is it true barack hussein obama wants to end ccw nation wide?

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Nice response to a newer member.. Keep up the good work and people will refer to TFL as similar to m1911 forum where you get reprimanded every time you say somthing a moderator doesn't like!

Marko is especially sensitive to subjects with racial, cultural, or "us vs. them" overtones. Remember that his background isn't your backgrpound. Cut him some slack.

Me? I think there's a remote possibility that Obama's cultural heritage should be a candidate for discussion.
Why he's getting a free pass on a supposed pro-gun board while others with much better records than his are torn to shreds with impunity I'll leave an as exercise for the reader.

He's certainly not getting a free pass from me. I think he's another product of the Daley machine, an ultra-liberal borderline Marxist with no substance, and I'd rather gargle broken glass than vote for him or see him in the Oval Office.

However, I think of all the reasons to oppose him, his middle name and his daddy's religion are among the least important, and trying to hammer the point home by constantly referring to him by his full name is an insulting exercise in agitprop.

The guy has so many other issues that can be legitimately attacked that harping on his name, or the fact that his daddy was a Muslim, is is just about the least intelligent approach imaginable.

Me? I think there's a remote possibility that Obama's cultural heritage should be a candidate for discussion.

And what "cultural heritage" is that? The guy was born in Hawaii, and spent most of his childhood there. The "Obama is teh Muzlim" crowd makes a big deal out of the fact that he spent four years of his childhood in Jakarta with his mom and step-dad, but from all I can read in his biography, his heritage is as unremarkable as anyone else's running for the office this year, save the fact that his daddy was a.) black, and b.) a Muslim.

Do we now go back to judging people not by their own opinions and actions, but rather by the actions of all their ancestors? There's a word for that kind of attitude, and it's terribly misused and over-used these days, but it fully applies to those who wouldn't vote for Obama because of the way his daddy looked, or the way his daddy worshiped.
Just take a look at what goes on north of the border here in Kanada to get an idea of the type of grief you may be facing; take a good hard look at the UK and Australia. If this does not scare the pants off of you and get you activated then nothing will.

I think we are stuck between a rock and a hard place (pardon the pun) with Obama and Clinton. Personally, I wouldn't trust either of them with the key to my front door.

Look the other way?
I guess he'd use an executive order to exercise his will unilaterally?

Nah, just a signing statement on the budget or something ;)

Frankly, I don't see how legislation like that could be passed without an amendment. With the recent changes in CCW on the state level, there certainly wouldn't be ratification.

He's certainly not getting a free pass from me. I think he's another product of the Daley machine, an ultra-liberal borderline Marxist with no substance, and I'd rather gargle broken glass than vote for him or see him in the Oval Office.

However, I think of all the reasons to oppose him, his middle name and his daddy's religion are among the least important, and trying to hammer the point home by constantly referring to him by his full name is an insulting exercise in agitprop.

The guy has so many other issues that can be legitimately attacked that harping on his name, or the fact that his daddy was a Muslim, is is just about the least intelligent approach imaginable.

Marko, Not trying to play harda.s here, but his post was a question about his intent to stop CCW - You and others have turned it into a name issue and now a race and religion issue. GO FIGURE!!
He could convince the usual suspects in congress that he would sign a bill banning CCW if they could tie it to interstate commerce.

I wonder how a ban would be done though. Would it immediately make CCW illegal, thus harming those who already paid for permits. Or, would they try to halt the issue of new permits?
Amendment or no amendment, it seems that there is little adherence to the rule of law or proper limitations of government in DC anymore. Why is it that the cracking down is only in one direction, on us? Why is it that me having too much freedom is a target but them not legislators doing too much? I can be convicted of a felony and my life ruined forever for having two springs and a piece of bent metal inside a rifle receiver but the most that happens to them for blatantly acting outside the law is a 25% chance of not being reelected 2 to 6 years later? Regardless of their method, interstate commerce or otherwise, anyone who touches that SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR EVEN TRYING. Congress shall make no law...shall not be infringed...gee, that sounds like a LAW saying DON'T DO IT, doesn't it? Where's the enforcement on THAT?

I'm pretty certain you're referring to the "Muslim issue" in those countries. Whether I agree with you or not, it's not relevant to the discussion at hand, because Obama is not a Muslim.
Frankly, I don't see how legislation like that could be passed without an amendment. With the recent changes in CCW on the state level, there certainly wouldn't be ratification.

All that has to be done is to tie federal grants to local law enforcement, highway money, etc., to whether a state complies with the federal "request" that CCW be restricted or eliminated. It's the same mechanism by which any other state issue (i.e. drinking ages, seatbelt use, type of ID that the state issues) is adjusted.

