Iowa Senator to Stop Buying Pizza Hut if It Fires Delivery Man Who Shot Robber

Show me prior to 1865 where a person of African origin was considered a whole human being with full rights of any other ethnicity. Were they not before then and by some magical transformation became so afterwards? Show me prior to 1920 where women were citizens of the US with full legal rights. How about prior to 1927 where cocaine wasn't a drug? Or prior to 1967 where you didn't have Miranda rights?

It's coming, and it's for darn sure long overdue.

Massive honking strawman and one I already addressed. Carrying a gun is an action. Being black or a woman is not. Also this is a PRIVATE entity contracting with another PRIVATE entity. All your examples are GOVERNMENT action. Nowhere near the same.

Let's of the moment, tell that to forest rangers, policemen, armored car personnel, guards, and now airline pilots.

Another ridiculous assertion. Forest rangers and police are state/federal employees. They have all sorts of authority that private citizens don't. They have duties that private citizens don't. They are REQUIRED to carry weapons. In all of those positions, the person is expressly taking on the risks associated with the job. On the employment application it specifically states that they will be required to carry firearms.

Of course you bring up a great point. Security guards are employed by private companies. Some are allowed to carry guns and some aren't. If its perfectly accetable for a security guard to be prevented from carrying a firearm, then you can't possibly argue that a pizza guy should have one.

So are they with the above businesses and entities or not? Are bacteria? Bacteria are outside 3rd party actors yet restaurants and food packaging places have every duty to act against those.

:rolleyes: Now you're just being stupid. Bacteria is not an independent 3rd party. However just to entertain this bit of nonsense, bacteria is under the control of the restaurant/store. As such, it is their duty to eliminate the bacteria. A mugger is never under the control of anyone.

Yes, muggers and other violent criminals are a pathogen, a germ. Crime is a disease. They ARE a side effect of people's lack of dealing with them and they are a sort of naturally growing hazard.

That sounds great in a readers digest, but has absolutely ZERO legal relevance.

Having people carry is like having all the kids at a school be vaccinated against contagious diseases like measels and polio--not doing so provides a place for the disease to take root and thus endangers everyone.

Nope. Not even close. Firearms are not a health issue. Vaccinations are a health issue. Coming up with come cute metaphore doesn't change this. And again, if memory serves (and I may be wrong), there is no law requiring vaccinations for kids. If you want them to attend public school they have to have them, but thats your choice. You can send them to private school, or home school them. Its your choice.

As public schools are run by the government, they have the right to set health standards. Just like a private business has the right to set its own standards.

Remember what I said about leaps of logic with no foundation?
"We prohibit employees from carrying guns because we believe that that is the best way to avoid getting US sued by some money hungry trial lawyer when a wannabe Rambo (who is working as a pizza driver for gods sake)

Why am I having flashbacks of Hiro Protagonist here?

I'd respect them more for that. Capitalism at work,

See, capitalism is about people contracting and not-contracting freely.

Pizza Hut has the freedom to avoid contracting gunnies.

Gunnies have the freedom to avoid buying PH, which some people here say sucks anyways (I sort of like it).

What's sauce for the goose and all.
The NRA newsletter is calling for us to call or email the "Hut" corporate express our dislike for their response to this. If you agree, call or email them at:
(800) 948-8488

This is what I sent:
"I am writing as yet another voice from the public who strongly disagree with your actions toward Mr Spiers after he defended his own life. To state that it is "safer for everyone" by disarming your employees who LEGALLY carry for self-preservation is an insult. It is safer for the criminals only, and Mr Spiers actions were entirely appropriate as well as heroic. You should be aware of the undeniable fact that you will certainly loose valuable customers such as myself by taking further actions against Mr Spiers, such as termination or continued suspension. I am disturbed to learn that you would prefer your employee dead rather than allowing him to preserve his own life in place of a career criminal!"