Interesting things seen while hunting....

This is a great thread! Hope it continues! Last year my cousin, his wife, and I got a cabin on the Clarion River in Cook Forest, PA to do a little canoeing, fishing for smallies, and all around relaxing. They really wanted to see a wild bear, and I told them the chances were good. The first night we sat around the campfire, had a few beers, and told fish stories. They still wanted to see a bear. I got tired (and a little tipsy) and decided to call it a night. I was just about to turn the lights out when cuz and wife came running into the cabin, slammed the door and commenced to close all the windows. I got up to see what was going on, looked out the window and saw a bear wandering around the cabin site. I looked over at cuz and said "I thought you wanted to see a bear". Sheesh. City people. :D

Several years prior in the same cabin, same cuz, another fishing buddy, and I were sitting around a campfire throwing marshmallows to an unusually bold raccoon. Cuz threw one about 6 feet from us and at the same time the 'coon went for it, a skunk came out of the shadows and went for it too. The two had a bit of a disagreement over ownership and we all thought we were going to get sprayed, but in spite of all the spitting and hissing and posturing, the skunk never did spray (but he did get the marshmallow) :D
Not too exciting, but this weekend I saw 2 crows chasing and harassing an owl, hot on its tail. I'd heard that crows and owls fight, but never witnessed this.
This is an old thread but still seems to get attention. Saw a brown water snake trying to eat a large toad. The snake had the toad's head in it's mouth but that was all. Looked so much like the posters of the hang in there vein I could not keep from laughing. Finally, after I calmed down I felt sorry for the toad and released it. The toad jumped out of the stream and the snake swam off, no doubt hungry and angry with my intervention.

Ohio Annie. The Texas Parks and Wildlife did a DNA study of the mountain Lion and they said! that the mountain lion does not have the DNA to make a black lion. I think the DNA missing made a pigment called melanin which make animals black.

When an animal has no melanin it is an albino.
Interesting thing she saw.......

Here's one literally involving me...

Got permission from a friend to deer hunt on his sister's farm land. At 5:00 AM in the dead of dark morning I pull my truck up in 2 feet of snow into her farm yard to park. I am in my one-piece hunting jump-suit. All of a sudden I have to take an emergency dump. Can't go in her house because its too early to wake her up.

So I take off my hunting boots and jump-suit and I am stark naked in the freezing cold. I proceed to squat and pooch my as* out while I hang onto the pickup truck bed wall. As I start of do my thing her stupid dog wakes up and decides to start howling up a storm. All of a sudden a flood light goes on and she opens the front door and is looking out to see why the dog is howling up a storm. There I am...stark her front yard....squat and pooched out with my backside facing her. :eek:

I look over my shoulder...she proceeds to start laughing up a storm and closes the door.

I forgot toilet paper so I proceed to use snow and newspaper to clean off. Meanwhile some dumb stupid chickens start running up to see if anything is edible. :barf:

The next day I hear about it at work from my friend about some stupid dumbas* his sister caught naked in her front yard.

Just a terrible way to start a morning of hunting. Terrible....... :(
One time I took a crap right under someone that was in there deerstand without knowing it. I heard a whistling noise and looked up to see a really pissed guy staring at me. woops...

Thanks for 65 add ons to original........... This is great fun and hope you keep them coming.......... Regards......Rojoe67 :D

Took the kids to a little lake at the other end of our neighborhood. We put the canoe in and paddled down to the far end. We got under a big Willow tree. My little girl (8) was relaxing leaning back and we were softly talking about the geese we were watching just then a large Carp jumped right out of the water into the canoe........My poor little girl almost died of total heart attack that instant. I ain't going to lie it surprised the heck out of me even though I knew we were in the shallow Carp end of the lake........If I had a camera I was laughing to hard to catch a breath to snap a photo..... :D
I hate squirrels. When I first started hunting, every moving sound i heard in the woods was "a deer." I'd get excited, my heart would race, and after about 20-30 of hearing the noise but not being able to see (i hunt in pretty dense woods) the source, the little bastard would pop out and "burst my bubble." This ticked me off for a while and caused me to miss a quiet deer walking behind me on several occasions b/c i was so tuned into the racket the squirrel was making. I'm sure some of you were in the same situation when you first started hunting.

I say that b/c this past bow season the little jerks got me again. I was sitting in a stand looking down a game trail that I knew the deer walked up at night. This is a great spot and I've seen some big bucks here, but always when scouting and not during the season. Well my stand faced what looked to be a dying / almost dead tree about 30 yards ahead of me. I was facing this dead tree and the light was fading, I saw a squirrel pop out of a hole at the top of the tree, bark for a min., and then jump on to other branches. about 30 seconds later another squirrel jumped out the same hole, barked and ran off down another branch. While I was sitting there I counted 21 squirrels come out of the same hole in the same dead tree. i kinda chuckled around about the 16 squirrel or so and noticed something moving on the ground out of the corner of my eye. I looked down and an eight pointer that had been sneaking up the side of the ridge had a bead on me. I was standing up since it was getting late and had my bow resting on the stand, and as soon as i moved to raise my bow, he bolted on back down the ridge. I've yet to take a decent buck esp with a bow.
I went hunting once

for deer with about 4 friend that were hunting fanatics and I was in a tree house that was designed for deer hunting and I was just looking around from up there about 25 feet up and I here all this rucis right below me and I keep looking and I see nothing andI am geeting freaked out because I am paranoid when I am in the woods, any way this rustleing gets closer and suddenly I see two mice chasing each other, I was like WTF! all this noise out of two mice! I was relieved. :confused: :confused: :confused: :) :D
last year during deer gun season here in east central Ohio a friend and I had a wolf (yes a wolf, not a coyote) come within several feet of us. We both had our guns up but when I yelled at it it went running. Nobody believes us yet. I still wonder if I should have shot it just to show everyone. The problem is, then I would have killed off something rare in our area or even state.
FL Critters

