In the extremely unlikely event...

Chances are, you'd never know if he was wearing body armor in the first place. If you could tell just by looking, it would probably be too late.
It all goes back to the old Mozambique, and why, you would continue to shoot COM, if the first couple rounds had no discernible effect. And again, if youre reasonably close, why bother with COM at all?

Another question here too is, once you start talking vests, quick(er) incapacitation, and perhaps dealing with expanding distances, yet still being in the kill zone, are you still comfortable with the gun and accessories you choose to carry every day? How about your "true" skills and capabilities?
Better yet, put the vest on and have someone shoot you...then get back to us about how unnoticeable and pain-free it was.

Even then, results will vary.
No one said it was pain free. People get shot without vests and dont know they were hit.

Just another reason to shoot the threat to the ground, in any fashion that works as quickly and effectively as possible.
Better yet, put the vest on and have someone shoot you...then get back to us about how unnoticeable and pain-free it was.

No one said it would be a fun experience AFTER the fact. The issue at hand is, does being hit while wearing a vest "incapacitate" the wearer due to blunt force trama?

The answer is RARELY
the likely hood of having to face ISIS jihadists is, well, unlikely. I'd not change my normal routine at all. Well, maybe carry an extra mag. Just in case. :)