
Later as governor, he came to support a unicameral (one-house) legislature, light rail public transport, property tax reform, gay rights, and abortion rights. While funding public school education generously, he opposed the teachers' union, and did not have a high regard for the public funding of higher-education institutions. Additionally, Ventura supported the use of medicinal marijuana, advocated a higher role for third parties in national politics, and favored the concept of instant-runoff voting.

Not too shabby.

I'm not sure about his views on 9/11, though.
He's in with the 9-11 truther crackpots. Not someone I want as my president.

While I don't subscribe to the views of the people you refer to us "crackpots", I have read their writings and watched their videos, and I will tell you... if you think "YOU" know what really happened on 9/11, then good for you. As for me, I realize that I only have opinions from both sides, and I can only assume that I have an idea of what really happened on that horrible day. Some of those "crackpots" you mention have doctorate degrees in Engineering and swear by their theories. I'm not suggesting they are correct, but I would certainly not call them crackpots... especially since our government has proven time and time again that they will go to many lengths to deceive our people.

Don't take this response as an invitation to discuss this topic... I just cringe when I hear people use deragatory names to describe others who hold different views than themselves. It seems narrow minded to me.
Some of those "crackpots" you mention have doctorate degrees in Engineering and swear by their theories. I'm not suggesting they are correct, but I would certainly not call them crackpots

I have an engineering degree and family that was in those buildings. The people referred to as crackpots are crackpots.
I don't have an enginering degree. I do think I have common sense. In order for these 9/11 theories to be correct, means people in our government had to be in on the demonlitition of the towers, with American citizens in them, in order to justify our going into Iran. Sorry, I'll trade a degree for common sense anyday of the week. Sorry, Jesse, see if they have a degree in common sense. You won't be getting my vote. :eek:
Some of those "crackpots" you mention have doctorate degrees in Engineering and swear by their theories. I'm not suggesting they are correct, but I would certainly not call them crackpots
I have an engineering degree and family that was in those buildings. The people referred to as crackpots are crackpots.

And those people you deride as crackpots would call you a "lemming". See? It's easy to throw around names. It's childish.
He seemed more interested in selling Jesse Ventura Action Figures to me than actually doing anything.

When I was in MN I remember he tried to shut down people selling bootleg Jesse Ventura "My Governor can beat up your Governer" shirts so people could only buy the licenced ones.
Listen loud and clear. Those crackpots pushing conspiracy theories about 9/11 are reprehensible pieces of human detritus that I would personally take pleasure out of beating soundly for several days. I do not say that lightly and if it weren't for the laws of this land I would do so.

These are self absorbed morons who gain some sense of self importance or financial reward out of forwarding theories that are simply stupid with regards to the violent deaths of over 2,000 innocent citizens and the lasting emotional scars on hundreds of thousands of others. At times like this I wish I wasn't an atheist so I could believe in a hell reserved for them. I'll have to settle with their names being trashed amongst all intelligent people.

If they want to go camp out at Roswell looking for hidden flying saucers or write books about how Skull and Bones and the Illuminati secretly control the world I really don't care. When they throw what are groundless, illogical, and plain old stupid theories out about the deaths of these citizens they have stepped over the line of decent behavior and are fully justified in receiving an epic level ass kicking. I won't give them one because of the law, but I certainly wouldn't condemn one who did.
This is getting entertaining to say the least. I love to read posts based on emotion rather than fact.
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Oh jeeze....more 9-11 truther "stuff."

Yeah, yeah, Jesse Ventura........9-11 was an inside job....yeah, yeah.

And Roosevelt had the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor on purpose,

and the Lusitania sinking was an inside job,

and the Masons conspired with the aliens to fake Elvis Presley's death so that the mafia and the Cuban communists could assassinate JFK so that when RFK was subsequently also assassinated, nobody would pay attention to the REAL story, which was the U.N.'s plan to secretly begin manufacturing black helicopters to pay for the the secret cattle mutilation program that was a cover story for the UFO Project Blue Book affair, which was, of course, merely a disinformation campaign designed to distract the public from the nefarious plot to put Fluoride in all the water systems to pollute our precious bodily fluids and essences so that the MK-Ultra mind-control program would better turn us all into mind-numbed sheeple who wouldn't realize, until it was far too late, that Soylent Green is actually made out of people........

