Is the .22 LR a sufficient weapon to hunt Coyotes with under 50yd???

Rich, you are right, just like always. What was I thinking giving my personal experience in an advice thread? When the originator of the post ask if a .22LR was enough gun for COYOTES under 50 yards I should have ignored the question and touted the effectiveness of the 22-250 on COYOTES. No wait, I should have scolded him for asking the question, not explained why, and the touted the advantages of the 22-250 in COYOTES. Then I should have explained the process of anointing the dead body of the COYOTE so that it's soul might escape to the great hunting grounds in the sky.
Coyote Gun

I see more coyote every year but have never shot one. Even rural in my area there's rarely more than 300 yards between dwellings. I bought a single shot .357 for coyote and will still limit my shots to 50 yards.Even a 22 CF can shoot much too far for me to feel comfortable. Yes, a 357 can ricochet but I feel it is applicable for the area. I wouldn't use my 10/22 unless it was the ONLY choice.
OK, Whiskey. I think I owe you an post was a bit "puritanical". Honest apology offered.

Now let's deal calmly and honestly with the point:
Yours was that you've killed many wild dogs and coyotes with a 22LR....most head shots.

Not a single jaw broken? Not a single one taking lead and getting away? No frontal head shots without penetration? No misgivings? If you met a 15 year old with "nothing but a .22 LR", you'd introduce him to hunting by having him shoot coyote with it? These types of hunting stories always fascinate me, as I never get to hear them around hunting fires. They seem, however, to abound on the Internet.

So let me back up a bit and give you the chance to clarify? How many coyotes was that? How many head shots? And, again, they all dropped on the spot? Numbers, details and situations appreciated.
Rich, fair enough. I have shot a whopping total of 4 coyotes with a .22 long rifle. I don’t remember how many dogs I have shot with a .22 long rife, but I estimate it to be around 6. 3 of the coyotes were shot in the head, in the ear. I shot the other in the neck. All of them dropped on the spot. NOT all the dogs I have shot dropped on the spot. Some of them were lung shots and they ran a shot distance across the pasture before dying. All died within sight of me. I am an ethical hunter and I lose sleep at night if I shot an animal I can’t recover. However, it happens regardless of the gun you use. I have lost deer to poor shot placement; I have lost hogs to poor shot placement. It is an unwelcome part of hunting. I have also shot a coyote with a 30-06 that did not drop on the spot, but rather ran around yelping until I could get another round in it. Coyotes were a menace to the chicken farm I worked on. They would sneak in and steal chickens and I made it my mission the rid the county of them. I always had a 10/22 with me for rats, so that’s what got used when a coyote showed up. I have tried hunting coyotes for spot, but have not had any success. I did not hunt them with a .22lr for sport. I do believe that a .22LR is plenty of gun for a coyote if the shooter is willing to take head shots under 50 yards. I do not believe that a coyote’s skull is thick enough to thwart a .22lr from head on. I may be wrong on this point as I have hot shot one straight on.

I understand your point about putting information out on the web for “novice” hunters. I did assume too much in believing that the hunter had enough hunting experience to know the lethality, and his personal limitations, with the .22LR.

Would I take a kid coyote hunting with a .22LR? No, most kids don’t have the experience/patience to wait for a clean shot.

It is very hard to get intent across over the internet. My intent was to relay experience and my opinion that in the right hands the .22LR was capable of cleanly taking coyotes. It was not my intent to convince anyone that the .22LR was the best coyote caliber.
Whiskey said:
3 of the coyotes were shot in the head, in the ear. I shot the other in the neck.
I've previously stated that this can be done....but few can do it. You're a known quantity around here, Whiskey, and I believe you can.

Whiskey said:
I am an ethical hunter and I lose sleep at night if I shot an animal I can’t recover. However, it happens regardless of the gun you use.
Exactly where I was coming from. I have made this point also.

Whiskey said:
I always had a 10/22 with me for rats, so that’s what got used when a coyote showed up.
Understandable and hardly unethical, IMHO.

Whiskey said:
It is very hard to get intent across over the internet.
And I transgressed far worse than you in this regard. Thanks for clarifying.
If a .22 long rifle is all you have, then that is all you have. Pick your shots accordingly.

I realize in some states it is the .22 long rifle or a shotgun. If this is the case, and you are only counting on 50 yards, then a 12 gauge 3" with Hevi-Shot "T" or #4 buck have killed thousands of coyotes here in Nebraska.

Make that tens of thousands.
I have little experience with buckshot. I have read and read about the ballistics of the stuff and I have even attempted to use it on smaller hogs, but I have had dismal results. I have found that 00 and 000 buck loads are not the most consistent loads from my 12ga pump with Mod or Full chokes. I would not shoot at anything over 25 yards away with the stuff and I would definitely limit its use to light skinned game. As I stated I am not a big user of buckshot and that is simply because I have lost pigs using it. I do still carry a box when I am in “shotgun only” pig country because I believe it IS good at 10 feet on just about anything in North America.
Having smacked a decent number of critters with a .22LR, best I can say is that it's like killing them with an ice pick. Doable? Yes. Doable for an inexperianced hunter? Fraught with peril.. Make sure your rifle is really well zero'ed with that load.

I'd recommend the shotgun. Several USDA wildlife control folks I know really like # 4 or #1 buck for those chores.
I have killed 2 coyotes with a .22lr, 2 with 00 buck, and quite a few with my .223. So yes it can definitely be done. I tend to agree with everyones comments on shot placement, we hunt them for sport around here and I have seen them hit with a 7mm mag and not drop instantly. As a matter of fact we have had to fight our way through the brush to get to a couple to finish them off. I sure wish we could get them to the 50yd range around here again, we have hunted them so heavily that they are pretty shy now and most of our shots are between 100-250 yards. Thats calling them in too!
50 yards easily. We used to sit out on the porch with a spot light. Bait the coyote with something that is nice 'n stinky since they are scavengers. Hit them with the spot light and they freeze looking at it. A headshot is relatively easy from there.

