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Don Kilmer is Northern California's 2nd Amendment rights attorney.
Main Entry: hand·gun
Pronunciation: \-ˌgən\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
: a firearm (as a revolver or pistol) designed to be held and fired with one hand
basic problem with that is the term "pistol" was in common use well before there was any auto-pistol or semi automatic pistol.A revolver is a handgun, not a pistol. I believe "pistol" is simply a shortened version of the phrase "auto-pistol, or semi automatic pistol".
BillCA said:I consider "revolver" and "semi-automatic" as sub-classes of the family "pistol".
Kingdom: Mechanical devices
Phylum: Weapons
Class: Firearms
Order: Handgun
Family: Pistol
Genus: Revolver
I consider "revolver" and "semi-automatic" as sub-classes of the family "pistol".
Kingdom: Mechanical devices
Phylum: Weapons
Class: Firearms
Order: Handgun
Family: Pistol
Genus: Revolver
Pistol includes semi-automatic pistol, revolver, single-shot pistol (i.e. percussion pistols) Very (flare) Pistol, etc.
One can argue that "Derringer" should fall under Pistol, yet the usage of "Derringer" may be specific enough to be a family of its own.
peetzakilla said:That's too dang funny. LOL
Each dragoon to furnish himself with a serviceable horse, at least fourteen hands and an half high, a good saddle, bridle, mail-pillion and valise, holster, and a best plate and crupper, a pair of boots and spurs; a pair of pistols, a sabre, and a cartouchbox to contain twelve cartridges for pistols.