Its official now: foreign troops will be used to quell disturbances

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Nralife, that was the report you posted that was on the shortwave radio in July. Maybe the people saw more in that report than is really there since it is not officiaL policy. But there have been some good investigative reporters who have been studying these foreign troops here in America,but unless you have shortwave you will not get the information I am getting. Maybe people like Clay Douglas in Bingham , New Mexico, Alex Jones and John Stadtmiller in Austin, Tex Marrs , David K. Smith and many otther fine people are hallucinating.Maybe these non American military people are really Americans dressed up as foreign troops? I guess I hit some kind of nerve when I bring up this subject. I hope I am 100% wrong . To rabbitt assasin, the British used thousands of mercenary German Hessians during our Revolutionary War. George Washington caught the Germans asleep when he crossed the Delaware River. Did you know that these German prisoners later became good American citizens. So foreign troops have been used before on American soil against English speaking patriots.
So Ivan these Canmadian and Mexicans are the same as mercanaries ?
I don't think so, mercanaries are a different sort of person. These are just regular soldiers and are normal just like you and me. Just becauise they are foreign doesn't mean they want to cause you any harm.
I just can't comprehend what you are worried about. One US aircraft carrier with a couple of thousand marines thrown in could defeat the entire Canadian or Australian armed forces.
It's like thinking an ant could beat an elephant. :)
I agree there is a "conspiracy" to take over and remake the country by some sort of socialist/corporation/NWO hegemony....however, it won't be by force or coersion. It will happen and is happening by incrementalism.

Please think about this...added to what the others have said about logistics, materials, etc...really think, ok?: The very minute foreign troops started moving around within the country with martial law authority, they'd all be slaughtered by suppertime. That act (loosening foreign troops upon the US) would be instant revolution, an instant bloodbath and very likely world war. Think about it....we the people would instantly revolt (including untold millions of sheeple), our gov't would have to fight us off and any foreign nation that decided to take advantage of the chaos and move on know damn well China and Russia would make a move. Such an act of this thread topic would be the most monumental example of stupidity the world has ever seen.

The way things are going...incrementalism, apathy, fear, etc will achieve their goals within 30 yrs

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
rabbit assassin:

Actually, your troopers would have all our troopers over for a cook out, bikini/beach contest and massive quantities of Fosters/KB Tooth...after our boys (who wouldn't be able to keep up with yours in drinking the beer) had all passed'd gleefully disarm them. The battle would be over!

I spent a week in Costa Rica in '85--that's 1985, Dennis--and asked some locals about the Nicaraguan "affaire". They weren't worried about "exporting the revolution" nor about any invasion.

They figured the first thing invading Sandinista forces would do would be sell their weapons, buy "civvies", and look for work...

Mexican troops here? Give me a break!

Just to point out Operational capabilities of mexico, you might remember that they are right now haveing a low grade civil war in the south and the govt. only holds the ground that the troops stand on.

As for the canadians if they did join dount you think that the qubec liberation movment would grow REAL fast. They might end up lookging a lot like N.Ireland

