Is Taurus dead? Looking at available guns over 6 months...

As much bashing as they get, they get some really good reviews on their current firearms and they are available for about 1/2 the price of their competitors. Not saying they're haven't been issues with taurus in the past, but many of their detractors don't seem to have any 1st hand experience with the weapons they talk down on. I believe supply and demand are at play.
I own two Taurus's now, a .45 Millennium and a .357 Snubby titanium. Love them both. Also owned a Taurus 1911 that shot every bit as good as my Springfield 1911 and gave my Kibers a run for the money (although the Taurus was less than half the price). The Taurus 1911 shot every bit as good as the Wilson I paid $3,200 for. Had a Taurus Slim that I loved. Gave it to my Niece and she still carries it today.
As much bashing as they get, they get some really good reviews on their current firearms

It might be interesting to make a mental note of their recent reputation and compare it to what is said in a few years. It seems to me that a reputation has a certain inertia, and takes time to change. I have the impression that there are fewer complaints about newer pistols, and if they can be consistent for a while they might improve their reputation. It just might take a while for the recent positives to outnumber the older negatives. Only time will tell.
LOL! Something with high-demand being sold out equates to "dead". You must live in the Bizarro Universe.

It depends. You'd be right if it's sold out due to high demand. OTOH, it might be sold out due to no supply, which could be a sign of the company being in trouble.
I bought a Rossi R92 stainless in .357 in October of 2013 ... after looking for one for about 8 months.

Sporadic availability of Taurus and Rossi models is not a new phenomenon.
If you go on the Buds web site you will notice CZ .S&W. KelTec, Rock Island Armory, and all have as many or fewer guns they carry listed in stock too.
Manufacturing does not over build like they used to in the 1970's anymore.
It also may be because of the political climate in Brazil these days. I've heard talk that they are trying to move production to Miami Fla.
The Rossi r92's in .357 come in in bunches, and quickly sell out. A friend of mine had to wait quite a while for his. Unlike most of the ones I've seen in the past, it has zero issues and even the loading gate was easy to use and didn't cut his finger.
If it's not dead... it should be.

There's just no reason to buy from a manufacturer with such a bad track record of reliability when there are SO MANY good affordable options out there. It's just not worth it.

Friends don't let friends buy crappy guns.
Taurus is most likely sold out due to high demand. Thay have a tendency to steep up prices beyond their value but still the LGS has gotten lately more Taurus from the USA and they seems to have hold their last price even gone cheaper.

That shoul mean demand is very high and each inported lot of guns is sold rigth away.
Due to wages have fallen in the US and people overall are poorer so they demand the Taurus brand instead of american or italian 800$ guns.

Sounds reasonable?
The market for Taurus in homeland Brazil must not be so big since they have lots of gun restrictions in Brazil.
For Semiauto all calibers beyond 380 acp are forbidden and for revolvers all calibers beyond 38 spl and rifles beyond 44-40 is not allowed to buy for civilians, to have nor to export.

A normal civilian can have only up to 380 acp in pistol caliber. 38 spl is the upper limit for revolvers and I believe even +P 38 spl is not allowed. They do not ship guns over those legal calibers to other Southamerican countries like Colombia (export restrictions). So it is not unusual to see importers import 38 spl lever action rifles and ream the chamber out converting the gun to 357 magnum (and thats how they sell it as well stating on the barrel 38 spl but sell them as 357 magnums).

