Is the BATFE on Vacation?

Ontay- at least they acknowledged that you applied, were issued a license and are willing to replace it. I'm back to square one. They have no record of receiving my application back in September and I'm still waiting for another application from them to apply again.

I hope this is not an indication of whats in store for me. still waiting on applications. I ordered again and will see what happens. nothing more frustrating than waiting on the govt to get it together. wait till the new prez gets his hands in it all.:mad:
They told me to just put my home address - this was really meant to be a "place of collection" field.

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thanks for the response. guess I better create a file for the hard drive and save this info. by the time my applications arrive who knows what I will remember.
Wow!!! Govt. Efficency

Just like like military intellegence, or Jumbo Shrimp. A contradiction in terms!

I feel for ya'll I filled out my paperwork and sent it in August. Received it in September, about 5 weeks door to door.

The wait times ya'll are going through are ridiculous.

I'm not gloating, I find it unacceptable. I am still waiting patiently for my CHL, I started that process this summer. I may see it b4 the end of the year.
Man this is really getting frustrating, haven't recieved anything yet I'm gonna give them a month from when I called them then I guess Ill call them AGAIN! Once again the Alphabet Organizations at there finest! :mad:
ATF "forgot" to send me my FFL renewal during the Clinton administraton, but they conveniently "remembered" to send a demand for my records. When I explained I needed a renewal, I got an application for an FFL! They then told me that the only way I could renew was to apply for a new license. I sent them the books, and said good riddance!
Was this for an 01 or an 03 FFL? I didn't think you had to send your records to them when you stop your C&R!!!
Bob T
ATFE is swamped. They are dealing with many times their normal workflow. THey can't even keep delivery of 4473s up to demand. FFLs were all faxed a note saying they could photo copy the form a few days ago. Give them some time.
Yeah, the 4473 thing got my attention. They can't even issue enough forms now to keep up with demand! Since it's a government office, once it starts to get overloaded, everything grinds to a halt. Look on the bright side, by the time it shows up the new gun you have your eye on today will qualify for C&R!
I had an 03 CR from 2002 till around 2005, let it expire. Did not have to show any records on purchases. I requested new application for new CR, recieved it in about 30 days. Just sent it in today. As soon as I recieve the new license Im gonna get a new bound book just in case, cause this time Im buying more than just a couple of rifles.
for those of you still waiting on mail delivery of form 7 or 7cr do yourself a favor and find the nearest office to your house. I gave up on the mail and did just that. turns out there was an office on my way home so I picked up all the forms I had been waiting on this afternoon. they told me I should have it back in 30 days. of course they probably tell everyone that but they were at least friendly and helpful. so my advice is just that for those needing applications. use the website for informational purposes only.
To bad I can't go to my nearest office and pick up my license, that was issued in OCT 08 that I never recieved!
...I received my second application in the mail last night. I requested it before xmas.

At this point, I'm going to send out another application and see if that one makes it to the point of issuing me a llicense. My first attempt was in September '08. No one has any record of my application being processed at BATF. I'm thinking about sending it registered mail so at least I'll have proof that it made it there.

Ontay- don't feel alone! Good luck.
ohntay, keep us posted. I really feel for you. I completed the application and will be sending it out tomorrow along with a copy to my cleo. I called the atlanta office for a few questions and asked about the turnaround time. was told it's now about 60 days due to this time of year. asked if it had anything to do with the present political situation and was told no, just this time of year, no changes at this point. but then again, thats what she told me. if i don't hear anything in 30 days will call them and check up on the status. ...... in a related event just got off of SOG's site and hope that license comes quickly so I can get on their mailing list.

Their probably too busy coming up with new and improved gun laws for Nobama. Id think he has better things to do at the moment than incooperate stricter laws. Hes even proposed a law to ban anything that you can shoot more than once without working a bolt or lever. And yes thats auto 22s as well, all the way down to pellet guns.
I thought I would fill you all in on the latest. I called the ATF last Thurs. asking for an update, the nice lady on the phone transfered me to a higher up, who did not answer his phone. I left a message with my phone number, polightly asking him to return my call. Anyone care to guess................ yep still waighting! I understand that they are backed up but how long do I have to wait?

Yes I know my spelling is horrible, bear with me I work the graveyard shift, been awake for many hours!
I just got my application returned with a nice letter informing me that my credit card was declined and I would now have to resubmit with a cashiers check or money order. If I had any questions to call her. Problem is the charge was authorized and the charge to my account was over a month ago. I called Capital One and they had no clue, no charge back or refund. I called the ATF number and have yet to talk to a person or have my call returned.
Monday at 13:00 I will call on the hour any ATF number I can find to register a complaint. I will call till they're sick of my calls and want to get rid of me. At least 20 years in the Army taught me something; how to deal with bureaucracies.
thanks for the heads up. I noticed my card was charged last week but I see where that is not a sign that you will be approved. seems the govt takes your money first then decides later if they will follow through on the paid for services. very unfair way of doing business but this is what we have to look forward to as government continues I guess to grow to huge proportions. back to your situation if you can't get it cleared up over the phone then I know you will have the credit card company re-credit you since they clearly have not delivered on their end of the deal. with that I would not take their advise, in fact I would recommend never sending any payment to the ATF other than a credit card. as it is you should not have any problem getting your money back and starting over if that's what you have to do. what a shame.

I finally got thru to a superior on Thurs. she did some investigating, and got back with me. She said she didn't understand what happened but when she called back she said she has my license in hand and would be sending it out Certified emediatly! Hopefully this turns out good:rolleyes: at the moment I'm not getting my hopes up tho!

Another thing she told me is I would have to look up all the other information that comes in the welcome packet myself because her office didn't handle that, and she didn't know who did. That would be fine with me except I don't know whats in the Information Packet they send out because I didn't get it!:mad:
Don't feel bad, I also have been waiting and can't even get anyone on the phone. THEY got my app. on Sept. the 3rd '08 (registered mail). They cashed my check and NOTHING.

Did someone say they had email, that might be the way to go for me. I don't have the time to call during the day at work and be put on hold for over 30 minutes.

By the time I get home, their offices are closing in 20 minutes.

It is the government after all. :barf: :barf: :barf: