Jesse Jackson: Reap What You Sow

Gary H and Cactus,
ME TOO!!! Liberals have no honor or proper morality, and they don't care what their "boys" do!
RE: Jesse Jackson: Reap What You Sow

Call me uninformed, but I'm simply curious as to how JJ makes the kind of money to give this woman $40,000 to relocate, a $365,000 house, and $10,000 a month. What does he really do? I only see him on tv marching against this, protesting against that. Any baptist ministers I know don't make that kind of loot unless they're on tv or have something going on the side.
I have no idea how he makes that much money.
When Jacksons name was being bandied about as a possible V.P. nominee at the Democrat convention it was asked of one of the question answer columns how much he made . As head of The Rainbow Coalition he was , at that time paid $250,000 a year . I'm sure it is more now . The group is bigger and time has passed . Not to mention fees for speaking at various functions .
Word on the street is that he had Rainbow/Push picking up the tab . We will see.