My greatist fear is not armed operssion but gradual smothering of the people in layer after layer of 'protection' and 'service' you know the good old Keep the trains on time and yea those kooks scare me so they had it commin crowed.
DC, I understand the logistics, the amount of foreign troops needed, and the outrage of millions of Americans,even some sheeple people. But since this coutry has a huge population, how many would really care whether the troops were US or foreign patrolling the streets under lets say a y2k breakdown. These ya`hoos I see everyday around where I live coulnt tell the difference between a Russian soldier and an American GI. People are in general too dumbed down in this area and in many other areas(not everywhere though) The headlines scream that China has the Nuetron Bomb and the sheeple think that is some kind of new Dance! Give em Baywatch, Nascar, Mike jordan, and Dan Blather and they are content as cattle getting ready for the slaughter pens. You are right that if we get into a interna;l strife, China and Russia will probably act. Russia would love to have Alaska back and I hear rumors,rumors mind you, that people in Alaska think Russia would move quickly into Alaska. Logistics here is in Russias favor. Rabbit assassin, the troops from Hesse were not mercenaries as we think of mercenaries today. They were regular troops of the State of Hesse in what is Germany today. George III was the firstof his line to speak english . His father and Grandfather spoke only German although Kings of England. Since Hesse was Georges ancestral home, there were close ties with Hesse. The Hessians were commanded by their own officers ,but were just as much a part of the British Army as the anyone else . When Washingtons Army caught the Hessians sleeping and defeated them, the prisoners were well treated and most stayed in America after the war. I wonder if British history books talk of the Hessians. In my book ,the Hessians were Ok. They became Americans. If, and I emphasize if, there are foreign troops here to do harm to the American people, they should come forward and "spill their guts" before it is too late and the shooting starts.
joegerardi: Hesse is an old nation-state that was one of the several, independently ruled kingdoms of German speaking peoples. It is, today, a state in Germany...its capital is the beautiful city of Wiesbaden...I was stationed there in the mid 1980s.
Troops from Mexico attack PA.

In Texas, we have a defense plan for
invasion from Mexico. Each household
has a stock of green cards and tax
cab licenses for major cities.

Foreign troops have to drop their
their guns and they will receive
the above.

The battle will last 15 minutes.

Be real

China is incapable of holding its own coastline, much less launching an attack.

I hear rumors. Bully for you, sir! I hear rumors too- everyday, mind you. Rumors that Republicans hate people, rumors that the North Pole is open, and there are ships flying in and out, headed for the Infraxi nebula, rumors that foreign troops are going to invade, or even more insidious, join forces with Jewish Illuminati to pacify our people! Hah! Most laughable of all. I would sooner believe Elvis to be alive.

Help me, here: what, pray tell, do Hessians have to do with modern-day, wide-eyed and ridiculous rumors of foreign troops holding our innocent citizenry at bay? Regardless of whether said underpriviledged Prussians later became citizens?

Let me be very clear. I believe the worst enemy the staunch defender of liberty has is the mouthbreather who spreads such tripe and defames those of us who see no intergalactic invaders, on a good day. Perhaps you could rethink your opinions. With repeated nonsense of the type depicted here, it becomes easy to see such folks as agent provocateurs...except for the fact that even paid snitches usually sound at least a little more believable with their stories.
Spectre, I must have struck a real nerve with you. Have a open mind, do some research ,get a shortwave radio and listen to some real reporters who might help you change your too closed mind. Your reaction is typical GDP.
Okay, I'll play along. IF there were going to be a forceful takeover of the US by our own gov't, it would have to involve foreign troops because American troops will never fire on their own. We just trade troops with another country so that we can patrol their country and they can patrol ours, that way all soldiers refrain from emotional attachment and just do their job. (Doesn't the UN flag fly over Fort Bragg instead of the American flag?)

The best time to impliment this would be during unrest such as Y2K. So...that wild theory in mind, check out this website where there are pictures of foreign soldiers practicing urban and shoreline assaults in San Francisco bay. What are they practicing for? Why are there so many countries represented? Why are they practicing house-to-house searches? Why are they practicing searching and arresting people? This is civil disorder being practiced, not military maneuvers. Why are they practicing over here and not in their own country? And lastly why did they stop people from taking pictures of what they were doing and how come even though I lived there at the time, I never heard about these foreign troops practing in my city?
How come cities are reporting all over the country that the military (unknown who) is invading their neighborhoods and practicing building takeovers and door-to-door searches in people's neighborhoods** and in downtown buildings?
I dunno, when you hear all this, it kinda makes you think. Here is the website:

I try to keep an open mind, and would like to hear some explanations for this, because even though it is crazy and I am very skeptical, it is a scary thought, and usually it's the crazy outlandish plans that work the best.

