It's a freakin' bookshelf!!

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Interestingly, Mr. Romney has commended President Bush for the pardon of Scooter Libby, yet he brags that he never gave one as governor,” Huckabee said in Houston.
Huckaby just lost a whole lot of credibility with me
If your message is true you should not have to lie to get it out
All I have to know is that Scooter Libby was not pardoned and that someone as high up in the political process as Huckaby would know that

but how do you know Romney didn't say this?
I did about 2 seconds worth of research
Romney made no comment on a pardon for Libby
"the president looked very carefully at the setting" before deciding to commute the 2 1/2-year sentence of Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, who was convicted in the CIA leak case.

The prosecutor in the case "went after somebody even when he knew no crime had been committed," Romney said. "Given that fact, isn't it reasonable for a commutation of a portion of the sentence to be made?"
Nope no mention of a pardon
Why would Huckaby use the term pardon when commenting on Romney's comment of commutation?

Simple. to equate commutation with pardon
Why would he do that?
Because the distinction between the two must be removed before his labeling Romney as a hypocrite can be taken seriously by people who will not do 2 seconds of research before believing that Romney is a hypocrite on this issue

In short the only way to compare apples to oranges is to call an apple a tangerine
Possibly mispoke, it does happen

Huckabee may have mispoke, that does happen to politicians from time to time. If not, then he lied, but it does appear you are the only person picking up on this, so you must be the only person finding it important. As I stated, no one in Romney's camp has even picked up on this.

I doubt seriously that he misspoke

The attempts to equate pardon with commutation in general has been a topic of much political discussion on talk radio
It was first used as an attempt to discredit Bush in his handling of the matter

The fact that Romney's camp keeps using the word commute tells me that they have picked up on it

As far as me being the only person it matters to
maybe it's time we started examining the character of those that want us to hire them instead of just the public image they try to exhibit

I also doubt seriously ,with all the planning of subtleties in TV advertising, that the cross was an accident
Educate me

Why don't you educate me on Huckabee's character. I have read his website and listened to his competition, and no one has brought up any character flaws that he has. Maybe they don't agree with his policies, but his character has been pretty much left alone. So, let me know what his character lacks and lets see if my mind can be changed.

And once again, it was a bookshelf that was lit up by a white light. If you look close enough though, so you can see the image of Jesus himself in the tree. Also, there are reflections of angels in the ornaments. Moral of the story, if someone looks hard enough, they will see what they want to see. Just ask all those people making money off images of Jesus on toast, steel, etc.

I have already shown you one aspect of his character, that's what we are talking about
Don't get bunched up at me because your hero is not mine
I consider a misrepresentation of that facts to be a lie
If you don't like that assessment that's your hangup not mine

if someone looks hard enough, they will see what they want to see
I see your point, I had to look real hard to see that cross that took center stage of the ad :rolleyes:
Most people don't care whether Libby was pardoned or commuted or whatever. And most of 'em don't care about the bookcase, either. People are smart enough to figure out that it is a bookcase, and that the media is trying to make something out of nothing.

JMHO. No offense to the previous posters, but neither issue is really even an issue at all. :)
My hero?

"my hero"? Seems you had to come up with that on your own as well. You are pretty good at that, finding things that aren't really there.

So you are telling me because Huckabee used pardon instead of commutation, his character is tarnished and shouldn't be trusted? That is a wonderful philosophy!

I see your point as well, I didn't have to look real hard to see the bookshelf in the middle of the ad either.

So you are telling me because Huckabee used pardon instead of commutation, his character is tarnished and shouldn't be trusted?
I see that you follow the Huckaby philosophy
We didn't like this in third grade we certainly shouldn't expect it here
Huckaby just lost a whole lot of credibility with me
far from condemning his whole character
But i do feel that it is an indication that it should be looked at

Don't book shelves usually have books on them
Looks more like a window from the still image they showed...

Anyway, given the Christmas tree, the Silent Night the article said was playing, and the "Merry Christmas" going on there, I'd give good odds that the cross imagery was intentional. Now, I'd have a hard time understanding why people are complaining about it, even if they're intentional, but people will complain about anything.
I'd have a hard time understanding why people are complaining about it, even if they're intentional, but people will complain about anything.
Me to
About as hard a time as I'm having trying to figure out why Huckabee would deny it

Most presidents claim to have a strong faith and the evangelicals are an extremely powerful voter block

Once again, you are assuming things, like that I follow the Huckabee philosophy. I am a supporter of his, but haven't the slightest idea what philosophy you are referring to.

Also, "We didn't like this in third grade we certainly shouldn't expect it here", what in the world are you talking about?

Huckabee is denying it because he didn't purposely put it in the ad, like many are accusing him of. Wow, that wasn't hard to figure out!

I'm sorry I should be more overt, covert seems to get past you

I was talking about your twisting of comments

lie saying that I believe his entire reputation is tarnished because I said he lost credibility with me
third graders tend to twist arguments to fit their answers

I am a supporter of his
Wow, I'm shocked

Huckabee is denying it because he didn't purposely put it in the ad, like many are accusing him of. Wow, that wasn't hard to figure out!
Huckabee denies a lot of things so it doesn't surprise me that he is denying this
I just can't see the point in this case
Considering how Huckabee very likely just said "I want a Christmas-time setting for a Christmas-time ad" (or, even more likely: his campaign manager did), Huckabee could easily deny putting the cross there because... Well... He didn't. Anyway, he said that the bookshelf (I still say it looks more like a window in that still) is "just a bookshelf." Note that he doesn't say anything about what it looks like (though it may not have been an intentional distinction).

Seriously, I just watched the video, and the proportion of the horizontal platform (verus the vertical) that displays (the rest being blocked by shadow and the tree) too well approximates the proportional relationship between vertical and horizontal in a cross. It's good odds that the cross was intentional on somebody's part.
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