Interesting things seen while hunting....

Speaking of eagle........

About 5 years ago I was on my quad putzin down a seasonal dirt road. I came up to a gully and as I came down into the low area an American Bald Eagle (mature) flew up from a road kill. I bet that fella had a 5' wingspan.... He flew off real majestic like and again.......a kodak moment again - without the camera :(
2 deer with one shot!

About 10 years ago in NW WI, I watched a doe walk out of a swamp into my shooting lane about 200 yards away broadside. I put the cross hairs right behind the shoulders and squeezed off a round. Kind of seemed like a weird commotion after I fired, or not normally what I had seen before when making a kill. When I got up to the kill site, I realized there was a 2nd doe right behind the one I was shooting at. I double lunged them both with the old 7mm Mag and there they lay. I'm sure I couldn't do it again.

The other neat thing I witnessed while bow hunting in my back yard 2 years ago was 5 different bucks fighting under and around my stand over two does. It started with 2 bucks, and then 1 by 1 along came 3 more as the commotion got louder. The buck were from 6-9 points and being that I was bow hunting I couldn't get a standing shot at them because they were always moving. Of course, the 9 point won the battle and chased the others off. After he had his way with the does and then they headed out past me for some dinner (suppose he felt obligated?), it was getting dark and I think the buck knew I was there so he was real cautious. All he would give me was a straight on shot and he was still in the woods under mild cover. It was the last day of bow season before the gun opener, so I decided to take the shot. You guessed it, big miss! :barf: I hit that branch that only the arrow can see. Crash boom bang, away they went. I scoured for blood and found my arrow that revealed a clean miss.
This past season, I came face to face with that same buck while pistol hunting (I live in a pistol/shotgun zone) in the same spot where I missed him with my bow 2 years ago. I took the buck with one shot at a little over 50 yards with my Thompson Contender. He dressed out at 244 lbs and scored 155 green. Very happy to say the least... :)

copper heads

One day I was reading some on the Internet about how hard squirrel hunting was with a bow so I said hey that could be a good challenge so I went out to this conservation area near where I live. Got the bow out and walked a ways into the woods. I see squirrels running around here and there and start stalking them for the hell of it. For some odd reason I looked down at the ground and there was a copper head right at my feet. My heart was going like 100 miles an hour so luckly I had an arrow nocked I stepped back and put an arrow through its head. made sure it was dead then knocked it off the other arrow and went on my marry way but it was definetly intense. I did shoot several squirrels with the bow and now carry a gun every time I go just to have something a little more reliable than a bow if I need to defend myself.
I was spotlighting jackrabbits in west Texas, I shot one with a .22lr tracer round he dropped right away and as I'm heading over to him he appears to burst into flames! Turns out it was the grass behind him! :eek: Stomped it out real quick but it was pretty funny after the fire was out!
Late November, 1969

Dad and Capt. Jack and I were on the Waldrop Ranch in Val Verde County, right on the U.S./Mexico border. Jack and I were standing on the tailgate of the Jeepster Commando, with our rifles laying on a thin mattress secured to the roof. Antonio was driving and Dad was riding shotgun.

We were parallelling Sycamore Creek, when I saw movement near a clump of brush on the edge of the dry riverbed, some 350 yards away. I knocked on the jeep roof, and Antonio killed the motor in gear.

Squinting through the 4X Leupold, I could count, six of 'em. With a flush of embarrassment, I pulled up the rifle when I realized I was pointing the six millimeter at a family, headed north.

Jack dismounted and trained his old binoculars on the band.
"Looks like three men and three of the women might be a little girl."
"Are they any threat, Jack?" Dad asked.
"Naw. They're headed in country, looking for work. Every couple of years they break into the house, when we're not there. They'll walk right past the booze and the rifles, and take a blanket or canned goods. Never bother anything else."
Antonio watched the little group melt into the brush. His face was expressionless, and his eyes were flat and black.
"Su familia, posible?" I asked. He turned and smiled, and threw a brown arm around my 16 year old frame.
"Siempre, Ricardo. Siempre."
I was bowhunting in Northern Virginia. There was fresh snow on the ground and the air was cool and crisp. I got tired of sitting in the tree stand and decided to still hunt a bit, and get a better look at the terrain. I was standing still on an old logging trail just enjoying the scenery, when I saw a red fox pop over the hill about 50 yards away. His nose was to the ground and he was looking for dinner. His fur was all puffed out to keep him warm. His coat was a beautiful red and the white on his tail made a remarkable contrast to the red. He was coming right at me, zigging and zagging with the folds in the ground. I just stood there, not moving a muscle, and watched in silence. He passed by me at about 10 yards, never noticed me, and then kept his pace until way beyond me and out of sight. The most beautiful fox I ever saw. I didn't get a deer, but it was a remarkable experience and a great hunt.

