It's a freakin' bookshelf!!

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So Sayeth Joab

So, let me get this straight, according to you, Joab, Huckabee is lying about the cross? I am assuming you have proof that he purposely put it in there? If all you have is your opinion, argument over, you can't prove anything other than your perceived utter dislike for the man.

Also, according to you, Christmas is a lie. Well, once again, we should all bow down to your opinion because you say that the birth of Christ never happened, right?

Now, me twisting comments. Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension or, like with the Huckabee ad, you like to read what you want to and not what something actually says. I stated that Huckabee may have misspoke when he used “pardon” instead of “commute”. Even if he didn't, and used it on purpose, you are still the only person on the planet pointing this out. If it was such a great deal, Romney and his staff would be talking about it specifically.

Here's for specifics:

On Larry King, Huckabee admitted to wanting to quarantine AIDS patients. He claimed he made that comment out of ignorance in the early 90s and doesn't believe that now. He didn't lie about it as you have claimed.

On the theology degree, you got me, he doesn't have one. He has a BA in religion!

On the rapist, got me there too, can't explain why he did that, and apparently neither can he. Unlike you, he must not be perfect.

Couldn't find anything on the third grade comment. Evidently your few seconds of research is far superior to mine, or you know all the fringe websites.

So, I am assuming you will read this, see what you want and make more of your “covert” comments. But, I have clearly shown that I have not twisted comments, just stated facts, where you have stated your opinions, which you seem to take as fact. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS Joab, I know I will, celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior.

stage2 said:
or you're right and Paul has yet again demonstrated his propensity to stick his foot in his mouth.

maybe to the intentionally ignorant.

stage2 said:
Its a good thing you guys are here because if I didn't have you to translate I'd be lost

sad thing is, theres no translation needed and you still get it wrong. kinda like leftists who try to "interpret" the constitution.
maybe to the intentionally ignorant.

The only thing ignorant is someone who thinks that Paul using the word fascist is just a latent remark.

If I got up in front of a camera and referenced hitler when talking about someone, its beyond argument what my intent was. This is no different than using the quote Paul did.

You can spin it any way you like, but the only point of that quote is to demonstrate that fascists will try to undo the country from the inside using patriotism and religion. And the only point using that quote when describing Huckabee is because Paul thinks Huckabee is a fascist. There isn't any other interpretation.

Paul could have said 1000 different things about that ad. He chose to say this. Theres only one reason for that.

sad thing is, theres no translation needed and you still get it wrong. kinda like leftists who try to "interpret" the constitution.

But thats the sad irony here. I look at the words for what they are. You are the one trying to tell me the words mean something else than what they say. Leftist indeed.
stage2 said:
But thats the sad irony here. I look at the words for what they are. You are the one trying to tell me the words mean something else than what they say. Leftist indeed.

so you really are incapable of differentiating between the exact text of a quote and the concept it conveys? i am not spinning anything. you are conveniently ignoring that paul immediately followed that quote by saying he doesnt think its a fair assessment of huckabee. its the concept that the quote conveys that matters, not the exact circumstances the quote was originally used for. you are looking at the words...thats it. you are not looking at what "they say".

stage2 said:
The only thing ignorant is someone who thinks that Paul using the word fascist is just a latent remark.

so you would rather a politician treat you like an idiot by censoring quotes he uses? thats rediculous imo. your fault with paul here seems to be that he isnt treating people as if they are dumb and need to be talked down to.
Oh, the humanity!!!! A commercial wishing people a merry christmas! How terrible! :rolleyes:

That commercial is the best one of the Season. Look at all of the press coverage it has received; Huckabee ought to give his campaign manager a big fat christmas bonus. :D

Finally a Republican candidate who is not worried about offending liberal democrats (who won't vote for him, anyway) by wishing people a merry christmas.

And Ron Paul calls Huckabee a fascist. What a joke! I really don't know where Paul comes up with that kind of stuff. Seriously, a merry christmas commercial makes Huckabee a fascist, huh?!? :rolleyes:
I am sure the cross image was not a coincidence...all things in these shoots are very well thought out and staged. There are a ton of people in charge of this stuff that think it through very thoroughly. That being said, what does it matter? They decided to add a subtle cross image to appeal to a certain group. I do not see anything wrong with that. If offends you do not vote for him. I do hate how they always lie when they get caught doing these things.
so you really are incapable of differentiating between the exact text of a quote and the concept it conveys?

Ummm, the text of the quote IS the concept it conveys. Paul insinuated that Huckabee is a fascist because he may he put a cross in his ad. Even if I was to water it down, Paul's point still means that Huckabee is bad for the country because he put out this christmas ad.

so you would rather a politician treat you like an idiot by censoring quotes he uses? thats rediculous imo. your fault with paul here seems to be that he isnt treating people as if they are dumb and need to be talked down to.

No. I'd rather people mean what they say instead of saying something and then telling me (or having someone else tell me) thats not what they meant.
In no real order:
  • Bickering about the message of this Xmas ad, is ridiculous.
  • Bickering about the contents of the ad, is ridiculous.
  • Bickering about the content as religious symbols, is ridiculous.
  • Bickering about what Ron Paul said or didn't say about Huckabee, in a thread about a Xmas ad, is ridiculous.
  • Bickering about what Romney/Huckabee did, in a thread about a Xmas ad, is ridiculous.
  • Bickering about whether Xmas is or is not a religious/secular holiday, is ridiculous.
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