Is Obama now Playing the "Race Card", much like OJ Simpson Did??


John McCain's campaign is currently criticizing Obama regarding some of his recent statements, saying that Obama is now resorting to playing the infamous "race card", first made famous during the trial of O J Simpson.

Is Obama really trying to gain sympathy from voters, due to his race?? What do you think?

Here are some news media reports on this political story from the Reuters news service, the New York Times, and the Chicago Tribune:,0,946572.story

not quite like OJ

Obama and his supporters, with the compliant MSM, have so far effectively used race as a shield to deflect unflattering questions and criticisms. If you criticize Obama on anything, their response has been "criticism of a black man is unacceptable (you racist.)"

The race card has been used abundantly in our culture for the last 40 years, and it's worked very effectively to silence legitimate discussion. However, in a presidential election, many are unwilling to halt discussion for any reason, and now very few are still willing to redeem the race card. This is a true benefit of Obama's presence in this election, maybe we can get rid of the race card in our society as a whole.
No, I don't think he has played the race card. But I think it was a good idea for McCain to claim that anyway and put Obama on the defensive.
The negative twist in the campaign for the November 4 election was prompted by a McCain television advertisement on Wednesday that called Obama a celebrity akin to star-crossed U.S. personalities Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

In response, Obama said McCain was trying to scare voters away from him by pointing out he had "a funny name, and he doesn't look like all the presidents on the dollar bills and the five dollar bills."

Sounds like Obama either played the "race card" or the "funny ears card."
I could care less what skin color our next president has. But I really don't
like the idea of a JUNIOR senator possibly becoming our next president.

Obama repeatedly tells audiences that his opponents will point out that he doesn't look like the Presidents on the dollar bills. No one else is saying anything like this, just BHO. It is a pre-emptive move that equates with calling his opponents racists, without said opponents saying anything of the sort.
BHO is hideing behind the race card and has his flunkies claim any one who says something negative about him is being racist.
I think the race card has been in play for a long time now. At first it was subtle: Six months ago the media was asking "Can a black man win the nomination? Is America ready to see beyond black and white in November?" and now it is much more overt: "I don't look like the presidents on dollar bills".

Obama hasn't been slamming the race card down on the table like Spike Lee or Al Sharpton would. He's been letting other people play it for him and quietly sliding it out there with the rest of his hand. But it's been there all along.
I don't think he's playing 'the race card' at all. I think it's the McCain camp accusing him of it to muddy the water since McCain has little to say that has value/not a good presenter of much of anything. He may be smart (I dunno and I'm not stating whether he is or isn't) but he doesn't present well. Obama is much more 'presidential' and it is my opinion that the youth/younger demographics will vote en mass for Obama as he has more appeal. McCain is in trouble and will have to do whatever he can to derail/put Obama on the defensive.

Don't fall for the 'race baiting' claims by the media; we all know that some people would never vote for Obama due to his race no matter what he professed and many DO feel just as Obama claimed but that's reality. I'll not make much of an issue over what he claimed and his comments got a chuckle from the audience. It appears that THEY knew it was a light-hearted slam against McCain.

There's nothing to see hear.
It most defiantly is shielding him from criticism and serious questions.

I don't think Obama is playing the race card, I think we are playing it for him.

I can't imagine what would have happened had McCain attended a church led by a white Rev. Wright. Rev. Wright was clearly issuing racist prose from his pulpit and I think Obama got off easy on this whole thing by the media because he is a minority. It seems the double standard of today's PC world is that if white people are racists its a crime. If minority person is racist they are given a pass.
I agree that the MSM and Obama himself (and his staff, many supporters, and other Dems) are the only ones that seem to keep bringing up race, and tryine to make it be an issue. As to his "I don't look like the presidents on dollar bills" comment, I sure am not buying his explanation that it had nothing to do with his race, but that what he meant was he was not a long time politician, or was not an "insider" like the presidents he's referring too. If that were what he meant, that is what he would have said, and the fact he puts out such and obviously lame, lying excuse just shows how little he thinks of Americans hat he expecs anyone to buy that load of crap.

He tried to imply McCain was being racist, as were his supporters, and got caught and hammered for it, and is trying to backpedal, and not doing it very well at that.

Obama and his supporters claim he is so intellegent, and so doesnt see race/color, and is such a "brilliant", "articulate" speaker, and yet we are supposed to beleive that his statement using the phrase "don't LOOK like..." is supposed to have meant something other than physical appearance (especially when coupled with his BS comments about how McCain will supposedly bring up that he has a "funny name", and such (gee, he's apparently a mind reading, future predicting messiah :rolleyes:)), is total crap, and a blatant lie, and was 100% intended to paint McCain as a racist , when he has never even made the tinyest comment about Obama's race, name, etc, and instead is bringing up the REAL issues of Obama's radical left leanings, questionable associations, horrible policy plans, and total lack of government experiance. With all those obvious reason nt to vote for Obama, McCain has not need to bring race into it, there are WAY too many other clear reasons to not vote for Obama to br committing political suicide by making racist comments. Heck, the MSM and Obama, his supposters, and the Dems would CRUCIFY McCain for even the tiniest hint of a racist remark from him or his staff.Give me a break.

Obama is so full of it, I cant even BEGIN to fathom why anyone would consider voting for him.Then add on his horrible, socialist plans, and total lack of experiance in government, and the fact he even won the nomination is mind blowing to me.It REALLY makes me wonder what is going on in the heads of half the people in this country.:barf:

I have NO love for McCain at all, and REALLY wish these 2 losers werent the only viable choices, but the thought of Obama as president, even without the Dems controlling Congress, terrifies me. With the Dems actually being in charge of Congress, the thought of an Obama presidency has me in a near panic for the future.Just because something/someone is a "change", doesn't make it a good thing. Becoming a woman would be a change for me too, but that isnt a good thing for me either.:D
"I Can't Imagine What Would Have Happened Had Mccain Attended A Church Led By A White Rev. Wright."
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Is Obama now Playing the "Race Card", much like OJ Simpson Did
No! He's doing a much better job than OJ. O'Bama is far more nuanced. OJ was pretty much "straight ahead" and "in your face". O'Bama does a lot of tap dancing, pirouetting, flip-flopping. He has skills OJ never had.
John McCain Was Officially Endorsed By One Dr. John Hagee & McCain Welomed The Endorsement... Look Up Dr. John Hagee. The Sympathetic Media Didn't Have Much To Say At All...

I'm no McCain supporter, but it's not a very good analogy comparing an endorsement to Obama having attended the Reverend Wright's church for twenty years.
I think using OJ, who is widely regarded as a crazy man and murderer, as your comparison to Obama was an intentional attempt to make Obama look bad. Why not compare him to Hitler? He certainly played the race card.