Is My Husband Normal?

Let's put it this way:

There is a party or meeting that none of us wants to be at, but we are stuck. You go to the bar, or to the door for fresh air, counting the minutes til you can leave. You meet someone, hmmm... and have a conversation.

Hey, it wasn't such a bad evening afterall :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I've got no problem with someone not liking guns, or choosing not to own one. Where I draw the line is when someone is trying to restrict my God given right to protect myself.
Let's put it this way. There are some women out there that believe in Ozzy & Harriet's and Ward & June's way of life. Let's examine one in particular: She may choose not to work outside the home and in fact doesn't even feel 'qualified' to vote and participate in "man's business."

How would you like it if that woman was very vocal and had free use of her husband's millions and tried to repeal suffrage and outlaw women working outside the home?

Preposterous isn't it?

I bet you would be outraged! I know my wife would be!

This is how I feel about the anti-gunners. They believe in a way of life that I know is dangerous, foolish and totally irresponsible.

We currently have access to wonderful and effective means of protecting ourselves from injury and crime. Airbags, seat belts, grounded electrical outlets, lightning rods, cell phones, deadbolts door locks, pepper spray, handguns....
It just doesn't make any sense at all not to make full use of the means available to us. That's not even taking into consideration the Constitutional and Bill of Right's guarantees.
All of the above devices I mentioned result in a small percentage of tragic deaths each year.
Recreational equipment and activities result in many times more death than any of the above.
Thousands of children are killed in swimming pools each year. Even those cheapo four foot diameter lawn pools are associated with drowned babies. Bicycles, rollerblades, school sports, etc. All of those EACH result in more injury and death to children than all firearms accidents each year. Take note that I said "accidents." The statistics you see about one "child" dying every couple minutes from handgun violence. That includes everyone up to nineteen years old as a child. It includes gang homocides, suicides, justified shootings by police and other situations in the total. This also is derived from a study of one county in one state for three months of one year back in the 1990's. They multiplied the three month total by four to get an approximated theoretical annual total. So, you can't believe everything you see on CNN.

The point of the lengthy rambling is not to minimize the significance of firearms accidents.

The point is that firearms are not the most dangerous thing to children. All the anti-gunners say that they're "doing it for the children". Bull, if they set out to find a cause to support that would protect our kids, they wouldn't pick guns.

Some anti-gunners are elitists. They believe that regular working folks like you and me don't deserve to own guns. Only "important" people and the wealthy are worthy.
I don't really know what are the motives behind some of the other anti-gunners.
It doesn't really matter. I am only concerned with what I stand for.

I am a human and my life is worth as much as the most powerful king or the most admired movie star or the richest rich man or the most talented painter or .......
I have available the means to safeguard my life and that of my wife and family. As well as your life if one day I walk past an alley where you are being held down with a knife at your throat by a rapist/murderer.

I apologize for the length of this post. I just felt I need to see what my views look like in print. Thanks for bearing with me.

[This message has been edited by Kframe (edited December 10, 1999).]

As for sense of humor, when I look at myself in a mirror, as with shaving or brushing my teeth, it comes to mind that I can either laugh or I can cry. I generally choose laughter.

As to the "balance" you seek, how do you spell "balance"?
Whoa Kframe, you are sounding like my husband! Hey I'm with you guys, I was just beginning to think my hubby had gone over the edge... not a problem, just wanted a little feed back from you guys. Okay I'm full now!
Man, I am soooo busted.
The stuff on this thread just seemed too familiar.
It's deja vu all over again.
We have met the enemy and he is us.

I was beginning to believe that I had one of those "separated at birth" twin brothers out there.
This "guy" sounded GREAT to me!
When we got to the "21 guns and the wish list", I knew that this was something more than a cosmic coincidence.

Man, first my daughter, now my wife.
If my mother gets on here, I don't know what I'll do!

Anyway, thanks for the support gang.
That's from one inmate of the asylum to the others.

I'm pretty young (26) but have had guns for a long time, and have had them willed to me over the years.

