Is there really a way out quickly?

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Now it's "Youtube".
It's as good a source as any.

The inability to articulate your position is becoming apparent.
Thank you. That means a lot coming from someone who also likes to "cut and paste".
If you truly believe the FBI (circa Dan Rather) was responsible, do you think it is time to vote from the rooftops?
Not yet, but the normal channels don't seem to be working too well. What do you think?

Did they bring down the towers in 2001, also?
No, but if the 1993 bombing had been addressed, then perhaps 9/11 wouldn't have happened. Who do you think brought them down?
What is your position, anyway?

let the Iraqis sort things out for themselves.
That would be really intelligent, and it would surely end the blood bath!
Yeah, it's about as intelligent as staying in the middle of the blood bath that the Iraqis have created regardless of our presence.
Do you think that it was not necessary to disarm civilian populations in the wake of an unconditional surrender? A surrender that was agreed to by the losing belligerents? Are you advocating that civilians should not be disarmed in the wake of a military defeat?

That's exactly what I believe. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens in no more a cure for insurgency than it is a cure for crime. If the people feel strongly enough to resist by force of arms, then lack of firearms won't stop them. They'll improvise and find other ways to strike... most likely in this day and age they'll concentrate on bomb building (which they seem to be doing quite a bit of, anyways).
i like how people can justify the iraq war by saying that our president is just following up on his promise to rid the world of terrorists, evil doers etc. I do like prez bush but have mixed feelings about him, and if hes out to stop all the terrorists and wmd, why not goto north korea? is it just me or did he tip toe around that one, and didnt quite jump in like the force that he had for iraq. I know were not pushing religions onto those people in iraq, it was just food for thought.
what I don't get is that the last time Saddam directly attacked the United States in any way was during the Gulf War (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) and he's in prison.

Mr bin Laden, on the other hand, attacked us much more recently and he's nowhere to be found. Hmm....wonder which one of those two had a country for us to invade.
If he's out to stop all the terrorists and wmd, why not go to north Korea?
First, the Liberals and their sympathetic news media won't standup for it...

Second, we can only fight one war at a time with the Liberals tying our shoelaces together or second guessing every step of the way...

Third, we have to pick our battles... and fight the ones we can win... on ALL fronts...especially the Liberal Front... which always sides with the enemy...

The Korean war was and still is, winnable only as Iraq is winnable...

The Liberals and the UN blocked the winning of the Korean War in 1952 and are still blocking it today... and the Korean War has never been declared over... it is only in limbo with a De-Militarized Zone (DMZ).

We have a mess in Korea today as a result... and "tomorrow" we will still have a mess in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East... all to be laid at the feet of the Liberals... who, against the best advice of the top US generals, accepted a "permanent" ceasefire at the 37th Parallel... which split the Nation of Korea and subjected millions of simple people to an horrific dictatorship in the northern half of the country...

Liberals are the reason we cannot close our borders... not Big Business... or Food Growers or the Bush Administration as they would have you believe... Liberals Kerry and Heinz are both Big Business AND a Food Grower... :mad:

They like to excuse themselves with their false sympathy for the suffering civilian populous... but they are very stingy with their sympathy unless of course it is politically expedient to feel sorry for someone...

Remember New Orleans and Katrina? The boondoggle that followed was anybody's fault but their own. The Liberal governments of both Louisiana, and The City of New Orleans, could do no wrong, and it was ALL the fault of the Bush Administration...:rolleyes:

If the News Media would [COLOR="Red[B]"]"tell it like it is"[/B][/COLOR] you would know these things, however, you are kept in the dark for lack of honest information.

The Liberals like to use Big Business and Food Growers and the Bush Administration as the "goat" for these messes... don't you believe it!
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thanx pointer. Good post. I do agree liberals are behind the scenes, and truthfully they are very sneaky sobs indeed. Just the name kerry addjitates the hell out of me, i still like the interview he did a few years ago where he talked about crawling around on his belly, hunting whitetails with a side by side shotgun. My guess is he has done less hunting then michael moore has done running. I am very conflicted about the president, in that i do agree with whats goin on but sometimes i don't like how he executes his plans. I havent been keeping up on politics for the last month or 2 and so i am VERY rusty at whats goin on. I do know a solid majority of liberals are dems, and while i have scene some democratic canidates i liked i did not agree with them because of their party's general idea on how to run a government. John kerry can say some pretty solid stuff about what hed do if he was president, but hes not so he should grow up. Also i believe in the 08 election we are going to have a democrat prez, just because people seem to think everything thats wrong in the world is bushes fault, and the media is good at manipulating things, hell they almost got patton fired in wwII and lord knows how that would of ended.
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