"You chose a great gun! I personally lean towards striker fired, like the PPQ, probably because I have A LOT more trigger time on those.
As far as NOT buying a Glock because EVERYONE has one... I GET IT. It's the same thing when you go to buy a car. If you could choose between a grey Honda Accord and an Orange Something Something... sometimes you don't want the Honda! Is it reliable, proven, popular, cheaper to repair, YES! Do you want to park next to 5 others at the grocery store? NO!
Sometimes when you go to the range you want a guy to look over and say "dude, what's that? That thing looks awesome!" vs. "I have a Glock too"
Right on point Rpseraph, couldnt have said it better my thinking exactly.
Funny I was in the sandwich shop in Hollywood, FL and 2 Broward County Sherriff's come walking in....Their guns? Yep Glocks lol