Iowa CCW delays


New member
About a month ago I applied for my Iowa permit to carry weapons. I've been calling every Monday to see if the permit has been approved; nothing yet, but last week the nice lady I've been getting on the phone told me that the one person who does the background checks had surgery and has been off since the day before I submitted mine. Today she told me that she expected that person to be back soon and that I should keep checking.

Iowa law requires that a permit be issued or denied within 30 days of application. If not denied within 30 days, approval is automatic. Next Monday, my application will be more than 30 days old. I'm wondering if I should just be patient, since I know what's going on, or if I should go down there and politely insist on being issued my permit.
I'm wondering if I should just be patient, since I know what's going on, or if I should go down there and politely insist on being issued my permit.

Take along a copy of the law. Insist. If you get baloney, stop by the district attorney's office. If you get more baloney, have a lawyer file suit.

Government exists to serve us, not rule us.
the one person who does the background checks had surgery and has been off since the day before I submitted mine.
Regardless, the system is set up so as not to depend on any one person and only on the process and procedure. You know that there was someone else performing that sick persons duties and why should this one, be the exception? I would be equally nice but assertive on your rights. You have waited long enough. ..... :)

Take along a copy of the law. Insist. If you get baloney, stop by the district attorney's office.
Absolutely and I suspect this is all it would take. Again, be courtious, smile and swear under your breath. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
After your 30 days call and check the status. At that point they should, if they follow the law, tell you that you have been approved.

If they still delay the process, at that point I would point the law out as it is written and then ask when you can expect your permit to be ready.

I would not march down there demanding any thing at first. However, if they continue to delay the process, then I'd contact whomever is in charge of the process.
30 days from ....

from the date you mailed the application ?

The date you gave to someone in the appropriate office.

The date stamped on the the application at the appropriate office.

Right now, if it was me, I'd check the law to see if they are business days or calendar days, and when the count starts.
Then I, personally, would go there two days after the due date with a copy of the law.
If the law didn't define the day (business/calendar), I'd assume the longer period.
Not sure about Iowa, but some of the more “progressive” counties in Georgia seem to go out of their way to make the process as difficult as possible. The county I live in processed my request and I received my permit within a month. However, some of the other counties are forcing applicants to pre-schedule appointments for fingerprinting that delays the process by sometimes a month or more.

We really need to do our best to hold these folks accountable to the law. So, as others have said I would research the legal issues and in a polite professional manner ask that they be followed.
some of the more “progressive” counties in Georgia seem to go out of their way to make the process as difficult as possible.
Gees, I hope that doesn't become the case and in our county as well as two adjoining couties, the flow has been very smooth and in fact, the process is over-whelmed and there are backlogs. We have permament adds in the paper about training classes and know of local locations where they are conducting weekly classes. The pendulum has swung past center and the permits are flowing. Some Sherrifs and police Chiefs are pushing back and to a certian degree, rightly so. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
Pahoo said:
Some Sherrifs and police Chiefs are pushing back and to a certian degree, rightly so. .....
I was right with you, until this part.

What is "rightly so" about police actively trying NOT to obey the law?
I was right with you, until this part.

What is "rightly so" about police actively trying NOT to obey the law?
I figured someone would but you really need to understand what is in the law. Given that, the law is a good law but like most, not perfect. From what I see, the Sherrifs are abiding by the law and even tying to strengthen it, rather than weaken it. Yes, I said strengthen it. There are three or four areas that are in question that I know you and "mostly" others, in this forum would agree with.

Last year, one county issued 850 concealed permits. This year and as of last Monday, 2,358 permits have been issued. It is projected that 5,000 permits will be issued by years end. Now, that is just one of 99 counties in Iowa. How's that for not following the law? ..... ;)

It is now nearly impossible for Sherrifs not to follow the law but they have a right to point out and question the weak area and take whatever action they need to protect all of it's citizens. You have to appreciate where we were, prior to 2011 and how far we have come. The problem back then, was that some Sherrifs were not serving the people and instead, had their own agenda. Now they have to follow the law and we need to make sure they do. ...... ;)

Be Safe !!!
About a month ago I applied for my Iowa permit to carry weapons.

Mine took 6 weeks. Huge backlog of requests least in my county. I was in line with like 30 others, multiply that by a month..... soon tho everyone will have their permit :) and it wont take as long. Be patient. Dont go in demanding anything nor would I take along that law as they have others let them take their time.
Pahoo said:
Aguila Blanca said:
I was right with you, until this part.

