Inherited a Browning Hipower

When a Browning Hi-Power is involved in a shooting that results in a court case...You can be sure that the opposing lawyer will investigate whether the Hi-Power magazine disconnect safety has been removed or not.

If it has...the opposing lawyer can build a case...that the user of said pistol was irresponsible with gun safety at the time of the incident.

No, this is an old wives' tale that predates the internet itself. This superstition, along with "don't use reloads for defensive purposes" just won't die...
IMtheNRA, Thanks for responding, saves me the task of commenting on those who will not let the mag disconnect die. One of my 17 Hi Powers I received from a friend who happens to be a personal injury lawyer, we have discussed modifications and particularly the mag disconnect issues that he agreed would have no bearing on a lawful shoot situation. Only a couple of my Hi Powers that are highly collectible have the disconnect intact, the shooters have all had the offending parts removed.