Is My Husband Normal?

Lou, I only own 10 guns, the rest here belong to the kids(G)...

More importantly form your viewpoint, is he a good man? Does he love and take care of his family? Is he violent towards others in real life?

Some years ago we were at a gathering of my wife's family in NY state.I was still working then for the Md Dept of Public Safety. During a lull in the conversation, I heard my wife respond to something one of her sisters said about me. It went like this...

"Yes, he owns more guns than the average Central American Revolution.

Yes, he'd rather kill his meat than buy it in a store.

Yes, he beats people up for a living. But, there's compensations".....

Married 23 years, still hopelessly in love.
well is it normal to take out his frustrations against the anti's on you?? NOPE

Speak your mind.

Look a lot of us have a lot of guns and some of us hunt and some don't and some think the trilateral ufo black helicopter commision is spying on there reloading data..

but for the most part we are a pretty balanced bunch of folks. I suggest rekindling an interest in OTHER hobbies as well... whether its together or sperately.. you can't and SHOULDN'T think eat sleep drink guns 24/7.

There was a fine post here some time ago about the fact that samurai warriors were not ONLY masters of thier swords.. but of poetry, dance, calligraphy, and spiritually sound of heart and mind. Find something that tickles your fancy that you can both enjoy together. remind him that while you don't mind the guns its NOT all you want to talk about. Try bowling or dancing or playing scrabble or tending the garden or whatever suits your fancy.

The issue here is NOT someone's right to keep and bear arms, the question is your hubby's obsession/hobby is making life at home tough.

You need to address that, and then you can relax.

Good luck,

Lou, just a little word - it is not polite to ask your husband how many guns he has - just as it is not polite for the husband to rumage around in the wife's purse or ask how many bottles of perfume she has. Some things in a marriage are "just better left unsaid." Look, I love my wife - I always ask her if she wants to come to the shooting range with me. Saturday, there was a "little problem with the relationship" and I went to the range alone. She got the message - when I returned home, she apologized! See, that's how a marriage with a gun nut husband is supposed "to work." I give this advice in the sincerest hope that your marriage will last as long as mine has.

[This message has been edited by Bill Hebert (edited December 13, 1999).]
Well lou,
As a wife, I'll have to say that your husband is very balanced, just like mine, but I don't think you'll believe my view on this sense I too wish to have many, MANY guns once we can afford them. Maybe you can see us as a bit off balance, but I figure. If we aren't hurting any body, then there isn't anything to worry about.
There are two things above my love for guns however. My first love is my husband, second is my rather poor but still my hobby of writing, and lastly would be guns. And if you think my wish to have multiple guns is extreme, you'll understand how much my first love means to me.
So it is true, when my husband and I are together the topic of guns comes up quite a lot, but I think the major point is. We are together. Think of us what you will... :)

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
In the end, your husband is the only person who knows exactly why. If you want to know, ask him.

Hmm.. that sounded kind of snide didn't it? My apologies. It wasn't intentional.

For myself, I've often wondered why I love certain things. I think it's because they are a part of my self identity and my self worth. In my circle, when people need personal protection from a family friend they can trust, they usually turn to me. I like that. It's very satisfying to know that people around me consider me as not only capable, but rock solidly dependable. It makes me feel needed and fulfilled in a way. And hence, one major reason why I like.. guns.. among other things so much.

My wife understands that this is what makes me who I am. Hope this is helpful.