I was down in the FL Keys on vacation and decided to see what life I could find - knew that the critters would like to be in cover underwater just as on land, and waded out into a gently sloping grassy stretch about 100 yards and was standing in thigh deep water, not 5 minutes out there when I saw a large black thing tip up out of the water - about 25 feet away... a few seconds later I saw white spots all over a broad black back (maybe 8 feet across) and I knew it was a spotted ray. I just stood still and let him come to me and he fed within about 15 feet! He was beautiful, and just incredibly graceful. Later on saw one of the same size when we rented a boat jump clean out of the water - fantastic!
have had nuthatches land on me and one on the bill of my hat and then lean over and look me right in the eye.

was coyote hunting once and was blowing the dying rabbit squeal while lying in a ground blind and had a coyote jump me from the backside we both just screamed and he took off like lightning. he never bit me just yelped and ran.

was hunting with my brother a few years ago when the rage was fully camo'ed up rifles. We had crossed the road from our land to county land and were walking along looking for one his son had shot earlier but had run off. All of a sudden my brother got real still and was looking around like something was off. I had my gun at ready and was ready to ask him what was up when he walked up and picked up a rifle leaning against a tree. He was looking at it and then I smelled a horrible smell and notice a poop pile and some toilet paper at the base of another tree. As we looked around we noticed a whole lot of turmoil had taken place as the hunter had walked from poop pile to tree to tree in a growing circle. While we are not CSI we figured mr hunter had felt the need while walkin and in a hurry had leaned the rifle against the tree and then found a tree to lean on for support while answering natures call. in his haste, and the pile suggested much haste had been needed, he had forgotten which tree he had leaned his gun against. My brother took out one of his business cards and stuck it on a twig above the poop site and off we went in seach of the wounded deer. we never did get a call about the rifle. and we still call it the poopie gun.
poopy gun, that's too funny!

I was hunting deer once with two friends. It was raining. I saw a beat-up old row boat that someone had dragged out into the forest. I decided I would make my way over to it. It was over-turned, with part of it leaning on a tree stump or something. I was slowly creeping through the forest so I wouldn't make any extra noise. I got right up to the boat and...ZOOM!!, out comes a red fox bolting away. It was so close, I could have almost touched it. I almost had poopy pants after that! :D
I was bow hunting out of a HUGE oak tree. I was standing on a limb about 18 feet up in the air, with my back to the tree trunk. I was in full camo w/ facemask. Out of the corner of my eye I saw motion and speed. It happened so fast, I did not even react or flinch. A Huge batman-eared Great Horned Owl landed on the same branch about ten feet away from me. He came in like a football, and just slammed on the brakes with both wings. Wow, was that fantastic. He was there about ten minutes, during which he never saw me. I started to make a barely audible click noise, and he would twist his neck all the way around and look right at me. He would then bob his head maybe trying to get me to react. After about four or five "clicks" from me, he took off thinking the tree was haunted. He got up, dropped to ground level, and swooped right accross the bean field I was hunting. Definitely the coolest thing I have encountered in the woods
Usually the game is making note of me so they can post on the WIF ( Wildlife Internet Forum) about me , or me and some of my buds out hunting.

Bull: Chased a quail hunter today...

Quail: scared the beejeebers of a young 'un on his first quail hunt, think I made him pee his pants upon experiencing his first quail flush...

Snake: well the fish were just on the stringer, I just helped myself to a few...

Deer: Got caught being amororus with Ms. Doe

Turkey: Lost my Brother today, some idiot was not wearing camo, instead blue jeans ,white tennis shoes, kahki shirt, smoking a cigarette. Brother figured the guy was an idiot and took off to fly...guy shot my brother. I thought the new Regs said they had to wear camo, sit still so we could keep and eye on 'em and listen to that stupid calling...

Dove: I know that guy, took out most of my kinfolk...

Skunk: yeah can't get no privacy, caught me playing with the young'uns

Beaver:...fellas kept watching us build with binocs , grinning , watching...

Greenheads: Snowing like crazy and the temp drops. We go in to the flooded timber, we knew better, but that day the fella's put up the shotguns, and just watched. Broke out the video camera, sipping coffee, soup. Just watching us come in by the droves. Dogs got under some blankets with the folks...peaceful, serene...
Several months ago, I was dog-hunting Russian hog in Tennessee with several of my buddies. After "humping" the rough mountains for several hours without much success, I spied a nice looking goat down in the thickets, partially hidden by a treetop. Nice large head; impressive horns. But the goat appeared (from where we were) to be standing in a very deep hole of some sort, because the view I had of such a fine trophy appeared too low to the ground to be "normal." So I changed gears from hog to goat, and took an impressive frontal shot, and the goat dropped to the ground (7.62x39 entered the chest, travelled the body lengthwise, and left the goat out the buttocks or thereabouts).

To my surprise, though, the goat was not standing in a hole.... nor was the ground even "level" where the goat stood awaiting my shot... as best as I could tell, this goat was, in fact, standing on something of a hill just to appear SHORT....

I had killed the most embarrassing trophy of my life. A nice goat head and horns hooked onto some sort of midget goat body....

Needless to say, the after-hunt photos were passed around for the entertainment value...four or five nice Russian hogs and my midget goat. With the big head. Looked like a Mexican piñata. My 8-year-old daughter claims she has stuffed animals on her bed larger.

So to prove a point, I am getting the impressive head mounted, and the body will mature in size over the years with the retelling of the story. Promise. For "embellishment" is a required part of the telling of hunting stories.