To the US Taurus however ships all calibers.
I know Taurus is constantly getting crap for reliability issues, but I have two 809's and have yet to have a single misfire despite many different types of ammo used. I really like these guns
Ok, here's my take.
Go back about a year. I'd like a small inexpensive 22. Something to have while out on the tractor brush hogging and such. No big $$ ,nothing too nice. Old H&R maybe, figured I'd start looking around. I already knew about the horrible 9 round taurus 22 revolver reliability and trigger pull.
I happen to see a online review of the all new Rossi plinker 2". All steel, great review, I figured I'd try it. Wasn't in the Rossi online products listening, but Gallery of guns had a listing. Email when in stock. I did. It came up again, and I bought -$292 or something like that.
Now, they don't even show the model period. Any barrel length. I didn't see a single Taurus available on GoG last I looked. I really like the one I got, but why is it no longer available??
I don't think any other major manufacturer has stock issues like these, do they? Political runs on guns aside, Taurus seems to be kinda different.
Some pistol models of Taurus like the 24/7 and 8xx something, got halted the production by the brazilian military.

This you can see in this video

The brazilian army controls the guns produced and detected Taurus made changes in the trigger without allowance on current models.
Since those guns are all used by the police and military as well.
This was in 2016.

They fire without sqeezing the trigger or fire at all.

Seems Brazil has prohibited to import Glock pistols and others to protect their domestic gun manufacturers.

At least my new Taurus PT 92 afs works and has a good fit and finish.
Bud's is notorious for having large numbers of guns out of stock and will never come back into unless (new old stock), they put them in the system and never take them out.

What you're seeing in the Taurus section is a lot of discontinued models.
the metal pt22's, the older 1st gen millennium pro's (succeeded by the g2's)
The pimp version 92's, 100 and 101's, 917, etc

the list goes on.

Some years back Taurus started cleaning house.
Taurus had a problem of producing to many models imo.
With that said they didn't just clean house but introduced a bunch of new models.

Problem is I look at half their catalog and honestly can't tell the difference between a few of the lines.

They've also made a pivot towards polymer, even retro fitting the pt22 which I think was a bastard move.

They also discontinued a lot of models I wanted just could not buy yet.
I am actually a big fan of Taurus and yes they have had problems Im not blind.

But they have a lot of interesting guns, Their 92 series run really well and actually prefer it over Beretta, although the cost on these have creeped up to near Beretta pricing which is a bad move imo.

I just picked up a 709 for 185 shipped to and out my dealers door.
So there are plenty of Taurus out there if you're looking.

If you're having trouble locally try online, (formally slickguns)
The Taurus longguns on the other hand have always been a bit of a rarity (at least locally in my area)
Taurus makes good guns. Look at the other gun Manufactures in Buds. Ruger s the only one with a bunch. EVERYONE else only has about 1 page or less. Manufactures are cutting back. It is business. Ruger is trying to dump its old 22 auto for the new MK 4 with easy take down. Of course I have been collecting for over 45 years and have one of anything. But what do I know? Lot of opinions out there From Experts like Glockgreat23,VoodooMountain,and jackstrawIII .
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Its actually an interesting thing I did not know.
The video states that if the brazilian Taurus makes a similar gun as an foreign manufacturer then the military/governement stopps all imports from the foreign brand and by now you can't get any Glock or Beretta 92 in Brazil.

Obviously you are screwed if the domestic gun makes then "click" instead of "bang" or fires a few Police officer suddenly in the leg if dropped like in the video.
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I suspect it's just high demand for cheap guns in popular formats and calibers. Cheap seems to rule all for a Huuuuge, as the Donald would say, sector of the gun buying public. I always tend to bite the bullet and buy at least very good perceived quality, rather than as many features as possible at the cheapest possible price. I have slipped a time or three, and always regretted the results. Within my humble experience, much more often than not you actually do get what you pay for......ymmv
OP here.

Since purchased a Taurus 66 in the last few weeks. Using the gun aggregating websites, I still think there is a production problem. From when I purchased to a week later, the stainless 66s dried up.

Something is going on when compared to other retailers who are failing over themselves with rebates...
I do see a lot of TCPs and 709s, but I think that may just be because that's more of what interests me. I have both and really like them both. The 709 had some bugs that Taurus worked out on their dime. I do like their designs and they seem to be more innovative than other companies. Yeah, there's a lot of misses, but there are misses with all manufacturers.

At any rate, I for one hope they don't go away.