Is the media showing a bias for Obama?


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The major network Television news' royalty will fly in to meet Barack Obama during this week's overseas trip: CBS chief anchor Katie Couric in Jordan on Tuesday, ABC's Charles Gibson in Israel on Wednesday and NBC's Brian Williams in Germany on Thursday.

The New York Times refused to print a McCain OpEd piece after publishing one from Obama.

Signs of extreme favoritism and coronation of Obama by the news media. Certainly seems that way. Should anyone be surprised???
I heard 3 different news readers refer to the late Tony Snow as a "conservative" commentator. When Keith Olberman dies, will they call him a "liberal" commentator, or just a commentator? It's not just a bias, they believe they are mainstream. Read "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg, it's an eye-opener, he worked for CBS for many years...
I couldn't tell you, I have completely ignored the current election antics. I can tell you that it is 100% true what they say - ignorance is bliss.
Well, the made sure the didn't give a jot or tiddle to Ron Paul, because heaven forbid we heard about true freedom, that and good luck to Obama or Hillary standing up to Dr. Paul. Then, they thrive on demonizing McCain as being Bush2.
I think Obama would be an extremely bad choice for president, but I would say that Obama has a charisma and energy that John McCain lacks. This makes makes stories about Obama more interesting. McCain is old and tired looking. He has been part the Washington establishment for decades, and there isn't much new to say about him.

I believe the news media is somewhat biased towards Obama, but even Fox News, which is generally regarded as more conservative, gives Obama more air time than McCain.

No doubt, the media is pushing their agenda, but at the same time, I think they know that people are more likely to watch a story about Obama than McCain... so ratings play a major role.

This is something the Republicans should have thought about when they were running McCain. The lesson should have been learned with Dole. A bland, old, establishment politician will never have the same media appeal as you new, young, mysterious politician.
I think it's a natural carry over from the primaries. The Republic primary was over in about a month...the Dem's took a year it seems like. Obama is more interesting to watch, listen to, and ponder being president than McCain.

All that being said I despise the guy and what stands for, I think the Republicans dropped the ball big time this year.
And his being the first Black candidate, and his charisma has nothing to do with his popularity. ;) As Unregistered stated, it mostly about ratings. People are intrigued by Obama's rise to becoming the Dem candidate. Especially after defeating the once favorite Hillay. McCain is not really news worthy. We know where he stands, on most issues. He has been around forever. In addition, he is a terrible public speaker, and does not have Obama's mass appeal. It is not much of a competition on who will get more media attention. This reminds me of Clinton and Dole in 1996.
Another way to look at it is this... What do you want know about McCain that you don't already know?

McCain ran in 2000...we already know what he is about. Its like watching a re-run.
The NY Times ran an OP-ED authored by Obama about his conclusions about Iraq (before he went there ??). His position changed but he acted as if it was only 'more defined'. The details are here. He displayed terrible judgment but he's only got 147 days of experience, outside of running for President, so poor judgment is understandable. At the same time 550 metric tons of yellowcake from Saddams nuclear program being held secretly to prevent Iran or any insurgents getting ahold of it arived safly in a Canadian port. It was a tightly held secret for security's sake despite it's existance being useful politically for the Bush Administration. In fact he took quite a lot of damage about this topic a while ago and held his tongue for the sake of that security. News media missed that one. After all Obama wrote an OP-ED !!!! NO major media cover this..........

McCain writes an OP-ED and the NY Times said NO. They wouldn't run it. Interesting at least but bias for sure.

Despite being an almost messianic image in the eyes of Democrats and the saturation of media coverage, and the big boost of just winning his party's nomination (presumptively) he is tied with McCain who hasn't even gotten started yet. Obama has been slipping in the polls as his primary victory boost is fading.

I find it less then impressive that tied is the best he has by now. If we were to believe some of the talk here and in the media one would think this guy would be well ahead by now but he's not. The thrill is hype. He's a charismatic guy but as usual the liberals think Americans are stupid and can be told what/how to think as it works so well on their own and again they are mistaken.

Obama loses luster as time goes by. He lacks depth and is shaken easily. He is entertaining for sure but he has more then just the far left to appeal to now and isn't doing any better then even, and he's slipping. If the media continues the Obama-mania they will get ignored even more then they are already.

If when he comes back he tries to claim he was right all along or that the leaders there prefer him despite his desire to leave them hanging he will see a further decline. People know he was ardently against the surge, they know it has succeeded, they know the troops are coming home having accomplished what they set out to do, and they will resent being treated like they are stupid.

