Iowa CCW delays

Based on my experience to date, the best advice is to work with your Sherrif's office. Not only is this a drastic change for Iowa but a huge learning curve for their offices. They are good folks just trying to do their job and your ACE, is that you now have the law on your side, that they have to follow.. ...

Yeah buddy, becides my good friend works there and so does my cousin :) in records :)

Seems to be worse on the east coast, (of Iowa) us on the west coast have no problems. Dont see a lot of no carry signs either. This county has always been a pro carry county. Move west young man :) but not too far west...
Mark, you and I are in the same county. I can see Nebraska from here.

On Monday it'll be a few days past due. I don't want to be a jerk about it, but the fact that they have only one person doing the checks and she hasn't been around isn't my problem, it's theirs. At the same time, though, I don't want to draw unnecessary attention to myself. If I thought they were deliberately delaying things I wouldn't hesitate to go right down there, but I don't think that's the case. I don't know, maybe instead of calling I should just go down there on Monday and see if that gets a little action.

It doesn't help that there's a 1911 with my name on it that I can't go get until the permit is issued, either!
I don't know, maybe instead of calling I should just go down there on Monday and see if that gets a little action.
Absolutely and don't understand the problem even if you did draw attention. I'm sure by now, there are other applicants who are having the same problem you are. I don't see you being a jerk at all and know you will keep it positive. ;)

Prior to Jan. 2011, the approvals were controlled by one person. Some did their jobs well and too many did not. The new law addresses these inconsistancies and you have the right to question this. These offices are also issuing Purchasing Permits and wonder how that is going. It's basically the same process, on the front end. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
I disagree with going down there monday rather than calling but not because going down there is wrong of you. It just seems unnecessary. I would call monday afternoon or tues mrng first to see what they say. Also, I remember I was calling the sheriff and it turned out(after the lady was saying pretty much the same stuff here)that the court was the person to call the whole time(it was in the mail). the person doing the background stuff forwarded everything to the court. sort of pointless here but the woman on the phone is probably not even involved with the process. I remember my wife's 'guy' was "on vacation but would do it when he got back". he never even did it. I still think it will be ready early next week in which case the date on the permit will be around the 'cusp' date of being on the border of being late. it is possible they are delayed though but I think they can handle it // if nothing popped up on you near the deadline they probably rolled yours out with others reaching their limit as well. -hope to hear what happens-
I don't think they're mailing them out here. I was told to bring payment when I pick up the permit. I was also given a number to call to check on its status, and that number goes to the sheriff's office, not the court.

I've been told there's a stack of applications waiting. I've waited my 30 days. I'm going down there Monday. No point calling when I have to go down there to get it anyway; if they're going to try giving me the runaround beyond the 30 day maximum prescribed by law they're going to have to do it in person.
ok so they aren't mailing them in iowa

but give them the benefit of the doubt and/or some space. what I mean by that is you're doing nothing wrong+have the right to go down there the minute they open. why not give them one extra day before going down there or call monday afternoon just so it doesn't seem like your banging down the door and/or anxious about it though. I mean, what are you going to do or say if they say they're sorry but it might be a couple days(due to backlog, the guy's surgery, etc, etc)? I still think it will be ready, so let us know+good luck.
I won't be surprised if it's ready on Monday either, but as I said above, it's already a few days past due. The law allows 30 days. Monday will be the 33rd day after my application was submitted. I'll go down there Monday to pick up my permit, and if I am denied, I will pursue every legal avenue open to me.
Short version is, I was refused. Got the same story - the one person who does the checks isn't there and "there's nothing we can do." Asked who could do something and was referred to a LT in the uniform division. Wrote him a nice polite letter and I'll give him a couple days to respond before I escalate to the county attorney or state AG's office.
Starting to sound like the same old BS and don't lose heart. Keep the pressure on and don't give up. Remember that you are in the right. Would you mind telling me what Couny you are dealing with. If it's more comfortable for you, just PM me. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I don't think they're mailing them out here

Nope, you get to stand and smile as your pic is taken, then you get a hard permit not paper.

I was told right up front 6 weeks, this was right after the new year too. I would have patientence andwait the 2 weeks. Where is the gun? only takes one week to get a permit to purchase as it involves a different examination of your records.
Dealing with Pottawattamie County. I've been in touch with the Iowa Firearms Coalition and I think that with their assistance this will get sorted out rather quickly.

Not going to spend an extra ten bucks to get a permit to purchase when the carry permit fills that role and should have been issued by now.

If they were actively processing the applications and were just behind, I'd be much more understanding and willing to wait. I know they were swamped around the first of the year. But the information I have indicates that they're not doing anything. If that's correct, then that's unacceptable. Neither is a flat refusal to comply with the law. It's wrong and it affects a lot more people than just me, not only in this county but state-wide if we let this slide.

We had to fight to get shall-issue enacted; if we have to fight to get it enforced, so be it. That's a fight we can and will win.

(On to Constitutional carry!)
Iowa Firearms Coalition

Iowa Firearms Coalition
I am active with these folks and have met a few of their instructors. I was going to drop them a line but looks like you beat me to it. These are the folks that in part, can take a lot of credit for Shall-Issue, along with the NRA and another group. They are good folks. Again, please keep us updated. ... :)

Be Safe !!!
Not going to spend an extra ten bucks to get a permit to purchase

Used to be 5 but I bet it is good for 5 years like the carry permit is.

Whats 2 more weeks? by the time you get folks involved that time will go by and the permit will be there after JD signs off.

I got my training for the permit thru the Iowa coalition, was less than the classes offered in CB which are twice a week now so that tells ya just how popular this permit is. They been taking as many as 25 a day up to 80 a day. Every day.

Pott county has always been a friendly county for this permit, my cousin has had his for at least 10 years.
Used to be 5 but I bet it is good for 5 years like the carry permit is.
Can't speak for this year, but last year it waas $5.00 here as well and only good for one year. I'll be finding our soon enough if this has changed. The folks at our county sherrifs office are very helpful ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
Gun show at westfair this weekend. Got both permits ready :) just in case I see something I may need like a new 1911 with a short barrel for carry.

Actually I see the permit to purchase has expired, so its just the carry opermit Iwill be needing.

The deputy did my carry permit knows me, she sees me every year when I do the permit to purchase. Told me "see ya in 5 years" :) Might have to run some pulled pork down to my fav detective, he didnt come and rub butts with me last time :)

Support your local sherrif

I hope to go on friday night or sunday.
Made my weekly call a few minutes ago and they say it's ready. Don't know if it was the IFC and NRA rattling their cage that did it, or if they were just playing catch-up, but shortly I'll be joining the ranks of the CCW holders.
shortly I'll be joining the ranks of the CCW holders

Great, I bet it was catch up, they really dont want to make folks wait. In a budget environment things take time cause they didnt budget for more people, next year they will budget more people that they may not need :) at that time. It is the way of the budget....

We just put ours in for this year :)
markj wrote: "Seems to be worse on the east coast, (of Iowa) us on the west coast have no problems."

Uh..............golly, there seems to be something wrong with my map!:D
Their refusal to issue after 30 days still rankles. It was improper at best. They're still doing it, too, but IFC and NRA are working on it.