I don't know about you, but I have no use for Dubya or his dad, both carpetbaggers to me.
Dubya seems to meet the definitation of a Fascist , check your dictionary before flaming me.
I am a conservative conservationist, not a contradiction in terms, look them up .
It is very improbable that Felis Concolor has melanism, the genes are not supposedly there.
We have melanistic Fox and Gray squirrels here and some place up north has a large population of white Fox squirrels which are not albinos as they do not have pink eyes.
Don :)

Please don't shoot jack rabbits w/ incendiaries in dry pastures. (In W. Texas that's always).

We had a grass fire on our place that was restricted to 300 acres by the wind direction (Praise the Lord!). The grass was chest high and from a mile away, it looked like the world was on fire.
Sicily - wild game (so to speak)

While on a field training exercise near Vizzini, Sicily a buddy and myself were conducting a little mini recon of an area. Sort of a hunting trip for a good defensive position type thing..... while we were on this so called hunt out of the blue a white wild horse came charging at us. I bet it was one heck of a sight to see. Well, the horse circled twice as to show us he was bigger and faster and apparently much smarter than the two of us. He kept us pinned down for 20 minutes. He trotted off and could be heard laughing all the way back to Comiso (our base). When we got back we reported to our commander. He looked at us and fell on the floor laughing. He later admitted that same damn horse had stopped him in his Hummer and blocked the trail he was trying to drive down. This wild white horse sorta became our mascot although we never saw it again..... ;)

Sorry this is a bit off track just thought it would be worth a laugh for everyone..... ;)
I deer hunt in the western Michigan U.P. I personally don't think wolves are cool. Deer in the area I hunt have been decimated by wolves in the area. Anyway.......
I was sitting on the ground against a tree watching a deer run at last shooting light. I always stay put till it's dark. I was about to get up and call it a day when I heard leaves crunching and saw movement. A wolf was doing a slow trot down the deer trail. He moved off to my right about 20 yards and stopped just out of my sight. It took me about 20 seconds to think to myself... "self, it's now dark, a wolf has stopped 20 yards away, you can't see him, you sitting on your ass on the ground, you have deer scent on ." .......... :eek: Well my pistol came out of the holster and I got up! That 30 minute walk though the pitch black woods to the truck seemed to take forever. :D
The coolest thing I have ever seen while hunting was 3 bobcats. I was siting in the Wisconsin Rifle seasone, I had 3 bobcats walk about 15 yards from my stand. I could not belive it. They crossed the logging road, and went in some tall grass. I never heard or saw them after that. I will probaly never seen that again while hunting in a life time.

Saturday morning...put 2 turkey decoys in blind....5 minutes later, I see movement, but it's not turkeys. A bobcat is stalking my decoys. He sneaks up behind them slowly, then stops just 3-4 feet behind them, tail twitching. He never pounces though - he could tell something wasn't right. He turned and left.
Several years ago I saw two bucks that had been fighting. They had locked horns and evidently had been that way for a while. One was down and the other one was barely standing.
I watched the one standing try to drag the other one around for a while. At that time our limit was one buck, so I shot the one standing (I thought the other one was dead, had not seen it move any at all). When he fell the other "dead deer" jerked around and came loose, stood up, shook and left for better places.
When I got to the deer, I found that he had broken part of his rack when he got loose.
I was only 13 at the time, so it seemed pretty special at the time. I often wonder what happened to that other buck, Hope he made it.
I was bow hunting in early october last year and was getting bugged by a very persistent Deer Fly (oh the irony). I had a ham sandwhich with me and decided to eat half of it. When i put the uneaten half back in the plastic bag the Deer fly buzzed into it. I thought "ha, gotcha sucker" and put the bag back into my pack. A few hours later, i went for the other half of my sandwhich, opened the plastic bag, and out flu the fly with a big match head sized piece of ham in it's mouth and took off with it! I was stunned.
2 Things that were most interesting while hunting. Once while I was sitting near the convergence of game trails while deer hunting, a cow elk with a calf came right up the trail along with a huge bull elk trying to mount her. They were within 6ft from me before they noticed me.
Another time, while I was sitting at the edge of a hollow, elk hunting, a wounded cow elk came down a heavy pine ridge with a cougar in quick pursuit. The cougar got his meal.
I was wild boar hunting on Tejon Ranch about 20 miles north of downtown LA. I was walking down a trail when on another trail 20 feet below me, a cow elk trotted out of the bush. I watched her for about a minute. She still didn't know I was there so I whistled. She jumped straight up in the air and hit the ground running...I know, I know. Pigs and elk 20 miles from downtown LA? Google Tejon Ranch hunting...For real...BTW- I got a 175 pound sow that was gray with black spots...