He could convince the usual suspects in congress that he would sign a bill banning CCW if they could tie it to interstate commerce.

Given reciprocity agreements, they actually have a better argument for this than they do with most federal uses of the Commerce Clause.
Amendment or no amendment, it seems that there is little adherence to the rule of law or proper limitations of government in DC anymore. Why is it that the cracking down is only in one direction, on us? Why is it that me having too much freedom is a target but them not legislators doing too much? I can be convicted of a felony and my life ruined forever for having two springs and a piece of bent metal inside a rifle receiver but the most that happens to them for blatantly acting outside the law is a 25% chance of not being reelected 2 to 6 years later?

That's why I chose my .sig and never change it.
All that has to be done is to tie federal grants to local law enforcement, highway money, etc., to whether a state complies with the federal "request" that CCW be restricted or eliminated. It's the same mechanism by which any other state issue (i.e. drinking ages, seatbelt use, type of ID that the state issues) is adjusted.

Except that those other state issues don't have the power of the 2nd amendment explicitly laying them out.

I do see what you are saying though. Don't make a law, just convince everyone else to adhere.
All that has to be done is to tie federal grants to local law enforcement, highway money, etc., to whether a state complies with the federal "request" that CCW be restricted or eliminated. It's the same mechanism by which any other state issue (i.e. drinking ages, seatbelt use, type of ID that the state issues) is adjusted.


you don't even have to go that far. The executive has its own enforcement arm for such issues, the same agencies that can make law unilaterally by regulation. You don't need to shut off highway funds if you can just let the BATFE kick in doors anywhere in the US for violation of a firearms-related Executive Order...or even a BATF regulation. (Try importing a shiny new semi-auto AUG or FAMAS, or assemble and sell AKs without the required number of US-made parts, and see what happens.)

Oh, and the last firearms-related ban via Executive Order I can remember was Bush 41's banning of the importation of some forty-odd evil assault weapons, back in 1989. Even Clinton had the common decency to at least ram the AWB of 1994 through Congress first.
There are cultural factors that BHO has spoken about and acted on, why is that not relevant?

Me? I think there's a remote possibility that Obama's cultural heritage should be a candidate for discussion.
And what "cultural heritage" is that? The guy was born in Hawaii, and spent most of his childhood there. The "Obama is teh Muzlim" crowd makes a big deal out of the fact that he spent four years of his childhood in Jakarta with his mom and step-dad, but from all I can read in his biography, his heritage is as unremarkable as anyone else's running for the office this year, save the fact that his daddy was a.) black, and b.) a Muslim.


The candidate already has heeded his church's "nonnegotiable commitment to Africa," spending an inordinate amount of his campaign time on the Kenyan crisis, for one. Obama has close family ties to Kenya, and even founded a school in his ancestral village — the Senator Obama School.

In the bloody conflict there, which already has claimed some 700 lives, Obama appears to have sided with opposition leader Raila Odinga, head of the same Luo tribe to which Obama's late Muslim father belonged.

Obama's older brother still lives there. Abongo "Roy" Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture." He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage.

Beyond family politics, these ties have potential foreign policy, even national security, implications.

Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country. He has also vowed to ban booze and pork and impose Muslim dress codes on women — moves favored by Obama's brother.

With al-Qaida strengthening its beachheads in Africa — from Algeria to Sudan to Somalia — the last thing the West needs is for pro-Western Kenya to fall into the hands of Islamic extremists.
at the same time I don't think the Federal goverment can force a state to allow other states citizens to carry.

Would you think the same about the feds forcing states to recognize the driver's licenses, license plates, & marriages of other states?
I have seen several posts where people refer to the dems collectively as hillobamba ... These are a mild slander,

I'm not very interested in this thread, but I will point out that when I refer to "Hillbama", it is merely as a shorcut, or abbreviation, for "Hillary and Obama" or in some cases for "whoever wins the nomination between Clinton and Obama".

Not a slander. Saves lots of typing (until now :) ).
There are cultural factors that BHO has spoken about and acted on, why is that not relevant?

Okay, an analogy...and true story. My late grandfather was a general in the NVA. He was directly and indirectly responsible for the killings of countless American soldiers.

According to you and/or your sources,
"Abongo "Roy" Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim. [...] He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage."
Words and talk. Boring.

My grandfather gave shoot to kill orders.

So, does that mean that I advocate killing our troops home and abroad? Thanks for playing.

Now, on topic:

I could care less if he was black muslim transexual, if he supported the 2nd ammendment I would vote for him.

A good number of voters out there aren't single-issue voters.
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