is this new class of carry pistols even necessary?

It's not realy a "new class" Micro Compacts have been around for decades ...
It all started with the Derringer a maker by the name of Henry Deringer made them from 1852 to 1868 ... small easily concealed and carried every maker got into the act ... the term Derringer is based on Deringer's Patents . Remington made the classic old west Double Derringer and from there it went . I remember seeing my first Micro 1911 in 45 acp , owned by a police man friend in 1977 ...custom cut down and built by a private gunsmith ..Wilson Combat I think .
New crop of buyers now so the marketing people introduce them again like it is something new ... it's not , just history repeating itself !
+1 Double Naught.

“That’s not my preference” tells me someone knows the sport. “You gun is obsolete” tells me something else.

My present favorites are a 1986 Ruger Bisley Single Six in .32 H&R Magnum. I don’t think there is anything that even comes close to this for its purpose. The present Single Seven in .327 Fed Mag is much louder and less accurate and “energy” is not my purpose. Obsolete? I would not trade.

Is .380 Auto obsolete? Isn’t that what killed the Arch Duke and started WWI. Cartridge designed in 1908. I like my Bersa, a fair copy of the Walther, designed in 1929. He would not say the round was ineffective.

None of the lighter, smaller pistols make mine obsolete. Weight and sight radius control recoil and help me aim. I can afford any .380 you can name, that’s the won I chose, my money is no object preference. Not that your preference is bad! You prefer 9mm? Fine! It’s not for me.

Colt single Action Army in .45 Colt. 1873? Obsolete? Ha. I wish I had one. Is the Blackhawk better? That’s like asking if philips head screwdrivers are better than flat bladed ones. Obsolete isn’t the word.
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As it was said small differences in size and weight that appear meaningless on paper can make an amazing difference on how comfortable a gun is to carry and how well it hides under a shirt. The new trend to make carry guns smaller while still holding at least ten rounds is a major advancement
I recall when having a 386 desktop computer with a CD ROM was the latest and greatest...And over $1000.
I recall when my Paramedic brother would carry a phone the size of a brick when on call.
Cool!! It made phone calls.
Tech has changed so fast the latest and greatest is obsolete before you learn how to use it.

We do our carry gun research and trying out and holding and pointing..agonize over mag capacity vs concealability...6 or 7 rounds vs 12, 9mm vs 45,? Watch youtube. Read gun rags. Talk to retail gun store clerks.

We do all that brain damage,find one for sale, stay home and eat Ramen and oatmeal,drink tap water to afford the gun,holster,magazines and ammo,well,OK, Try and buy a couple more holsters and a REAL gunbelt

It was tough,but at last we have it!! The ULTIMATE EDC!! We're ready for the WalterMitty "scenarios" . Our buddies approve!! They are a little envious!!. Today,we are Paladin!! "Have Gun,will Travel!!

Then one of our buddies calls. He thought the new Paladin Special was so cool,he just had to get one. To be almost as cool as you!! At least he knows who to follow!!
But wait! There is more!! WHAT? There is a new model?? Its the same width and it holds 12 instead of only just 8 rounds?? And they improved the trigger??
Now your buddy has a BETTER GUN than the Paladin gun???

Oh,the sinking feeling!! How will you explain this to the Better Half??

EDC takes on a whole new meaning. "Erectile Dysfunction.....(What does the "C" stand for?) Charlie Brown?? Drat!! The Paladin Gun is not satisfying anymore!! It so "yesterday"

And now maybe a light bulb comes on. Those Olde Geezers who say "I'm a 1911 guy" might have something.

They have survived every gun battle they have faced with that 1911.

And this same Olde Geezer is still driving his 1974 Bronco thats worth how much now?? And that 60 year old Harley!! Same Wife,too!! She is a Pistol!! Their house is paid for....

That Old 1911 and a Milt Sparks Summer Special...

Well,I can't say he is living wrong,can I ? He seems happy.

He did mention they have a new gun he's interested in... Holds as many rounds of 45 as his 1911,only weighs about 19 oz and costs about the same as a Philippine ATC or RIA 1911. Imagine!!
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I certainly can't answer . . . . and maybe even Glock couldn't,either but both the 26 and 43 sell so they must have done the research before committing to either model.

I used to carry a Smith Model 36 snub J frame - still do at times. When I decided to go with a 9mm semi - I looked at the 43 and others and went with a Smith Shield - just felt better in m hand but I had no real issues with the 43.

Things change though . . . I had an incident that happened that bothered me enough about round count that I started retinking of my own personal needs, where I was at times, etc. I winter in AZ . . . am sometimes out in the desert with a friend shooting . . . and you never know who or how many are coming through the desert . . . I just wanted a few more rounds. I looked at the 26 which gave me the extra rounds and the possibility of a larger capacity magazine as a spare. I guess I would rather have that and not need it than need it and not have it. I still carry the J frame or the 9mm Shield depending on where I am and where I'm going . . but the 26 gives me an easily carried pistol with more capacity if I want it for peace of mind.

I carry OWB - usually under a shirt tail or jacket - and all of them - the J frame, the Shield and the 26 Glock I find ro be an easy carry - tight to the body but easily accessible.

