Given that a running BG can cover 21 feet in about 2 seconds, and that we practice to draw and fire the first round in 2 seconds (or under), 7 yards is the MINIMUM we should practice from.
Most thugs and criminals don't show weapons when their prey is so far away that they might flee and escape.
It's not like a criminal is going to pull out his pistol or knife while he's 75 feet away and start running at you.
Robberies and muggings just don't occur at that distance.
Instead, he's going to use some excuse to get closer to you before he draws his weapon and attacks.
Consider the guy behind the counter at the local corner-store or the local gunshop,
or the guy waiting at a bus-stop,
or the guy at the ATM machine,
or the guy in an elevator or stairwell....
He is practically guaranteed not to be engaging targets at any distance beyond seven feet...not seven yards, but seven feet.
The notion that the average civilian shooter (not a soldier and not a cop and not a gangbanger) is ever going to engage targets at 20 or 25 yards is rather silly.
When I was a soldier I practiced shooting at longer distances as well as shorter distances.
But I wasn't paying for my ammo either....and I was getting paid to train and practice.
And it certainly was not unreasonable that I might have needed to engaged enemy soldiers at great distances.
But as a civilian, it just makes sense to spend my time and money practicing for the scenario that I'm most likely to actually encounter, and not some fantasy "high noon" scenario.