Is Obama now Playing the "Race Card", much like OJ Simpson Did??

I would like to see this election be defined by policies not personalities. The Obama speech hinting at reparations for slavery may be a good point though. I don't know a single person who owned a slave. The slave sellers in Africa were black so how do you do reparations there? I don't think there are many descendents from Africa who want the tort undone, resulting in their return to the country and situation they would find themselves in if they did not find themselves here as a distant result of the harm of slavery.
Of course he is. Its not like he can lay the "experience" card, or the "good ideas" card, or even the " hard workers" card. He's a junior senator who has spent less time in the senate than John MCcain did as a POW, has a sum total of one legislative accoplishement to his record in the US Senate, a record almost as thin as a chicago legislature, and to be blunt, has absolutely nothing he can point to as an accomplishemnt. What other card could he possibly play?
Well, OK I'll Play! Hope.....Hope he knows what he is doing. Change.....We are the most prosperous nation in history and I am going to change that! The problem is that he could come out and directly say that and only lose a point or two in the polls. He is playing the Democrat class and envy card in ads. His church and statements in books about working up a hatred of whites seems a bit racist. If you turned the tables around with McCain saying similar things you would hear about it nonstop on the MSM. I would still prefer discussion of issues and how they would be paid for. When most people pay little taxes, they can be manipulated for votes...they won't be paying for it!
IMO the Dem. party should have endorsed a much more experienced candidate to run against Hillary. Can`t say for sure but for some reason I get the feeling that the Dem party today are surprised of the outcome of Obama beating Hillary. Surely with his lack of notoriety and experience they must have known he was a dark-horse to win. Is it possible a few things backfired in the Dem. parties anticipation of the way things turned out for them?