(**I know a woman who lives in a neighborhood in California that was part of this. She said that soldiers just showed up one night and started running through their neighborhood practing urban maneuvers and door to door searches with no warning. It scared her because she had no idea what was happening, she is just enjoying the evening with her family when suddenly troops are running and shouting through her neighborhood. How would you react to such a thing? Similar reports are coming from at least three different cities that I know of and have been discussed on this forum a few months ago)
Glen Meyer - love your defense plan. Reminds me of the ultimate Cold War tactic to contain a Soviet offensive: Give them what they really want. What's that? Warehouses stocked with alcohol. Once those troops find the booze, they'll dive in and after three days, all soldiers, commissars included, will be too drunk. We could have sent in the Boy Scouts to disarm them then.

Now, on a more serious note...

The voyage of Roosevelt's Great White Fleet opened the eyes of the Naval War College in the early 1900s. Back then, the NWC began studying war plans against various nations including Britain, Germany and Japan.

At that time, the NWC correctly assessed that it was logistically impossible for Orange (Japan) to invade the continental United States. Likewise, in an war against Orange, NWC calculated that it would take three years for the United States Navy to develop its logistical train to support the fleet on any attack against Orange. We're talking about harbors with dockyard repair facilities, floating drydocks, supply bases, auxilliaries (ammunition carriers, colliers or tankers, troopships, tugboats, boom defense vessels, refrigerator ships, patrol craft, etc.), construction battalions, soliders, etc. On that premise, the U.S. realized that even up until 1941, that the Phillipines were not defensible. Hence the sacrificial size of the Asiatic Fleet in 1941. Our naval planners knew that while Orange could attack and inflict harm, it couldn't invade and hold territory. The line of supply and communications were dauntingly immense.

My point, back at the turn of the century, the invasion of the continental United States by an overseas power is an undertaking requiring years of preparation. It did not change during the '40s and is no different today.

Let's not knock Mexico. After Pearl Harbor, Mexico graciously sent her entire navy, all 5 destroyers, to patrol our western coastline to protect us from the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Ok folks...step back, take a breath and think rationally.

This is getting way too heated for its merit...these are opinions and there is no need for anger and insults. This isn't a voting issue (abortion, taxes, 2nd A, etc), OK?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Yes ,Thaddeus, you said it better than I can. Why all this urban warfare operations around the country the last few years and esepcially the past year. It has been mainly US troops involved, but will someone tell me what is going on? That is what an inquiring mind is for. Lets try to get to the reasons for all this military operations around the land. The nearest to me was Hebron ,MD. last August when Marines took over the town for a weekend. It is strange in my opinion.
I had a good look at infowars - ai mainly seems to consist of links to news stories in regular newspapers. So that begs the questios - if there is a conspiracy and the media is part of it why would they report these stories ?
They seem to think some photos of some training exercises are a big deal. Lackofinwars more like it. Maybe furphywars also(furphy is an Australian word).
Let's all take a breath. There isn't that nice? Look outside: little birds, green trees , Mr. Sun shining down on college co-eds in sund dresses, ahh I feel alot better.

As a member of the Shadow Government, tri-lateral commishion, NWO, and advisor to the Jason Society and ZOG I have been advised that all the goofyness that was in the works has been canceled and all groups are disbanding. We're all heading to Daytona and hang out till next year's "Bike Week"

Too many beans hae been spilled. Our cover is blown. We'll have to go back into hiding until next time.

Remember, we're not like the others, we're you're friends, you can trust us.
As farfetched and ridiculous these scenarios may seem to us on the doostep of the 21st century and living in the worlds only remaining "democracy", let me simply state that nothing in this world is inpossible. History supports my statement and the future may very well prove it! Without going into a lenghty discourse here, I shall simply state that my life experiences living in other parts of the world lend support to the point I'm trying to make. The citizens of those nations never imagined their government capable of murdering its own people.

"Fear what your mind can conjure up as your worst nightmare, for men with evil in they're hearts will stop at nothing."
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