is it true barack hussein obama wants to end ccw nation wide?

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The second largest pro-gun organization in America is called "Gun Owners of America"... . They gave McCain a grade of "F" in regard to his record on the 2nd amendment (right to bare arms).

The right to bare arms, huh?!? :p That about sums up GOA's knowledge of the Second Amendment, all right. :D

Obama is all about "sensible" gun control. Which means he doesn't want you to own guns. McCain rejects gun control. Anyone (including the GOA :rolleyes:) who thinks there is no difference between Obama and McCain on gun control is simply ignorant.
However, I think of all the reasons to oppose him, his middle name and his daddy's religion are among the least important, and trying to hammer the point home by constantly referring to him by his full name is an insulting exercise in agitprop.

I find it implausible that using Delano, Fitzgerald, Rodham, Milhous, Wilson or Jefferson are simply attempts to disguish people from all the other prominent Franklin Roosevelts, John Kennedys, Hillary Clintons, Richard Nixons, Ronald Reagans and William Clintons, or are veiled pejoratives.

References to "George Herbert Walker Bush" were also common, even though the man referred to himself as George Bush. I recall no outcry against the practice.
My grandfather gave shoot to kill orders.

So, does that mean that I advocate killing our troops home and abroad? Thanks for playing.

It means I wouldn't vote for you. Thanks for playing.

It's perfectly valid for people to mention Obama's middle name just like it's perfectly valid for people to show video of Al Gore dancing like a lobotomized robot or for people to mention that Hillary's a lying beach.

Now if Obama listened to anti-American, kill-whitey sermons from his beloved mentor for 20 years or had no legislative accomplishments or had the most Liberal voting record among the Dems, that would be totally off the table and the MSM wouldn't report it (much).
Wow.. just wow...

but who was it that took their oath of elected office on a Koran instead of a Bible? I believe it was Mr. Obama was it not? That ought to say something.

Wrong-o. It was Keith Ellison, Congressional representative of Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, and the first Muslim elected to Congress. If you research the whole (bogus) controversy, you'll learn that:

a) The actual swearing-in ceremony is conducted en-masse (everybody at once), without any books at all.

b) After the swearing-in ceremony, Representatives have individual photos taken. In these photos, many (not all) use the holy texts of their respective faiths. But it's not a swearing... it's a photo op.

c) Representative Ellison used a Q'uran owned by Thomas Jefferson during his photo op. The book was loaned from the Library of Congress.

I wouldn't vote for you. Thanks for playing.

So now you're going to base your voting on what someone's grandparents did? You might want to research the activities of Prescott Bush or Joe Kennedy before you go there. This is America. We don't have a hereditary caste system, with the exception of our inheritance laws... and even rich people fail. Punishing the sons for the sins of the fathers (or grandfathers) is fundamentally un-American. We rebelled against the British Crown to be rid of that crap.

I happen to think that George W. Bush is totally unqualified to hold office as town Alderman in the smallest town in New England. I wouldn't vote for the man for my local water district. But the fact that his grandfather was a Nazi-sympathizing scumbag has nothing to do with that. Likewise, the fact that Joe Kennedy was a bootlegging wiseguy scumbag would not have prevented me from voting for either of his sons. We're Americans. We stand or fall on our own merits. (Paris Hilton excepted)

Since this thread has veered way off topic, and, another thread has arisen to discuss the CC/Obama issue, I'm going to close this one (for being off topic) and hope the other thread stays on topic.

ETA: Normally it would be the other way around, but I don't see this thread getting back to the topic.
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