First of all I hold no oppinion as the 9-11 at this point in this thread.

Now with that said. Isn't it interesting how everytime someone comes out and says the US Govt. explaination is wrong, Be it the moon landing, JFK or in this case 9-11. There are a certain group of people who seem to come out of the wood work and say it can't be so, The facts are not even worth their time to look at because it can't be so and the Govt. is always right, Meanwhile another group comes out of the wood work and says the Govt. is wrong. It don't matter what the facts say because the govt. is obviuosly hiding something.

In case you missed my point. There are extremes on both sides and both are of equal annoyance to me.
My own thoughts on 9/11 are irrelivant to this thread. That being said, I would much prefer having someone in office that had the goff to come out and openly say "I'm not quite buying the 'official' version of this story--try again". I can respect that. What I'm really sick of is the alternative that seems to have become a deep-rooted trend---"I can neither confirm nor deny the current possibilities that such questions my be unaccompanied by undisputed theory that may or may not lead to a possible conclusion in the future..." Anybody else getting sick of this type of answer to any question posed to our public officials?

And Global warming... Anyone want to talk geo-sciences? No, I'd say the scare tactics of global warming are a bit far-fetched. However, it's a simple concept that fossil fuels are finite. How smart is it to condemn anyone who wants to push alternate resourse development? Anyone seen the latest gas prices? Diesel just hit $4.48 a gallon here today. Sorry, I'm not in the mood to bash Venture for suggesting the US become less dependant on fossil fuels--I'm kinda thinking it's not a bad plan.

Politics right now are so much a 'good 'ol boys club' that things will never change without A) Someone willing to challenge the paper-punch nonsense they keep spewing, and B) Enough public backbone with more interest in their own future than the outcome of whatever reality show they zone out to every evening.

I'd take Ventura over any of the other plastic-molded self-important elitists. One can't keep his facts straight through his speeches, another is so well rehersed I believe his favorite companion is the mirror--hollywood should be envious, and then there is the Hildabeast, who really can read (surprisingly) because it's the only way she can get through a public address since she damn-sure didn't write a single word--it's either scripted notes or she opens mouth and inserts both feet.

With any of the current patsies, I am seeing dark days coming soon.
Never before in the annuls of history has a fire caused a steel structure building to fall to the ground like these two did
I love that "explanation". Years ago when I was young, a hangar at the local airport caught fire and burned down. The steel hangar of course collapsed onto itself when the steel supporting structure became too hot and lost its strength. (Paint, aviation fuel, oil, etc made the fire quite hot.) I wasn't there, but I heard about it the next day as the school was right next to the small airport.

I heard from one of the volunteer firefighters that the hanger was burning and it ever so slightly started to sag and a moment later it collapsed completely.
However, it's a simple concept that fossil fuels are finite.

There are some very reputable geo-scientists who believe that oil is not a finite resource, that it is not the result of decomposition of biomass, but instead is produced constantly in the Earth's mantle and then seeps upward into the crust.

Abiotic oil is the counterpoint to the "peak oil" theory.
last summer it was warm, in January it was COLD!

However, it's a simple concept that fossil fuels are finite.

I too have been hearing about Abiotic oil.

Never before in the annuls of history

tr.v. an·nulled, an·nul·ling, an·nuls
1. To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullify.

First get your spelling right! You did mean annals I presume.

How smart is it to condemn anyone who wants to push alternate resourse development? Anyone seen the latest gas prices?

I think you mean resource, but anyway.
Global Warming is a religion, but alt fuels are cool.

One can't keep his facts straight through his speeches
And messy Jesse is a 911 thruther wack job, but at least he is consistent.

Seriously, messy Jesse cant even comb his hair anymore, Phil Hendry took him apart on his radio show last night too, pretty funny.