He will make enormous gains should he come back and admit he was wrong and that he now sees that what has been accomplished in Iraq serves to fight terrorism as it has made possible a place in the middle east that people can expect justice and safely reject Islamic Fascism. That we actually do now have a strong ally in the war on terrorism in the heart of the middle east. But his handlers wouldn't advise any statements until his friends in the media lay down some carefully selected sound bites to couch them in.

Obama will need to demonstrate some depth as Americans are quickly bored with entertainers.
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mccain flew a fighter jet-you need balls to do it did obama even fly a kite? in a real crisis BULL****S WILL NOT SAVE OUR ASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The problem with what you point out Bruxley is that we don't elect presidents by way of percentage points and popular vote.

While they seem to be in a dead tie for popular votes, the Rasmussen Reports is putting Obama significantly ahead in the electoral college (210 for Obama, compared to 168 for McCain), and are estimating that Obama has a 65.1 % chance of winning the White House.
The masses will most likely vote BHO as President. I don't even care anymore. We will get the kind of gooberment we deserve, unfortunatly, I don't think I deserve this kind of gooberment. But I am just one, and only get 1 vote. Nevertheless, we will all pay the price and quite frankly, we deserve it because so many of "us" are stupid and just want a free ride off of somebody elses back.
Sounds like the media's goal has been accomplished where your concerned Ruger. Talked into believing it's an inevitability so what's the use.

If we have learned ANYTHING from this election cycle it is that NOTHING is an inevitability.

It was a lock that it would be Clinton v. Giuliani just 6 months ago..........
Clinton had Obama beat remeber........
Giuliani had them ALL beat........

People are paying attention and Obama mania is fading. McCain's a smart old dog. He's sure reeling out the rope right now isn't he.
Well for openers, I lived in Arizona for MANY years and yes John has been in politics for a lot of them,,, soooo?? That makes him good?? I don't know a lot of good he did for us then.
I have no use for Obama, I think his proposed policies pander to those that have no ambitition. They say he has captured most of the black vote, but from what I remember and I could have the numbers incorrect, blacks number somewhere like 14% of the population. Most Mexicans CAN"T vote as they are here illegally. Howcome he has taken so much of a lead, the press, news programs, vested interest by unknowns?
Trust me, I will vote for McCain, but it bothers me that is this the best man we could find as a Republican canadate? I think NOT. It is a case of, as they say, McCain "sucks less"
Rememer McCain/Fienswine.. McCain/ Liberalman and the other McCain, give it up to the Liberals??
If McCain is such a smart old dog, how come you HARDLY hear his name, it is ALWAYS Obama in the news. This smart old dog better get his poop together or he will be an "also ran"
He just ain't doing it right, sorry, but that is how I see it and most of America seem to like the free ride Obama promises, tax the hell outa the rich, big oil, big companies that make those obscene profits,, which in fact are less than the Fed gooberment makes on their products and effort.
McCain need to reinvent himself as a Reagan if he is to win. He won't, and he will lose.
Regardless of electoral votes, the PEOPLE are supposed to be protected against tyrants by the Constitution of the US. Obama may want to set up a tyranny, but he will be in the wrong if he tries. Tyranny of the majority was one of the reasons that individual rights were protected in the Bill of Rights.
Electoral votes seems like it is going to be Unregs snag in this one. OK

The point I was making was that Obama is not nearly a shu-in. He doen't enjoy a commanding lead as the media would like us to believe. People are paying attention and they don't buy it. As a result he is slipping. That however gets no play. But it's OK as even with no play McCain is holding his own. The Obama shine is hype and is fading.

When he figures out what to say after his reality in check in Iraq we'll see if he clings to his stance despite how clear it is he was wrong or conceeds that he was mistaken and is now impressed.

Either way he has taked himself into a corner here. It's understandable given 147 days of experience. He doesn't know what he's doing enough to even realize how much he doesn't know.
Electoral votes aren't my snag, they are McCain's snag. Right now the electoral votes are not in his favor.

Its not so important that Obama slips in the percentage polls. Take a state like Texas. Obama will not likely carry Texas. So it does not matter if he loses with 49% of the vote, or 1%. He can lose millions of votes in Texas, and it won't affect the election's outcome.

The states where McCain is leading are the states where Obama will likely slip. This is of no consequence, since Obama will lose those states anyway.