Iowa Senator to Stop Buying Pizza Hut if It Fires Delivery Man Who Shot Robber

Wild is right about regional culinary limitations! I am on Long Island but lived in several other places. I delivered while in school in Daytona Beach for a pair of brothers from Pittsburgh who knew how to make a good pie. I had a custoemr come back to the shop once complaining I delivered him a raw pie. All he had ever had were Dominos, Little Ceasers and Pizza Hut. He never saw a pie that did not stay rigid when a slice was picked up... He probably also never saw real cheese on a pie...

We also had a guy called "Da Bagel Man" at the local flee market on Sat and Sunday. You needed to get there early because his stall sold out in less than 2 hours. I think he funded his entire retirement off of providing real bagels to starved northerners.
Pizza Deliverers Develop Safer Vehicle for At-risk Neigborhoods


Kettering mechanical engineering student Will Foster built a miniature working tank that about the size of a small car. It has treads, travels 20 mph on a diesel engine, and even has a turret that shoots Red Bull cans.
Folks from Chicago and California need not even try to compete, their pizza is not real either,

Pizza from the kitchen of Grymster's California home is real pizza! That boy can make a pie! :p

Zachary's in Albany CA not bad for Chicago style.

Other than that, I have to agree.
Folks from Chicago and California need not even try to compete, their pizza is not real either, although at least in Chicago they try
Excuse me, sir, but while you may be satisfied with a thin, floppy slice those of us in Chicago believe a real man's pizza is at least an inch thick and requires a linebacker-sized appetite to handle. And enough of it should make one look like a linebacker.

I don't mind NY style as a nice snack while walking through Central Park but I'll take Giordano's or Lou Malnatti's over something I can fold any day of the week.

Although I do believe the Californians are once again up in the clouds. The FSM reserves a special place in hell for people that put tofu and bean sprouts on pizza. :barf:

oh, and I imagine anti-gun politicians go there too :D
Folks from Chicago and California need not even try to compete, their pizza is not real either, although at least in Chicago they try

For once, I agree with WildAlaska.

Chicago pizza, like the Chicago Cubs, and come to think of it, Chicago in general, sucks.

That is one of the statements that IMHO demonstrates to the great independent masses in this country that gun control is a good thing.

I have to disagree with you, butIdoreallythinkyouareoneofthebestvoicesontheinternetconcerninggunsandstuffrealted:D

I "know" intellectually that it is "wrong" to have violated policy, but the last time I went without work I had to sell my M1A, a really nice AR (well it was pretty good, it looked better) and pawned my guitars, my revolvers, my amps.

Not working was really devastating and I am only recently catching up.
Not carrying at work isn't an "theoretical" question for me, people have tried to rob me.
In a perfect world, people wouldn't pull guns and knives on me in an attempt to take my money and I wouldn't need to carry against company policy.
I have been looking for different work....

You aren't hiring old guys with out degrees...are you?

(on the sub topic, the best pizza in the verse is Original Rays, 11th st and Greenwhich AVE, NYC)
I live in a big house, with nice cars in the drive and while it's not often we order pizza, when we do, we tip the driver $10 - $20. Now I know why it takes so long to get here... damn cheapskate neighbors!

Try letting them know when you order that the delivery guy will be rewarded very well for outstanding delivery service. Or like Musketeer says, order more often to establish a reputation.
No employer has the right to prohibit somone from exercising a constitutional right. PERIOD.

If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard that in the last several days I could retire. Its getting to the point where I'm thinking that a refresher course in civics, con law, or something should be mandatory before folks are allowed to post.

Constitutional right indeed:rolleyes:
"We prohibit employees from carrying guns because we believe that that is the safest for everybody."
That only sounds like the safest situation for the criminals to me. :barf:

If a person has a permit, they should be allowed to carry while doing a dangerous job like this one.
If a person has a permit, they should be allowed to carry while doing a dangerous job like this one.
Not if the company says otherwise.
Key word in my statement..."should."

I am saying that a company should not disallow people in dangerous jobs to protect themselves. I am not saying the driver was in the right to break company policy.
Pizza Hut should fire the guy, he broke the rules. The State Senator is entitled to stop eating the overbaked pasty and bland concoctions, but shows an astonishing lack of respect for liberty.

Not really.

It's exactly the Senator's right (God-given, unalienable, etc.) to call for a boycott on Pizza Hut over their policies as it is the right of PH to have such policies.

"We prohibit employees from carrying guns because we believe that that is the safest for everybody."

Ya see, thats an example of being mealy mouthed. Tell the truth for Pete's sake...

"We prohibit employees from carrying guns because we believe that that is the best way to avoid getting US sued by some money hungry trial lawyer when a wannabe Rambo (who is working as a pizza driver for gods sake) Rhodesian Drills some 14 year old unarmed gangbanger that walked too close to him. Besides, if the driver gets killed, there is workers comp."

I'd respect them more for that. Capitalism at work, and you should boycott their pizza because it sucks in general. I would'nt eat it if they GAVE their drivers SIGs they bought from me.

Wildlook10000postsandimstillhereAlaska TM
Not if the company says otherwise.

Ok then. I will go with you on this one, except for one thing- Pizza Hut is not held liable for their total lack of safeguards for their drivers. What steps have they taken to protect their drivers? None. Then, in addition to taking no steps to protect their employees, they do not allow the employees to protect themselves.

They should be civilly liable to any driver who is injured as a result of this policy. Let em lose a few 8 digit lawsuits and see if that changes things.