I have been shooting for over 55 year and was mainly a "revolver guy" - still am for general shooting. However . . . I have often heard you either like or hate Glocks and I have to admit that I have owned Ruger, S & W, Colt semi-autos so I was a bit hesitant and reserved about getting a Glock - but I took a look with an open mind. When I handled the 43 and the 26 - both would have served me fine I'm sure - but when I originally made a purchase it was the Shield - and I liked it - it shoots well, etc. When I was looking for something with more rounds, I liked the feel, size and is,plicity of the 26 plus the option of using higher capacity magazines from the 19 if desired. Once I got it, I fell in love with it For me, it feels, handles and shoots great. Some folks like apples, some like oranges . . and I guess a gun company is no different than a fruit vendor . . . you have to carry a variety of things that will appeal to various people.
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I can only speak between Glock 26 and 43 AND I would NOT consider them "micro", I'd take 26 any time of the day for the 4 extra rounds. 10 rounds vs 6 rounds, it's almost one extra magazine worth. 0.1" is NOT a big difference. Maybe 43 is a little bit more comfortable, but think if you have to carry an extra magazine, then it's not as comforting anymore.

There's a big difference in the widths of the two glocks! The 43 is much slimmer. Magguts offers a +2 kit to the 43 making it 8+1 for 9 rounds vs. 11 (10 plus 1 in the glock 26), so it's not really the big difference you point out i.e. double the capacity.

but think if you have to carry an extra magazine, then it's not as comforting anymore.
Most people carry an extra magazine for malfunctions as well as capcity.


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The new class of micro pistols with larger capacities (10,10+) belong to a series of new innovations... That began about 500 years ago with the first black powder firearms. The incremental improvements along the way move the needle a little less than the giant leaps of the past - black to smokeless, front stuffer to cartridge, blowback to locked breech action, advances from pure lead to all manner of modern projectile types.

For me and anyone else who wants more - when more is more capacity - and when less is more - smaller size and lighter weight. My P365 XL makes my loved G26 look like a boat anchor. Thinner, lighter, more capacity and a longer barrel in the same length package.

Necessary? Hell yeah. For me :)
Most people WHO carry an extra magazine DO SO for malfunctions as well as capcity.


I don't know of a single person who carries a spare magazine, and we're talking at least a dozen or so friends and family who carry regularly. Several are former LEO. My ex and her (former LEO) brother carry wheel guns.

I've got at least 1500rds thru my 43, and 1000 thru the 26 and probably the same thru my daughters Shield. I've never had a malfunction.
I don't know of a single person who carries a spare magazine, and we're talking at least a dozen or so friends and family who carry regularly.
So you are basing your knowledge base on 12 people that you know?:confused:
You might want to check out this thread I started a while back asking this very question about spare magazines. Over a hundred people responded and 55 percent carried at least one spare magazine. The ideo of carrying one for malfuctions was addressed as well.
I've got at least 1500rds thru my 43, and 1000 thru the 26
That is not alot of rounds. I am sure that one day you will experience some sort of malfunction. That's why most teach malfunction drills!:D
So you are basing your knowledge base on 12 people that you know?:confused:
You might want to check out this thread I started a while back asking this very question about spare magazines. Over a hundred people responded and 55 percent carried at least one spare magazine. The ideo of carrying one for malfuctions was addressed as well.

Awesome. Kind of helps reinforce my point. Close to 50% in this poll agree to not carrying a spare mag.

But, hey, you do you.

I just pointed out that MOST PEOPLE don't carry a spare mag. In the case of members on this forum, who might be put into a more "extreme" category, it's just over 50%. In the real world, it's far less.
I guess you must have flunked math in school.
It's 64 percent carry one or more versus 36 percent that don't carry one. That is not close to 50 percent.
But you are also right, most people don't carry an extra mag because most people don't carry a gun!LOL

But this is getting off thread.
Owned all the KEL TEC 'S Reason why worked their 20 + years .
Carried every day started in 1982 .
Revolvers .1911. Glock , SW MP 40 FS ,COMPACT HK P2000SK LEM 40
Sold everything
Now in my 70+ years
I Have 2 10 and 2 12 round mags
That's enough for ME
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More choices is better for everyone. Plus, everyone has different hand and body sizes. I recently bought a Hellcat, and while it's slightly smaller in some dimensions than some of my other guns, it points like no other for me.
Are they necessary. IMO no. If the gun Gods said I had to carry only one Gun for EDC, and that was a 5 shot snubbie, it would not bother me one bit. And many times I just carry a Pocket size gun like a Pico or Kahr. (and I shoot them well). And just to throw a cherry on top, In the summer I carry just a Keltec P32. Love the fact that it weighs just 6 1/2 oz. 10oz fully loaded. Really do not care what others think. If they need more rounds they need more rounds. That is up to them.
If it gets to the point that I need more, I will go and carry my SR9C with 17+1 rounds. A little larger and a little heavier but the concession is it will shoot a hell of a lot better than any of my small guns including all Micro 9mm's.. But I have no need, desire or want to carry that at the present time.
Lol, saving it for when the Zombies come. (and they will come). Seems we are almost there. And I will be ready.
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The gun industry is filled with customers who are always looking for the next big thing. Even if it's marginally better. There isn't much opportunity for product testing (not talking about range time) so it's all personal projection on how things will be used and minimizing the inconvenience.

People tend to overthink stuff like this. Nobody's oohing and aweing over spare tires on their car, which is used much more often. At the end of the day, you're going to be happy with whatever spare tire you had as long as it's not flat.