Its official now: foreign troops will be used to quell disturbances

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Relax!The canadian army would have to invade you by grey hound bus.When they arrived they wouln't have money for cabs and would have to wait for authorization to use credit.If they took direct fire it could be 3 days before they shot back because the ammo was still in canada and would only be released after a parlimentary debate.We had one of the finest armys in the world till the mid 50's now we are a joke.Very sad for us but we know you are ready and able to help if the SHTF so our spineless gov't can be pious peacekeepers and leave the dirty work to you.Regards.BTW 40'000 canadians fought in viet nam (with u.s.Military)and at least one got a Medal of Honor.

The resent military manuvers in cities, is because that the military sees that this will be the future battlegrounds. With increased urbanisation this makes sense to me. Soldiers entering into a fight in a city with no training in it. Well it would be more cost effective just to put poisioned water in their canteens and about the same effect. Lots of dead soldiers and nothing to show for it.


Joe the redneck, what is the jason society?
like the man asked, which radio station in Pittsburgh, PA, and who is this "spokeperson" for The War College and the PANG. Now and then, I have heard some ridiculous stuff on radio (talk shows), but I do believew that this would definately, take the cake.
One point about American troops firing
on Americans. It certainly can happen
given the right circumstances. Remember
Kent State.

However, another viewpoint. Some friends
of mine were in the Ohio National Guard
in a Cleveland unit. They were on alert.
However, they told their Lt. that if
they were told to fire on college kids that the Lt. might find a hole or two in himself when the smoke cleared.

It all depends.
R. Kitta the US army had a place at Ft AP Hill to train for urban warfare at one time. Civilians could even dress up as enemy and a good time was held by all. The miliaray all had their own areas to train. Since the Regime of Big Comrade, the Us military has grreatly increased its presence in towns and cities around the country. There should be no need for the military to go into towns like Hebron Md. and Kingville,Texas where a building was burned to the ground and many people scared to death. Why in the last several years are the military among civilians training when their reservations were good enough for them before? I think the governmink wants the masses to get used to military being in the streets. Rabbit assassin, foreigners have no understanding of our bill of Rights and our Constitution which clearly puts the military separate from the civilian system. I get annoyed by so called conservatives esspecially the Republicraps who think its ok for the Delta Force and Marines to take over towns and cities for urban operations. Get back on your bases where you belong because many of us around the country dont want you around civilian areas. I guess I am just a politically incorrect patriot whose day has come and gone! Marines have told me that their training is nearly entirely urban warfare type. Just think a minute. Is it not strange that , if the goal is to train for foreign areas , why train in AMERICAN TOWNS AND CITIES? These areas arent third world scenarios are they? No, the boys are training in our cities and towns because that is where the action will be down the road.To me this is pretty clear.

I firmly believe that the US government, as governments are wont to go, is assuming way to much power. I am frightened that abuses, especially toward lawful gunowers, could and do happen in this great land. There is legitimate room, and in fact, need for concern.

But, please! stop running to us with these lines of unadulterated B*llsh*t, and then pretending that you are the only true patriot here. You detract from the real battles that so sorely need fighting, and do us all a disservice. As I have begged before, cease and desist.

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited August 01, 1999).]
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