Is the media showing a bias for Obama?

USAFNoDak, I really liked that peace from Manuel Alvarez Jr. Thanks.

Your most welcome. We americans take so many things for granted. Sometimes it's very valuable to see the opinions of someone who has been on the dictatorship side of the fence, as Mr. Alvarez, Jr. has.

Though I don't compare Obama to Castro or Hitler, in both cases, those latter two nutballs were able to take over modern, civilized, nations. They were able to convince the people of those nations, through well orchestrated politicial rhetoric, that they would solve the problems for the people in those nations by "changing" the way things worked. Well, as Mr. Alvarez, Jr. points out, you better know what your changing into.

My analogy is that Germany and Cuba thought that the clothes they were wearing were frayed and torn in a couple of spots. This made them less than happy. Along came Hitler and Castro promising them a "change" of clothes. What they didn't tell the people is that the change of clothes they were signing up for would be dirty, torn, gunny sacks, while the new leaders would have the finest of new clothes. Hey, it's all "change", right?
Total media airtime for candidates the same?

I wish some college class would compute the total television airtime for each candidate by each network. Maybe do this for one week.
I believe the results would be totally shocking!

The previous post about NBC's Today show being totally in the tank for Obama is absolutely correct. I recently counted one day where approximately 13 minutes were for Obama stories and maybe 90 seconds for McCain stories. :barf:
I recently counted one day where approximately 13 minutes were for Obama stories and maybe 90 seconds for McCain stories.

So what. No one wants to hear about McCain for 90 seconds. Obama is fresh, new, and mysterious. He has charisma and good speaking ability. He has personality.

McCain is a tired, old, ugly man with a deformed face. He has been in politics forever, and everyone knows everything about him. There is nothing new to report.

That is how the media sees it. I am voting for McCain, but must admit its much more entertaining to watch Obama.
All we hear on this side of the Atlantic is Obama, Obama, Obama yawn.

There are two ways of looking at this, he could be building an unassailable lead or he could be peaking too early. I'm tired of the guy already and I only have a passing interest.

A week is a long time in politics, how long until the election?
What experience does McCain have that is going to prepare him for the presidency?

When John Kerry ran for president, Republicans said that serving in the Senate was not experience for the presidency. The feeling was that Senators don't lead anything, but governors, and others who serve in an executive capacity, have leadership experience.

Why, now, is serving in the Senate considered experience to be president??? Is partisanship the main reason why its acceptable now, but not acceptable then.