Jesse Ventura for President? (On CNN Last night)


New member

I have never paid a lot of attention to Jesse Ventura. I know who he is, but I have never heard him talk politics. Last night, he was on CNN with Larry King and he sounded like a man who makes a lot of sense.

He is not committing to a presidential bid, but if he does run, I believe I could pull the lever for this guy as opposed to the 3 professional politicians running right now.
Might want to look at Minnesota

Might want to take a look at how he did as governor of Minnesota. He was a one termer and, if memory serves me, many people didn't care for him.

He was a one termer by his choice! I thought he was good! Right to the point! Against freeloaders using the system! Cracked down on the law makers and had them do their job or not get paid! Was all for the carry law!
Might want to take a look at how he did as governor of Minnesota. He was a one termer and, if memory serves me, many people didn't care for him.

He says he didn't run for a 2nd term because his wife was ill and he chose his wife over politics. As for popularity, I have family in Minnesota and they liked him as governor.
Yeah, most of what I heard from him out of folks who were in MN at the time was fairly positive...or at worst neutral. Personally I also just like the idea of less traditional politicians. I've certainly not been too impressed with what tends to come out of those that make a career out of holding office.

Having looked a little at his positions and policies, it sounds to me like we could certainly do worse. I'm not sure any of the current crop are any better, really.

Of course, Ventura would never make it through the Presidential election process. Then again, I'm not convinced that the kind of person we want as president generally would (though to be clear I'm not convinced Ventura fits in that category either).

It would be pretty sweet if the whole country could get in on those "My President Can Beat Up Your President" kind of shirts, though.
He was pretty good on social issues, including guns. He was for CCW and was against the Assault Weapons Ban. He was not very good on fiscal policy. He raised taxes and allowed the legislature to squander surpluses instead of returning all of it back to the taxpayers. Minnesota already has a rainy day fund, so they didn't need the extra dollars. But, they used the money on some pretty questionable projects, including light rail, which he was all for.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd give him a 7. He did like to buck the traditionalists, which I enjoyed. He does talk commons sense, which is also good. He doesn't trust traditional politicians. But watch out for spending and taxes. He did not do well there, in my opinion.
A professional wrestler for president? I guess it couldn't be any worse than some of the professional crooks we've seen.

I nominate Haystack Calhoun and we can all wear "my president is fatter than yours" T-shirts.
"He raised taxes and allowed the legislature to squander surpluses instead of returning all of it back to the taxpayers."

Not really how I remember it. My property taxes went down by 1/3 (and still hasn't come back up to the previous level). My fee for license tabs on my car went from $600/yr. to $98/yr. I also seem to remember tax rebate checks every year. And, if I'm not mistaken, light rail is at break even or better.
Two things about Ventura's Larry King interview trouble me:

1. He thinks anyone who is not a veteran or active duty military is beneath contempt and shouldn't be allowed to hold public office, (shades of Robert A. Heinlein).

2. He buys into the whole mythology of anthropogenic global warming. He stated that, even if it isn't a valid theory, as a society we'd still benefit from significant mandated reductions in the use of fossil fuels.

Overall, he impressed me as an arrogant blow-hard who'd love to have the opportunity to boss the average person around again in order to *perfect* them.

Ventura is just another typical Liberal, albiet one who has some respect for the second amendment.
He buys into the whole mythology of anthropogenic global warming. He stated that, even if it isn't a valid theory, as a society we'd still benefit from significant mandated reductions in the use of fossil fuels.

You can't be serious.

Jesse seems like good people, met him a few times here in Florida while he was on vacation...three years in a row.
Somebody please tell me why he would be any worse than our three choices now???? At least you know exactly where he stands. We have got to find alternatives to the way things are. It is literally a matter of survival, both individually and as a nation.
He got a tremendous ammount of flack for saying that "religion is a crutch". Didn't bother me much but probably would not have gotten elected had he stated he was an atheist before he won the election.
He got a tremendous ammount of flack for saying that "religion is a crutch".

I recall that he said that organized religion is a crutch for weak minded people who find safety in numbers.

His statement was actually a better description of the motorcycle club he used to ride with. :D
There are a few things I disaggree with him strongly on. But with that said. As governor he said it how it was and he didn't care who he pissed off in doing so. He only did one term as governor because he basicly had enough of it. Which is why I'd be surprised to see him run for president.
He was a hell of allot better than the dimwit Democrat they have now. The MN DOT is so underfunded that some counties are threatening to turn paved roads back into gravel. They have trouble EVERY YEAR in passing a balanced budget. Meanwhile, next door in North Dakota, our state government is looking at slashing the corporate and personal income taxes because the governments income is too high and they have too much money.

Many people in ND and other states openly mock the screwy MN politics. We referred to the I-35 bridge collapse as part of the "Bridges for stadiums" program. Lampooning the MN governments willingness to throw money at sports teams and unwillingness to maintain basic infrastructure.

His statement was actually a better description of the motorcycle club he used to ride with

Also, on King, he went on and on about how our borders do not need a fence and compared building one to a new "Berlin Wall".

He said he lives in Mexico, but seems oblivious to the treatment Mexico gives people coming over its southern border.

Even liberal ammnesty international has said that Mexico treats illegal immigrants terrible, making the USA's treatment seem really humane.
(sorry, I cant find the cite)

We already have 3 presidential candidates that share his views on illegal immigration, I do not think we need more.

I wouldn't trust him with my gun rights, or did he actually do something to improve our lot when he was Gov? (I can't remember)

one more thing? what is up with his hair? does he think the "homeless" look
means working folks will think he is one of them?
He looked like he was about to mug someone.
It should surprise no one that Jesse Ventura is a self proclaimed Libertarian. Of course, so is Ron Paul, and Ron Paul ran as a Republican. But if Jesse ran as a Libertarian, he'd get my vote. I'll be attending the Midwest Libertarian Party Convention this weekend. I wonder if Jesse will show up.

Incidentally, he's 100% pro-2A. He carried a pistol most of the time while he was Governor.
