I'm really not sure what to think about this but, it just doesn't sound good to me

Lived / worked in Canada for a decade. Met folks who had families across the border. My daughter lives in Province of Ontario. US built their Air Traffic System, their 'smart' highway near Toronto, We supply most of their arms, they build a lot of our cars, Air Canada uses Boeing's like the rest of the world....

They fought with us in WW II, Korea, Viet Nam, ....

Guess I don't see an issue with mutual help in most any condition. But, I am not too paranoid about other UK / European immigrants ... like us!!

Maybe they can help with our southern border?? :D
Lived / worked in Canada for a decade. Met folks who had families across the border. My daughter lives in Province of Ontario. US built their Air Traffic System, their 'smart' highway near Toronto, We supply most of their arms, they build a lot of our cars, Air Canada uses Boeing's like the rest of the world....

Well I know for a fact Canada does make most of their weapons in house, including heavy armaments. Some of the armaments might be of US design but are made in Canada. Much like many of our weapon system are foreign designs but built here. Canada also buys military goods from many other nations. We also buy from them, including the new Stryker family of IFVs. The point here is that Canada is pretty self sufficient in many areas, but being a country of only 30 million they do need to rely on international trade. Our friendship with them is a two way street. Both countries benefit from it.
A few years ago, went to Niagara Falls with the Mrs. The Canadian Border police were nice and polite in park ranger type uniforms. Coming back, manning the U.S. Border checkpoint were screaming black-BDU/helmeted commando wannabes who barked orders. If civil policing is to be done by a military, send me the Canadians.
A few weeks ago, me & the Mrs. went to the Bahamas, and the customs & Police were very polite over there. As soon as we reached the Ft. Lauderdale customs things changed. Me and another guy were waiting and he beought out his cell phone to check his messages I guess, and got barked at by a Broward Cty Sheriff to not use it. He said he wasn't, just looking at it and the sheriff freaked on him. I thought he was gonna jump him. I mumbled sure can tell we're back in America...and the Sheriff says WHAT? So I said well they're a lot more polite over there, while giving him my best non threatening serf pose.:barf:

I got sneered at recently in a thread where I mentioned foreign troops on US soil...I guess this proves me wrong somehow?

Foreign troops have no business on US soil.
Gee, waiting for the Canadians to fight their way to TX and get my stuff.

I remember after 9/11 and we evoked the Nato treaties so that Nato AWACS and fighters could help control the air over the USA while our planes went to war. Folks posted that the Norwegians planes would scan for our guns and NATO would come and take them.

I plan to go to Alamo for a last ditch stand against the 1st Armored Luxembourg and the Screaming Airborne Icelanders.
I know it's just the Canadians (not meant to be an insult) but it still bothers me a bit. And we're not talking about the Canadian Mounty welcoming committee , we're talking the military.

It's bad enough when you think about what situation would arise requiring the use of our own National Guard. Then there is of course our own military in the form of Marines and Army which would require a very serious crisis to put into action in a civil emergency. Would our own sons and daughters accept such a task depending on the orders ? I would like to think not. But steps have been made to scoot around the Posse Comitatus Act which I believe still exists ???

So what's the alternative ?

Bring in foreign troops.

I know I would have a very big problem if it were NATO troops. I don't know what Canadian Military troops are like but I can't believe their too much different or less trained than our own. What they would be is , emotionally disconnected.
Used to live in the Buffalo area - if we had some great disaster and the Canadians came across the bridge to help - it would be just fine. One can get a touch paranoid here - on a gun list - mercy, that would never happen.
Used to live in the Buffalo area - if we had some great disaster and the Canadians came across the bridge to help

I lived there too...I remember that great disaster in Canada where we helped and no one complained.

The Great canadian Beer strike.

The liquor stores couldnt keep Genesee in stock...the line on the Peace Bridge looked like a sat night at the Tijuana border crossing

WildwesavedthemAlaska TM
There is a famous case where the US, especially Massachusetts helped the Canadians out during a major disaster in Halifax NS in 1917. During WWI material, and troops from Canada where being shipped from Halifax the largest Canadian port, to Europe. What happen is a supply ship carrying laden with explosive exploded in the harbor leveling part of the downtown, and instantly killing thousands of people. Thousands more where left homeless in the dead of winter. Hospital where either destroyed or overwhelmed by the influx of wounded, and so was much of the infrastructure of the city. Canada's Government was overwhelmed by the disaster since most of its resources were overseas. They put out a international call for help. A great outpouring of sympathy came from the states. The State of Massachusetts sent doctors, troops, and students from state colleges to help with the relief effort. They built a temporary city for the thousands of homeless people. Other states chipped in by sending money and other need supplies. If it was not for the fast help of Massachusetts and other American volunteers many survivors would not have survived the winter living in the streets. I would suspect Canada would do the same if NYC or any American city was leveled by a major disaster. There is nothing wrong with allies helping each other out when during disasters. Of course I do not want Canadian troops patrolling in cities but if they are sent for humanitarian relief I have no problem with it.

I have no problem whatsoever giving a helping hand to a neighbor in need , but whenever deals are struck , contracts are signed , negotiations and formal agreements made and these being made basically in secret for us to find out after the fact, I think it deserves more scrutiny.

I'd love to see what conditions this signed agreement spell out.
The secret condition is that American Cheese will be named Canadian Cheese in times of crisis. I know this because when I lived in Buffalo and visited Toronto supermarkets - Kraft slices were named Kraft CANADIAN cheese.
9mmHP - I had similar experiences several times. Worked an engineering project that required me to cross the border often. US -NOT Canadian - customs and immagration were the s-heads. And, I knew several by name and shot trap/hunted with one who put on a uniform and became a prick Was crossing to the south one day and had my Brittany. Always carried all the papers, etc. US guy, Rob, started asking questions about the dog. I finally had had enough and said, "ROB, IT IS FRECKLES THAT WE HUNTED WITH THREE DAYS AGO!" Rob replied, 'only doing my job, go ahead!' He was not invited to hunt with me and my dog my dog again. Probably still wonders why. Then there was Eddie who always had to look through the tool box in my company truck ... every time. I'd just sit there 'til he was finished then ask, 'Any drugs this time Eddie?' Even his dog disliked him!
I'm all for real free trade, but militantly opposed to any transfer of sovereignty.

Can't have it both ways, Pat.

Tariffs are stipulated to pay for federal gov't. Therefore we re-address the never properly ratified-unlawful 16th Amendment which taxes wealth gained from your work.

Free Trade (look up "Anglo-Dutch, Free Trade, .pdf" on google for a very thorough history of the concept) is all about reducing sovereignty on a State, National and Regional basis.