is it true barack hussein obama wants to end ccw nation wide?

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I'd like to see them try to enforce that one. By god if I can't carry legally I'll carry illegally, and I will protect me and mine. I've heard Obama is more Liberal than Hillary if that's true maybe we'd be better off with her..:barf:
I've heard Obama is more Liberal than Hillary if that's true maybe we'd be better off with her..

Between the two of them, I'd choose Hillary, simply because she remembers what happend to the democrats after the AWB in the 90's. She will be evil, but alot less evil than Obama.
that's a definite eye opener

WOW checking the CNN report on Obamas and his CCW position sure leaves no doubt over his position.
THIS is why I've been buying a handgun every month for a few months and plan to continue. However, I think the eventual "around end" play for the anti-gunners is going to be ammo. Stock up.

Out of you refer to all the candidates using their full names including middle name, or just Obama?

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton?

John Sidney McCain III?

Michael Dale Huckabee?

Ronald Ernest Paul?

I've never seen anyone on TFL list the full names of the candidates except in Obama's case. Wonder why that is?

Oh, no! Wait! I got it! "Hussein" is one of those Arab/Muslim names! I get it now! He's one of Them, not one of us! Thanks for the enlightenment!

And as for your question: please do your own homework. Google "Obama" and "gun control", or just go to the guy's campaign web site and look up his position on the matter. Don't make others do the footwork for you. But that was never really your intention, was it?
Between the two of them, I'd choose Hillary, simply because she remembers what happend to the democrats after the AWB in the 90's. She will be evil, but alot less evil than Obama.

Remembering that, after working on the Watergate committee, the only lesson she learned was, "Don't stop stonewalling!", I rather doubt it. I bet she figures they just weren't ruthless enough. One little hit and run, and the whole Monica thing could have been nipped in the bud...
I think there is a big difference between being against a nation wide

carry law and posing a law banning concealed carry nation wide.... the two aren't the same and actually for the same reason.

As I see it... concealed carry is a state's issue... states issue permits to their citizens... (putting aside that this is unconstitutional in itself) i don't think the Federal goverment has the power to say a state can't do that or recognize other states permits... at the same time I don't think the Federal goverment can force a state to allow other states citizens to carry.

Markoo Kloos is right.... kind of funny how obvious somethings are.

Nice response to a newer member.. Keep up the good work and people will refer to TFL as similar to m1911 forum where you get reprimanded every time you say somthing a moderator doesn't like!
Keep up the good work and people will refer to TFL as similar to m1911 forum where you get reprimanded every time you say somthing a moderator doesn't like!

Hell, I didn't know Mike Huckabee even had a middle name. Marko has a point. If he wasn't going to say anything, I would've, and probably about a dozen other TFL people.

It's like pointing out the hispanic-ness of Juan Carlos' name every time he posts in a thread about immigration. Sorry, ad hominems don't fly.

On topic, let's not forget Obama's stance on the 2nd: He "supports" it; sportsmen should have the privilege of going hunting.
Sorry but just or not many folks don't care for the name Barack Hussein Obama for our next commander in chief given people with similar names have declared they would wish nothing better than to wipe America off the face of the earth and would if they could. I will admit I don't like the way it sounds. Irrational? Probably but just on pure rational political positions he is a disaster with a dapper demeanor. There is no doubt he follows the Lenin line on 2nd amendment issues. Enough right there to reject him.

Elect him America so a new generation can experience Jimmy Carter muddled liberal pacifist we are the world kumbaya mismanagement. Give him a democratic congress too.
Except he (BHO) didn't say that he didn't want national carry, he said he wants a national law to overrule the states that allow carry:

Obama says, "National legislation will prevent other states' flawed concealed-weapons laws from threatening the safety of Illinois residents."
David Mendell, "Democratic hopefuls vary a bit on death penalty," Chicago Tribune, February 20, 2004.

Can I disparage Barack's Christianity? He belongs to a wacko, racist "blame whitey" hate pit. Is that OK to say or is it ad hominem?
Oh, no! Wait! I got it! "Hussein" is one of those Arab/Muslim names! I get it now! He's one of Them, not one of us! Thanks for the enlightenment!

I agree, its mostly just an attempt to use bigotry to attack him. Stick to the issues.

I could care less if he was black muslim transexual, if he supported the 2nd ammendment I would vote for him.

Why's that so...

I have seen several posts where people refer to the dems collectively as hillobamba.
Some where people refer to Huckabee as Huckleberry.
These are a mild slander, but only to be taken at heart because the poster probably doesn't want to see them succeed.

The point here is that Barack Hussein Obama is his REAL name... So there was no wrongful intent other then the preconceived notion you are creating.

The OP asked a legitimate question and could have done more homework on it, but certainly no reason to make him/her feel unwelcome.
So there was no wrongful intent other then the preconceived notion you are creating.

Before you take someone to task regarding intent, why don't you let the OP respond for himself?

The point here is that Barack Hussein Obama is his REAL name

No, that's not the point at all. The point is whether the entire full name of ALL candidates is used, and if not, why?
That's B.S and you know it. He can call him what ever he wants.. Hillary used to always be referred to as Hillary Rodham Clinton with no ill-intent meant.
No, the point is that BHO IS an anti-gunner and wacko on lots of issues with a $100 million to get his message out and shine his own tin-plated image. Why he's getting a free pass on a supposed pro-gun board while others with much better records than his are torn to shreds with impunity I'll leave an as exercise for the reader.
That's B.S and you know it. He can call him what ever he wants.. Hillary used to always be referred to as Hillary Rodham Clinton with no ill-intent meant.

Not B.S. at all. Hillary puts that name on her signs. It was for a very long time how she referred to herself.

Frankly, I couldn't care less about intent. I just wonder why someone would type in all those extra letter all the time when just "Barack" or "Obama" are clearly enough to specify the individual. Ok, use both to show respect and not get "slangy", but to go to the extent of typing out all three names seems like a concsious decision and weird. Unless there is some other intent, in which case it is neither weird nor "extra" letters at all.
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