I'm afraid I sound a lot like your hubby Lou. My wife is actually pretty anti-gun but I'm working on that. I bought my first handgun (SW .45 auto) while she was away preparing for our wedding. I sprung it upon her after marriage and she hated it!

I have progressed from that point (and sold that gun long ago and have sold 2 others and bought 3 more) and so has she. I think that she understands that it is simply a collecting urge and the wish to own the 'best of the best' that drives us. The 'test drives' also drive us. Each gun is different and we have to try 'em all! We will probably sell any gun that doesn't live up to our standards to buy another to try out...

My wife has become somewhat more understanding and doesn't criticize me as much as she used to (especially since I tend to make a profit selling the guns I don't like).

Oh well, just another point of view...

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.

Unless your husband is buying guns with the kids milk money or beating on you or the kids or planning on blowing up the white house... well you get the idea. My collection is not near the size of anyone else's, although the desire is there (matter of funding). And yes, my wife is sick and tired of me complaining of the idiots on the other side. Maybe that's why a lot of us show up here on the firing line.... makes us feel normal knowing that there are others out there just as obsessed as we are. :) The shooting sports are one of the few things a lot of us really enjoy and by god no one is going to tell us that we don't have the right to defend ourselves or our loved ones.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
All such good information. Well as you have read two posts up, yes I am Karanas' wife. I did not let on to that info because I needed some feed back from "the group" without any outside influences. Karanas' is a good guy and has on occasion gone a little overboard on his rants and some of his gun purchases. We have worked through that and now everything is on the up-and-up. Your a great group of people and I look forward to sharing and learning. Lou aka Karanas' better half!
Lou-- you may come to realize--guns are like
pokiemon--You just gotta catch em all!...
To be a true collector.And dont worry about the finances.As long as guns are legal to buy & sell thruogh FFL dealers, you will get more
for your well maimtained used guns on resale than you paid for them,provided that you dont get raked over the coals when you first buy the gun.

Guns are like money in the bank. Damn good to have when you need them, even if it is only to sell them to pay for a new automatic transmission for your car.

Lets see now , the new tranny costs
1900.oo, which guns dont I really like?
Well, I guess Ill sell this one and
no,I want to keep that one, but I can sell this one.......

Gee , even paying for my new transmission can be fun!

Guns are ,in a way, better than money
because you wont sell them unelse you really need the money. So that they are always there for you when you need to convert guns to cash.

Just try selling your 52 inch tv when you need money, fat chance! Not so with guns.
Just go to your local gun shop and place them on consignment.If you ask the gun dealer to buy them outright, you will get bottom dollar. Put them on consignment and
place the price tag you want to get for the gun on it. If your price is too high, the gun just sits there.If your price is reasonable,
the gun should sell quickly.
This is beyond cool! I believe this must be the first complete TFL family.

Actually, there are a whole lot of us, both men and women, that have your husband's fervor for guns. You may have hinted at the reason for his fervor in your original post - "Loves me and his children." I can't speak for Karanas, but I see the gun grabbers as those that would take my personal defenses from me and my family and that makes a lot of us hopping mad. They might as well say they will regulate oxygen or food.
Lou- This is Tatter's wife. You mirror my sentiments almost to a T. I am likewise not an anti-gunner and have a ccw permit myself. My husband doesn't have 15 guns but at the last count, it is at least 8. He doesn't do as bad as he used to, and the only peaople he REALLY dislikes are the people who would take away his right to defend me and the kids. Opinions are like--you know- everone has one, and he has no problem with a person's opinion.
Otherwise ,I don't mind so much.

Have a Twinkie, snappahead---Ford Fairlane
Yep, we are complete... almost. There is Karanas, Lou, and Glockgirl79 and an eighteen year old son who has not gotten involved with the Firingline. BUT we all do go to the range together!
People seem to think us gun guys have only guns on our minds all the time. This is not true. We have a lot of different interests.
Like music-- Guns N Roses is a good..... oops
Ok, how about movies. Young Guns was a great.......oops
I know, reading. Guns and Ammo.....oops again
How about computer games--Deer Hunter --oops.

