IWB dilemma?

Seems holster recommendations are as many as there are stars in the sky. I wish I had a nickle for every holster that has filled up my drawer. (yes, a Holster drawer).
Make sure you want to carry something like a heavy firearm inside your pants for starters. I get claustrophobic thinking about it.
I've carried the Shield in 9mm IWB for a couple or years. Alien Gear holster at about 3 o'clock. Very comfortable. Agree with other posters: you need a good belt. I use one from Simply Rugged.

IMO, pocket carry sucks. Way too many things in the way and can get into your pistol. Open carry (legal here in AZ) is practical but provocative.
nanney1, the two (2) most important items with any c.c.w. are a Good stiff belt and the proper holster. I've used Lobo Leather belts and their IWB holsters with great success. There are many belt/holster makers, but I've been very pleased with the Lobo products. As for gun position on body. I found that somewhere between the 3 & 4 position worked best for me.
Best of luck.
Part of my dilemma with IWB, is that I can't carry at work. So, getting ready for work each day, I will not be walking out the door holstered IWB. Pocket carrying my Shield or a j frame on the way, stopping for gas, etc... is logical as I'll have to leave the firearm in my vehicle when I arrive at work. Or I could clip on an OWB holster that I could easily remove once at work.

Afterwork, a clip on OWB holster for the Shield and a pullover jacket to conceal would be manageable. It would be difficult to get in my vehicle and then try to set up an IWB holster just to ride home.

So, I'm thinking a combination of pocket and OWB will work best for me.
Maybe try a Remora or one of its competitors. It is useful as either a pocket or an IWB holster, has no clip, and stays in place surprisingly well. They are quite reasonably priced, so it wouldn't be an expensive experiment.
A good holster and a good gun belt as keys. Secondly, when I carried IWB, I had to wear one size larger than normal pants. That helps with the comfort factor.
Loose the soft IWB/OWB convertible holster....I have one and for concealed carry on any part of the body ....they suck rocks...big time !
Leather and horse hide are much thinner , much more ridged and make a much better holster than "fabric" . A good stiff belt is a must.
Right now things aren't working because you have the wrong equipment....try some proper holsters. You may have to try two or three....we all have that box of holsters that didn't make the grade.
nanney1, have you thought about getting a sport coat? It's an almost-perfect cover garment with khakis & a collared shirt.
Spats: I spent the first 15+ years at my workplace wearing sportscoats. And then things went casual. I could still wear one if I wanted, but, I still can't carry at work. Sports coats are now only for church and funerals.

I'll eventually try some different holsters for IWB, but for now, I'm pretty sure that pocket and OWB with cover garment are what I'm leaning toward.
Fair enough. Like many, I have a bunch of different holster styles I tried. Turns out that IWB is most comfortable for me, but that certainly doesn't mean it's for everyone.

For OWB, I prefer leather to kydex, but kydex does have its advantages. I've got friends who swear by them. I'll let those that regularly use kydex give you suggestions for good kydex holsters.

For leather, I've used a Galco Combat Master with a G19 for about 4 years, and I've been perfectly happy with it. I also used a DeSantis Speed Scabbard for a 1911 for about 3 years, and was happy with it, too. Two key items for me are: (1) the trigger guard must be covered; and (2) I prefer to have the belt loops spread out on either side of the gun, rather than "stacked" on top of it. The Galco Stinger is an example of stacking the belt loop on top of the gun. I think that having the belt loops spread out: (a) allows for the gun to ride a little closer in, resulting in a lower, smoother profile; and (b) spreads the weight of the gun better. YMMV
I tried IWB too, but soon found that it required a size larger pants, and that it never became comfortable. In addition, it subjects the gun to body sweat that's tough on any finish...even SS. But both my sons routinely carry in that manner, so it is possible.

I carry in an open top, Askins Avenger or Tom Threepersons holster of my own make. Both are comfortable, easy to cover with a shirt tail out, but require a good, repeat GOOD, belt that supports the weight.

The Avenger, BTW, allows the gun to be carried about an inch higher than the other, making shorter shirt tails possible. Too, it pulls the gun butt in close to the body, virtually eliminating the bulge! I've carried, off and on, for nearly 50 years now, and the Avenger is by far the best of the OWB methods of carry.

Another option that you mentioned, is pocket carry with one of the commercially available types. I've had good luck with the Galco version with my S&W .380 Bodyguard.

Best regards, Rod
I found IWB carry uncomfortable at first also, but was determined to make it work as it offered the best concealment for my needs. With an Alien Gear holster, a good belt, and one size larger pants I hardly notice it anymore. I think it's something like breaking in a new pair of boots.

Alien Gear offers a two holster combo deal. You could get an IWB and OWB holster and see what works best. I have the Cloak Tuck 3.0 and it's very comfortable.
The discomfort side of your post has been addressed. You need a better, purpose built, holster. You also need a good gun belt (https://www.bullhidebelts.com/ is my go to).

