Is My Husband Normal?


New member
Okay, I realize I may be asking the wrong group of people, but I am a bit concerned about my husband. He is a great guy. Loves me and his children. Very kind hearted. But is obsessed with guns and anything to do with guns. All he practically reads is gun magazines, books and of course anything on the internet. I do not know how many guns he has, but I know it is well over 15 or so. I really don't think he is quite balanced on the issues of guns and gun ownership. If anyone speaks out against guns on TV he is ready to change the channel. People who speak out against or show concern about gun ownership or types of guns, he is ready to disagree or dislike them. I know it is a pretty hot topic right now and a threat to our rights. DON'T get me wrong, I am not against guns. I own one myself and believe in the right to bear arms. However, I do believe in balance. Can I have some feed back on this? I appreciate it.
Having gone overboard myself for awhile, I might be equipped to judge. I am Jewish and would definitely change the channel if a prominent anti-Semite were to go on the air. Likewise with gun owners...personal liberty is as much a ethos as Christianity or Judaism, and people who'd confiscate and burn our Bibles/rifles/Torahs elicit a strong emotional response.

I like many people who dislike guns or just have no use for them. However, they do not advocate taking my property, means of protection and liberty. Those who'd go that far are not my friends...and treated accordningly.

See my site for more on this cheery topic...

The biggest complaint that I have against most "anti-gun" people is that too often, they are speaking/preaching/re-acting from an uneducated, emotional point of view. By that I mean they do not know what they are talking about.

Everyone has their opinion; hubby would do better using facts and figures and logic rather than ignoring anti-gun topics or
arguing against them.

The other big problem with most "anti-gun" people is they, in reality, they DO NOT want gun control... They want there to be NO guns at all in the hands of private citizens.

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
The only part that would worry me about your hubby: "obsessed with guns" but only has fifteen or so!? That's not even close to a real arsenal :)
Debbie? Is that you?

If it's not then this guy is my long lost twin brother!

Yep, he's normal.

Thanks Dad2Jane & Oleg. I didn't give you all the info... my hubby is extremely knowlegable about facts on guns. He explains this stuff to me ALL the time. I forgot to mention something he does that really irritate me. When we are watching a movie (theater or home) and a gun is not used properly or does something it could not possibly do, he makes sure he tells me. PA-LEASE, let me watch the show!
Been there, done that, unlearned the habit. That was back in the days when I posted under alias of "cornered rat" and felt accordingly. I am sure you and other friends can overlook the minor weirdness till it goes away on its own. Everything you posted makes me wonder if my girlfriend is playing a joke on me and posting from a new account...sounds like a very accurate description of my past (harmless) excesses...
Lou, if your husband only has 15 guns or so
he has only made a good first step at begining his collection.Last time I counted,
Rich had 170 guns , Stan had 190 guns and I had 150 guns. But we probably all have more now cause I have not counted for about 6 months.
None of us watch network tv any more
because every time we see some gun grabbing
politician start talking about gun control
we all feel so bad that we just have to go out and buy more guns in order to not be so upset & feel better.
This got too expensive, so we stopped watching anti gun tv to cut back on our
firearms collecting as we were running short
on gun safes to put em all in.
Guns , kept in new condition, with the box and owners manuel, resell for more than
their original cost, if held for long term investment. The price of new guns should soon
skyrocket and the availability of same may plummit.

Financealy, we are in a good position
to make profits if the price increases
per expectations. !:^)
I have got away from thinking in terms of preparation for an apocaliptic last stand. I still train newbies every week and keep a sidearm or a rifle handy whenever possible...but don't give it that much thought. The fight will take time and I intend to use that time well.

Gun nuts can be boring but most get through the "juvenile" stage fairly quickly. Then they become just regular people with means of self-defense.
I knew I was singing to the choir! 190 guns! Actually my husband has 21 guns and a wish list that would bankrupt us! I am really enjoying all of your replys. Most of you have a great sense of humor which is necessary in today's society. AND you all sound like my HUSBAND!!! We use to watch morning news all the time and now, no way.
Hello Lou. He's perfectly normal. For a minute there I thought you were peeking in my window and describing, um, a friend of mine.

I rarely watch TV anymore either because I get, shell we say, annoyed when I see the liberal rhetoric lies that are aimed at taking away my rights because, as OLEG said very eloquently, "with gun owners...personal liberty is as much a ethos as Christianity or Judaism, and people who'd confiscate and burn our Bibles/rifles/Torahs elicit a strong emotional response.

I couldn't have said it better myself :).

I am angered and disgusted by those who feel it necessary to intrude upon my rights.

Your husband is definitely not alone.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
collecting guns is like collecting fine art

there is always another artist whose masterwork is required for a good collection

John Browning
Gene Stoner
Sam Colt

and then there are different types

Bolt rifles
lever rifles

and then there are different calibers

Just multiply those 3 designers by 5 types and consider several cailbers and you can see that any sane person would need to own at least 100 guns
Guns require respect and anyone on TV that abuses the basic rules deserves to be dope slapped.

We the proud gun owning citizens of the US are a vital link to the mindset of the founders of our country. There are those that would rather see us gone.
We know the country is safer with us around.
Besides that, shooting guns at pieces of paper is far better for the mind then getting excited about a football game being played on TV that you have no possible chance of effecting the outcome of.

Most of our politicians would prefer if we parked our butts in a lazyboy and just accepted the TVs drivel.


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
Hmm, less see here - temperature 98.6, respiration steady. Oops, pulse rate increases and blood pressure rises precipitously when an "anti" starts his "doing it for the children" speech.

Yep, he's perfectly normal! :) Oh, and by the way, no charge for the diagnosis. :)

Regards - AZFred

[This message has been edited by Fred (edited December 10, 1999).]
Man I didn't even know that my wife had a computer :) I am guilty of most of the things your husband does, we can't help it we are "gunaholics". It is a disease, he needs help. I suggest that you buy him a new gun to cure his shakes and then ask him to teach you about guns and I bet that soon you will join him in his sickness.
Oh trust me Chadintex, he does teach me about guns and we go to the range. I try to keep in practice with my SW642. It looks like we are moving in when ever we go to the range!
Sounds fine to me. Take a look at the gunaholic post. We all have the disease. Almost for a minute I thought my wife found out about this haven

gun control is people control
You're puttin us on right? ;)
Anyone that owns a S&W 642 and has an e-mail address of is bitten by the same bug. Actually you both sound like you would be very welcome neighbors. ;)

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.