Interesting notion from another thread, which bears some examination

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Well, you didn't answer my questions. That's a red flag.

We do physical testing as confirmation that everything is lining up.
Testing on what, exactly? And how does it apply to terminal ballistics.

Yes, you are claiming to be the first to figure this out. REAL ballisticians, hunters and shooters have been trying to figure out how to quantify the performance of bullets on game for years. There is a reason why it's not "simple physics", because it's not simple. Like I've said multiple times, you are over-simplifying something that is far from simple.

I've done this kind of work at Boeing & Space Systems/Loral.
Name-dropping anything that is not related to ballistics is not going to help you. This reminds me of conversations with engineers on most any subject. Even if the subject is completely unrelated to their area of study or field of expertise, they 'think' they have it all figured out. Even when it's obvious to all those involved, they haven't the slightest clue. I'm sorry but I don't think your knowledge/experience is applicable to terminal ballistics. At least not in the way you think it does.

Rather the case is that people do like to stubbornly cling to comfortable ideas, and the firearms world is especially prone in this regard.
You would do well not to assume you're speaking to narrow-minded, stubborn morons. Believe me, if there was a way to mathematically predict the effectiveness of any bullet at any velocity on any target, the shooting industry would embrace it. Because energy is a joke. Perhaps it is YOU who is clinging to something that is comfortable and outdated???
Well, you didn't answer my questions. That's a red flag.

A red flag for me is that you've stooped to name-calling, and have payed so little attention to what I have actually written, that you have twice called upon me to defend statements I haven't made.

Declare whatever "victory" you think you are due. I have no interest in continuing a discussion with someone, where discussion is demonstrably impossible.
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