Is the .22 LR a sufficient weapon to hunt Coyotes with under 50yd???


I have never hunted coyotes before and I have been seeing them when I shoot just before sunset. I wasn't sure if a lung shot would drop one within about 50 yards. I just purchased some 40 grain velocitors, that's the heaviest I have for .22, so that's probably what I'd use.
At 50 yards it's definitely going to work. But if you're going any farther you'll want to think about more gun.
I am not sure I would consider the .22 ideal for coyotes, but it should work. And I agree with your choice of ammunition. I've used the Velocitors with great success on ground squirrels and other small game. I've never had anything do more than flop over and twitch when shot with the Velocitors. I wouldn't exactly call it recoil, but just shooting them lets you know the CCIs have more umph to them that most other .22 Long Rifle loads. Let us know how it turns out.
I don't think you'll get very clean kills, and the dogs will suffer. They are just as tough as people - imagine dying of a .22LR chest wound.
Having shot a lot of them, I'd say that a .22 will kill them, but not fast. You can't count on missing ribs or other bones that will deflect a .22.
If you're happy with them living for several minutes to an hour or more while they bleed out, go ahead. If you don't mind them living with a wound for days until it becomes infected and they finally die, have at it.

Cape Canaveral
you betcha

for sure those velocitors will kill them theyre not as big as they look. id definetly be willing to try it with my 597 since its a 10 shot i like thos fast sollow ups.
Not really

I've shot 11 coyotes in the past 6 years. I've had problems putting them down with .22 lr. I've even shot two with a .270 140 grain failsafe bullets. One of them that was shot rolled over two times got up ran off for 60 yards even with a .270! At fifty yards I would consider a 12 gauge shotgun with 3" magnum buckshot. They can be diffucult to put down but if you insist on using a .22 use premium rounds, I prefer lead roundnose bullets and you may want to take head shots.
At fifty yards I would definitely be able to hit them in the head.

I just figured, since my gun is a 15 shot semi-auto, I could fill one up pretty quick in the lung region.
>>I just figured, since my gun is a 15 shot semi-auto, I could fill one up pretty quick in the lung region.<<

Don't bet on it. Coyotes are fast and seem to turn invisible when they want to. Your best bet is to step up to something with more oomph, like a .22 Hornet.

Coyotes are surprisingly non-tenacious. A .22LR will kill them out to 50 yards, but don't expect sudden kills. If you're looking to dump them right there, use something more powerful.

I kill Coyotes on sight, with whatever is at hand. But I want to thank everyone here who pointed out this is not an ideal round for Coyote, except in the most controlled (or unexpected) situation.

TFL is about Responsible Firearms Ownership. That includes Responsible Hunting. I simply cannot understand Responsible Shooters intentionally planning to drop the hammer on an animal with a caliber "just to see", when you could just as easily choose a rifle that will leave no doubt (all things being equal).

Not only would it embarrass me if you came to me with that intent, but I'd probably be rooting for the Coyote, if not hunting you in the background.

Lurkers watch this Forum. Kids watch it. Anti's watch it. Is this the image y'all want for "Responsible Firearms Ownership"? If so, we're on completely different frequencies.
I'm a newbie as far as guns are concerned.

I have a Winchester Model 74 .22 LR, a 16 guage Remington Sportsman, and a CZ 1945 .25 auto. I know, weird assortment, but that's what I've got. I feel confident that my .22 loaded with 40g velocitors will do the trick at 50 and under.
I feel confident that my .22 loaded with 40g velocitors will do the trick at 50 and under.
Well, since you mostly got the OPPOSITE advice, I wonder why you bothered asking?

Where does this curious confidence come from? Certainly not experience.