What is "rightly so" about police actively trying NOT to obey the law?
I figured someone would but you really need to understand what is in the law. Given that, the law is a good law but like most, not perfect. From what I see, the Sherrifs are abiding by the law and even tying to strengthen it, rather than weaken it. Yes, I said strengthen it. There are three or four areas that are in question that I know you and "mostly" others, in this forum would agree with.
You completely lost me. If the law is a good law, why is it a good thing for the police to be trying not to follow it? What are these three of four unclear areas that you "know" I will agree with? In general, I never agree with anything that's so unclear that I can't understand it or that it needs revision in order to be understood.
Some Sherrifs and police Chiefs are pushing back and to a certian degree, rightly so. .....
I did not say or infer that they were not following the law. I stated that they were pushing back and can now see that this may have been confusing.
As an example, one way is to actively promote the posting of "GUN FREE ZONE" signs. There are other ways but this one is the most dominant. Again, within the law, for now and being reviewed from county to county. .... :)

Be Safe !!!
Iowa law says the permit will be issued within 30 days or you are automatically approved. Be careful of being too forgiving. When the Sheriff's wouldn't issue permits (under the old May Issue law) they pretty much told citizens that was the law and get over it! Now...they can "get over it". Obey the law...period! They had 8 months to prepare for the flood of applicants. If they didn't then someone should explain the concept of "planning" to them.

Pahoo, is there an equivalent State law that mirrors the Federal law on School Zones?

I ask, because your CC permit is an exception to the federal law. If there is a "mirrored" State law, then that exception should also be there, and Sheriffs have no authority to "push back," as you call it.

Even in California, that exception stands. So I'm uncertain as to what you meant, when you wrote:
Pahoo said:
Some Sherrifs and police Chiefs are pushing back and to a certian degree, rightly so.

What are they pushing back against and why is it, in your opinion, rightly so?
If not denied within 30 days, approval is automatic. Next Monday, my application will be more than 30 days old. I'm wondering if I should just be patient, since I know what's going on, or if I should go down there and politely insist on being issued my permit.

I would call them tuesday mrng. Alright, monday afternoon since you'll be chomping at the bit. chances are at that time they'll have the info you desire. Remember the date might be at the 30day mark, but it might not reach your mailbox until later next week(unless in iowa you need to pick it up). I have noticed sometimes the officer in charge waits to nearer the deadline than sooner for whatever reason. On other occaisions, the permit seems to be issued earlier than expected.

*please keep us posted
No, as we are bound by the Federal Law and the Weapons-Free zones they have established. I'm told that ours mirrors the Federal Law.
Reference: 724.4B Carrying weapons on school grounds ‐‐ penalty ‐‐ exceptions. of the code.

This might be a good time to refer to Iowa Code for a important refernce to all Iowa applicants. .... :) Code Section 724-Effective 1-1-11.pdf

Now, on the subject of "Push-Back", it does not refer to the law, just what action some counties are taking to extend the Gun-Free Zones. I forget which county it was, its Sheriff personally visited retail establishments and encouraged them to post their business and this is within the law. .... ;)
Other counties are posting or trying to post their court houses, Sherrif's offices and other city and county properties. Also Newspaper buildings and who knows what else may come up. Some are on hold as their are conflicts with what the state is saying and need further clarification.

On another note, there are three areas of the law, that some LEO's are having a problem with and may take action to change/modify the existing law. In part, the Gun-Free zones are a response to what they see as weaknesses in the current law. I do believe their primary concern is for the safety of the people they serve. On the rest, you do the math. ;)

Be Safe !!!
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If they didn't then someone should explain the concept of "planning" to them

I was told the depts dont have the cash for the manpower needed, some only have one person doing the checks. Vicious circle. As I said, mine took 6 weeks, I was told it may take that long when I filled out the forms.

The funny thing is I still havent had to use it...... probably never will. Hopefully never will. but it is best to be prepared, today isnt dads days.

LEO need a bit more funding, the law makers pass a law gives em payroll if the govt shuts down but a raise for leo? or money for added manpower? only if it is a ticket type of thing.
My opinion is that, with LE agencies, it's generally not a good idea to call attention to oneself in any way. If it's just going to be two or three weeks difference, I'd cool it and just wait like 99% of the applicants do. In my state, the instructions they give out expressly say DON'T CALL. I wouldn't aggravate them. I think it's unlikely to speed things up anyhow...
Some Iowa LEO are encouraging more "killing zones" by passing out NO GUNS ALLOWED SIGNS. They are crazy if think the criminal who is thinking of robbing the store or committing an assault will see the sign and say "Oh...wait.....NO GUNS...never mind!"

Remember the guy who shot up the School Board meeting in Florida? That was a NO GUN zone, too. Weird....couldn't he read the sign?

Regarding the issue of money...that's between the Sheriff and the's not the problem of law-abiding citizens. I do my job, I shouldn't have to do their's. They had 8 months to plan for overtime or a streamlined process.

The truth is some small-minded Sheriff's are just pi**ed at the whole thing and acting like children. If you or I came up with excuses to avoid obeying the law, they'd laugh at us, and then charge us.
Based on my experience to date, the best advice is to work with your Sherrif's office. Not only is this a drastic change for Iowa but a huge learning curve for their offices. They are good folks just trying to do their job and your ACE, is that you now have the law on your side, that they have to follow.. ... :D

Be Safe !!!