Is Obama now Playing the "Race Card", much like OJ Simpson Did??

It's been said many times here but I have to agree. If you dare to criticize Obama in any way, you are instantly labeled as a racist.

He always falls back on that one.
Why not compare him to Hitler?


This does seem a little, unfair and deeming, to Hitler.:D
Unregistered: Maybe you can return your state CCW permit after you cast your vote for Obama. I'm sure he'd like someone to begin the process.
I am sure the Republicans will want to use that poster for advertising... about the only thing they can do is sling mud.

I don't think that will be necessary, there are plenty of real issues to slam Obama with, if they will only do it.

By the way Unregistered when did you become an Obama guy?
Unregistered: Maybe you can return your state CCW permit after you cast your vote for Obama. I'm sure he'd like someone to begin the process.

I won't be voting for Obama, I will be voting for McCain. I Just hate to see people lie and spread misinformation about someone, even someone I disagree with politically. Trying to draw a comparision between Obama and OJ or Obama and Hitler is unfair mudslinging. If you don't see that, it is because you are blinded by partisanship. There are many reasons to vote against Obama. There is no reason for us to have to make stuff up to convince people not to vote for him.

I would rather endure 4 years of Obama than lie and deceive people to avoid Obama. If you disagree with that, you need to reconsider your own personal moral code. You don't want to be a liar.
Trying to draw a comparision between Obama and OJ or Obama and Hitler is unfair mudslinging.

You are correct, he should not be associated with Nazism or wife killers, only with those whose ideology he shares.

One kind of should see that the american people want a radical change. Obama is NOT my choice, but, the fact that
he's got as far as he has says a LOT about the desperation of American voters....
+1 Socrates. IMO people want an instant change of the world today that has taken many years to get to where its at today. Very scary times with the current world events and it amazes me that people(still today) buy up the promises of politicians that paint the picture of being able to turn our country around overnight. News Flash: Not gonna happen! We hear the word morality being posted over and over on these political threads. That, to me is also scary as it shows me that either people don`t know the meaning of morality or they have very limited knowledge of politics. After working 30+ years in government I will assure you, morality and politics(in todays world) should never be thought of as going hand-n-hand. Any politician painting a picture of what he`ll do thats to good to be true, "is". I hope people remember that come election day.
I'm no McCain supporter, but it's not a very good analogy comparing an endorsement to Obama having attended the Reverend Wright's church for twenty years.

I agree. Obama listened to Rev. Wrights hate speech for a long time and only made a move to distance himself as the media became critical.
he's got as far as he has says a LOT about the desperation of American voters....
Hopefully the voters will have a chance to undo their mistake before it's too late.

Some of the real racists see that Obama as the best thing ever for pushing their goals. I had one racist guy tell me, to the effect of, "I'm voting for Obama, After the country gets a taste of him, nobody is gona vote for a black man ever again."

We will see if he is right.
American voters need to change themselves first.

That's the only way they'll get better leadership.

We need more grown-ups in this country.
I don't like to play "politics" here. I like liberal gun owners. I like conservative gun owners. I like independent gun owners, and apathetic gun owners.

But getting angry about comparing Obama to the world's villains earns Republicans the label of being unable to do anything but sling mud? Hardly. The Democrats set that table, the rest of the country just has to eat at it now. The first thing the left does when they're unhappy with a conservative leader is compare them to Hitler. How many times have you seen Cheney/Hitler comparisons? How many times have you seen "Bush is the terrorist" posters? How many effigies of Reagan have been burned? The right never did that with Clinton or Carter. If someone made an Obama voodoo doll, the press would eat them alive, rappers would make songs about you, and Jesse Jackson would start sending anonymous mail to paroled felons stating you keep a lot of loose diamonds in your trousers.

Obama sure as heck doesn't look like the other guys on our currency. He bears absolutely no resemblance to our great leaders. He doesn't look like a man of conviction. He doesn't look like a man of wisdom. He doesn't look like a man with experience. He doesn't look like a man who has ever served anything greater than his own success. He doesn't look like a man of substance. Obama wishes our reason for hating him was his aesthetics, but he's given us so many reasons to resent him based on his actions and words that we'll never have the time to tell him he's too handsome for office. I could care less about his old church, the company he keeps, anything else - he is a hollow man who perpetuates the victim-mentality that erodes America's greatness.
Obama wishes our reason for hating him was his aesthetics, but he's given us so many reasons to resent him based on his actions and words that we'll never have the time to tell him he's too handsome for office. I could care less about his old church, the company he keeps, anything else - he is a hollow man who perpetuates the victim-mentality that erodes America's greatness.

That is my point. We don't need to make up lies about Obama, or draw false comparisons between him and murderers. There is plenty to dislike about Obama, and that is what the Republicans need to explain to the American people.
Obama isn't playing the race card yet. But he's let everyone know he's got it and he's willing to use it. That makes everybody watch their step.

But if Obama skids in the polls in September/October, then he'll lay down the Ace of Spades for whatever it's worth. If he's going down in flames anyway, he might as well create as much havoc as he can.
Trying to draw a comparision between Obama and OJ or Obama and Hitler is unfair mudslinging

Have you not seen the latest McCain TV ad that started on Friday? It has scenes from the Cecil B. DeMille classic: "The Ten Commandments".

The ad accuses Obama of claiming to be another Moses, saying that he is going to lead us all to the "promised land". Of course, the point of the ad is to show that Obama is no Moses, and that he does not have the experience needed to be President.

At least now Obama is now being compared to Charlton Heston. Although I don't know how Heston would have felt about this comparison, if he was still alive today.....