Well I guess my defense is weak........

Have a Twinkie, snappahead---Ford Fairlane
Although I sounded pretty set in my ways and showed some strong opinions in my earlier post, I think I do have balance.

At one end of the spectrum is the guy that has an old Coast-to-Coast shotgun and goes out for pheasants once a year. He doesn't pay too much attention to the legal battles going on, because the government has said over and over that they do not desire disarming the "normal" law-abiding hunter.

At the other end is a guy who has vacuum sealed and stockpiled tens of thousands, maybe even a hundred thousand rounds of ammo, MRE's, bottled water, has moved out to the country and set up a perimeter of barbed wire fencing, illegal booby traps, has no contact with the general population and is certain that each night the gov't will fly in with black helicopters and drive up in armored personnel carriers.

I'm in the middle.

Moderation is good, but rights MUST not be compromised.

There are extremists on both sides. The women might like (or hate) this story. I once attended a hearing on a gun control law. One of the speakers for the other side was a very attractive young woman. Being then single and, I thought, not too unattractive, I approached her after the meeting, thinking we might discuss the issue in a more intimate location.

I wanted to ask her what her organization (which was associated with the Methodist Church) would consider a reasonable law. For some reason, I phrased the question as "What would make you happy?"

Her pretty face distorted in rage and she replied, "I won't be happy until everyone of you gun freaks is shot dead in the streets and the gutters run with your blood!"

I gave up on the candlelight dinner idea.

Thats the kind of person who scares me....and they say we are the damgerous ones. I'm not looking for anyone to die

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I am a wife of a gun fanatic also. It was so nice to see I was not the only one asking "Is my husband normal?" That question has a tendency to be among our most frequently heated discussions. I too have to have a sense of humor about the situation and remind myself what does 'normal' really mean? My sweet and goodhearted husband is so wonderful to me and our children when he wants to. Unfortunately, the other times (3/4 of the time he spends at home) he is in this gun utopia of some sort I do not understand. I have hobbies but not to this extent. He is a fastiduous reader of any kind of firearm book or magazine he can get his hands on and usually spends about an average of 2 1/2 hours in front of the '' a night. He talks guns morning, noon, and night. So here is another question: since I'll never figure out if he is so called 'normal', what can I do to be a better understanding wife and maybe get his attention a little more often?
Come over to the dark side.....Muahahahahaha.........sorry I do get carried away.
Your husband sounds like my kind of guy........but only 21.....tsk tsk tsk.........tell him to get with the for the 190's a good start. :)

Star Trek nerd and proud of it
ModiMark0, Oh yes! There are others out there! All I can say is JOIN 'EM!! I don't think I will read the magazines he has all over the place, or the books on guns, law and mechanics. Why should I? He loves telling me all about it!! I must say. When I started this post, I used an alias so that he wouldn't know it was me. He is "turned-on" with the thought of having a mistress named Lou! I am now his webhoney! Okay, better change the subject... back to guns. Karanas is a good guy and I am very thankful he is as knowledgable about so many things. At first I thought he was going over the edge, but in the last two days I have learn more and understand sooo much more. I also understand why he likes this site. Very informative, like-minds and FUN! :)

[This message has been edited by Lou (edited December 12, 1999).]
Don't see where the husband is off at all.
I own a number of rifles, shotguns and pistols.

I have a good friend that is a class III dealer. He has twenty four NFA weapons that he has collected over the years, most, if not all of his core collection were purchased before 1986 back when those weapons were CHEAP!!

He told me a few years back, one of the local ATF agents, on routine paperwork check, told him that he had the most complete collection of machineguns he had ever seen.

Yeah it is fun to fire a BAR or a MP44 or a Thompson Sub-machinegun.

I'd have to say you don't need to worry about the husband, he sounds as normal as the rest of us.