As for your idea that IWB isn't practical since you can't carry at work and you'd need to take it off/put it on when getting to/leaving work, it isn't as bad as you think. I live in MD. I cannot get a permit in MD because I don't belong to one of the few privileged groups who can get one here (cops, judges, business owners with large cash deposits). I do have a UT non-resident permit that allows me to carry in most of the US. I regularly (once or twice a month) go to DE, WV and/or VA where I can carry (and I'll add another one or two times a month when I get a non-res NH permit which is good in PA). In MD, the gun has to be in the trunk with the ammo separate in a different compartment (usually the backseat) while driving. Then, I get to my destination and I put the gun on. Some IWB are tougher than others, but a single clip IWB holster really isn't too bad (I prefer the hybrid holsters and VMII types with dual clips when carrying, but they do make putting the gun/holster on in the car a little more difficult). It may not be ideal, but it can be done without too much hassle.

You also mention doing a clip on OWB. Clip ons are definitely not your best bet. Now most other OWB are even tougher to put on in the car than IWB. However, if you get a good paddle holster, you have fairly quick and easy on/off while still having a secure holster that isn't going to fall off your belt and/or provide an insecure platform when drawing from the holster.
I looked around at the gun show yesterday, but none of the holster vendors had a paddle holster. All of their OWB was belted. And all of the clip holsters were IWB. Probably should have gotten one and just tried it out.

From what I can tell, most OWB, including paddles are intended for open carry. And it looks as if printing is a bigger issue with owb holsters. Basically, they're not really meant for CC.

I may look for another show to go to and just take my Shield and try on different holsters. Didn't think about it yesterday because I was focused on looking at guns.
Personally, I don't care for paddle holsters, either. I've never had anything but a cheap one, but they've popped right off my belt with my gun when I've tried to draw. OWB may look like they're intended for open carry, but a cover garment solves that.
From what I can tell, most OWB, including paddles are intended for open carry.
Not so...do a search on El Paso Saddlery...they have a variety of types that work well for CC and are OWB's. If you can do that PDQ then YMMNV, IMHO. LOL, Rod
Everyone paid good money for a handgun , why skimp on a holster to protect and carry your firearm ,. Most important is finding the position the holster is placed . In side the waist band holster I feel more comfortable at the 2 o'clock position .
hi nanney1,,,like every one has said a good foundation to build on is key,,,and that in my opinion is the belt

i have a beltman bull hide 7 hole i picked up from ebay a few years ago,,,the belt was hardly used,, $25-30 i dont remember somewhere in that area,,,great belt,,,little dressy looking for me but all business

i also picked up an instructor belt with a insert,,,when i got it i didnt think i would like the insert,,,belt had a mind of its own,,,maybe why i got it so cheap,,,,$15 from ebay,,, it quickly became my favorite everyday belt,,,when it finally gives up i will be looking for another one,,,that stiffener thing in there is the cats,,,for me anyway,,,carry a full size 1911 in a tucker1 all day no problem,,,i dont wear nice clothes for everyday,,,like some of you guys,,,i work with my hands,,,well i did,,,retired now,,,but the basics are the same,,,you have to dress around the gun,,,and good equipment,,,belts and holsters do make a difference,,,,maybe do a search on ebay ( gun belt )

my boy just started carrying a few months ago and he uses a crossbreed supper tuck and he loves it ,,,i may have to look into something like that for summer wear with shorts,,,right now i carry a XDs in a pancake holster shirt out,,, i have to keep telling me i have it on,,,it just disappears,,,,your shield would too,,,but you will need a cover garment,,it wouldnt be to bad to put on and off,,,i could probably do that sitting in a car seat,,,,my spot is 3:30-4:00 so undo belt pull it out of two loops take off holster and gun,,,relace belt and fasten,,,yeah i think doable

like everyone has said we all have a few ,,,,(some more than others),,,holsters in a drawer or box,,,use the wisdom of the crowd here and maybe we can save you some grief and money,,,but i would bet you will have a few extras laying around

my .02

From what I can tell, most OWB, including paddles are intended for open carry. And it looks as if printing is a bigger issue with owb holsters. Basically, they're not really meant for CC

My perspective. Take it for what it is, and this advice is worth what you paid for it...

I'm a plain clothes cop, often times going undercover in various situations. I have found that no one pays attention to a little bit of printing. Now you can't hang a p227 on you belt and throw a normal fitting shirt on and expect to not be noticed. But a shield (or even a G19)? No one pays attention. I've engaged a criminal in conversation in line at a store, carrying a CZ P07 OWB, only to find they were trying to pay with a fraudulent credit card. I wasn't looking for anything I was just trying to get lunch. At any rate, don't stress too hard on printing. I used to, and used to swear by IWB carry. Now I have seen the light. I no longer buy pants a size bigger, nor do I have to constantly adjust during the day. A quality built pancake style OWB holster conceals quite well, is 3 times more comfortable, and you can buy pants to fit. You will think you're printing, but you really aren't as bad as you think. And you can use the same holster for OC if its thumbreak or some other retention type.

You do need to ditch the cheap nylon holster no matter what. And you need a good belt. It doesn't have to be marketed as a gun belt. I have a 1 1/2 dickies belt that works great. In the end, most people WAY over-stress about printing when they first start CCW.
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