Though, the fact that people have moved out my way recently limits what we can do as far as pest control goes... Still got the hill to shoot into though, thankfully.
i should clarify

when i said that the velocitor would kill a coyote that is going on limited experiece and what the company claims about them. with a perfect shot and perfect condidtions i would take the shot on a coyote with a .22lr velocitor and i know it would work.... but given a choice id be carrying a .243 Win. with a 75 grain ballistic tip and a 3-9X40 scope. if .22lr was all i had id definetly be picking appropriate shots and letting more coyotes than i wished go. i think ill stick with my .270 and little 100 grain core-lokts for yotes.
themikeman said:
50 yards not a prob

just aim for the eye.
aim small miss small
And here we go again. ;) Hey, TMM. You're talking about a 1" square piece at 50 yards, with a 22LR, from a field position. I've got $1,000 that's just burning a hole in my pocket. I (or a stand-in) will come to wherever you are and you can perform that feat on video.

5 out of 5 in the "eye" at 50 yards, from a field position and you take home a grand. Miss one and I take home $500. I'm giving you 2:1 odds for a shoot that you call, "Not a prob". I'm not arguing that this can't be can. I've just never seen anyone do it consistently for money or blood.

Am I on?
If a .22 long rifle is all you have, then that is all you have. Pick your shots accordingly.
I think there are different rules for pest control vs hunting. True hunting means that the animal deserves the consideration of a caliber that is likely to end things quickly even with less than perfect placement. Even so, that doesn't give the hunter carte blanche as far as picking a shot. Pest control is a little less restrictive, IMO, but there are still limits.

In a pest control situation, if all I had was a .22LR and I was presented a good shot on a coyote, I'd take it. I wouldn't intentionally go hunting coyote with a .22LR.

The most important part of the above quote, and the one that many folks unfortunately disregard was the last 4 words. "Pick your shot accordingly."

The other side of the coin is that in a pest control situation, if all I had was a .22LR and I wasn't presented with a good shot, I'd let him go. Range really isn't the main consideration, either. Even being inside 50 yards doesn't ensure that you will be presented with a good shot.
Since I use a 10/22 to shoot coyotes... I simply squeeze a rapid succession of 3 shots into wherever the target of opportunity is on the coyote, head or chest. Usually drops them. From what I know, the .22LR tends to fish tail upwards and do some damage so. I've shot 6 coyotes, and only one of them didn't drop on the spot.
The Rules seem rather loss and vague. For a man putting up, 1-G. of his hard earned money.

Please clarify ( field position) , Prone, Offhand , anything other than off the bench. ?

One Square inch @ 50 yrds.... does on the line count as a Hit ? or does it have to inside the line ?

Are you giving him the option of using a, $139 sale special weapon & $1.69 box LR Ammo
Or a quality Target model weapon & Match LR ammo ?
The Rules seem rather loss and vague. For a man putting up, 1-G. of his hard earned money.

Please clarify ( field position) , Prone, Offhand , anything other than off the bench. ?
But the Money wasn't at all in question, was it?

Field position for coyote, Raymond. Offhand, Kneel, California Kneel or Sit....and I'm open to other FIELD position calls. You can't hunt Coyote from the prone; they're likely to take a piece of your butt as they run over you from behind.

One Square inch @ 50 yrds.... does on the line count as a Hit ? or does it have to inside the line ?
I'm a generous guy. Break the line; Take my money. I've just increased the real estate for a hit by 22%.

Are you giving him the option of using a, $139 sale special weapon & $1.69 box LR Ammo
Or a quality Target model weapon & Match LR ammo ?
I don't recall asking about his platform or ammo. Like I said, I'm a generous guy with money burning a hole in my pocket. I'm not asking a World Class feat. Just for one hunter to do what he says is "no problem".

OTOH, if someone were to tell me they needed a month to get ready for such a shoot, I'd suspect a new rifle purchase and lots of practice. That would not do. I'm in Dallas tonight. I have my own plane. I can pretty much reach any area of the nation tomorrow or the next day.

Lets say, at TMM's call, before Monday the 11th. 10 minutes work for $1,000. Fair enough?

Bet remains.....unless, of course, you'd like to act as stand-in.
I do not shoot Comp. and don't know how they Kneel or sit down south there in sunny California but
I have done that feat many time during any day's sitting, while shooting .22
I shoot Rimfire @ least twice a week & have also had a .22 in my hands since I was (4) that's Four years old.
That is not a great feat of accuracy & the chances of me winning that bet are most likely in my Favor / no brag and especially you being so generous and giving line-shots as a Go.
I am not trying to challenge your beef with Who-ever pissed you off .
I can shoot .22 very competently & can make 5 out of 5 in 1 Sq inch & I aint no Ringer @ least bare minimum, 50/50.
I can Not vouch for the marksmanship of the other gentleman though. I also don't give a Big-Rats-Ass either.
That is up to him to, BACK his OWN MOUTH UP.
Mr. Losli - -
for a man with no stake in the proposed shootin' match, you ask a lot of questions. Are you undertaking to be themikeman's manager or something? ;)

If, as you say, you don't vouch for tmm's marksmanship, and really just don't care, why all the concern for shooting position, gear, and ammunition?

Or, with your substantial experience, are you asking to buy into the challenge? (Though the stakes aren't that large, for the distance from Dallas to Oregon.) As an aside, though - - the pressure is really different when there is substantial money (or blood) at risk. :D

Best regards,