I'm beginning to think Hillary would be the best

Hillary's not going to get the nomination. If she and the superdelegates steal the nomination from Obama, you're going to see burning and rioting. If Hillary gets the nomination, the African-Americans (who've not been arrested or killed for burning and rioting) just won't show up at the polls. She's in a no-win posture.

There are no great candidates for gun owners in this election cycle. McCain is a far better man than either of the other two, but Hillary does probably have bigger balls.
I don't think that Hillary is a communist, I don't agree with her on many issues, but I don't dislike her. I think she'd be better than Obama because she's more pragmatic, and she's a known commodity. If her last name weren't Clinton I'd have to give at least a little thought to voting for McCain over her.

But her last name is Clinton. And my biggest fear is that she'll win, serve two terms and then Jeb Bush will get elected and serve two terms, and then Chelsea will get elected...
I am rather enjoying watching the Democrats tear into each other. Clinton and Obama appear to be at a stalemate on winning the nomination and the longer that stalemate persists, the more polarized their supporters become. I recently saw some polling results that found that large numbers of Democrats did not plan to vote in the Presidential election if 'their' candidate did not get the nomination.

I firmly believe that the coming Presidential election was the Democrats' to lose and I am glad they are working so hard to do so.
I'm waiting to see how Hillary pulls the nomination from Barak. I'd wager certain ethnic groups within the democrat party would be something less than impressed with her actions. For those of you who failed to see the '68 democrat convention in Chicago, listen up. History could well repeat itself.

I got dibs on the soda and popcorn concessions.
The only thing worth rooting for, this election season, is gridlock.

Go gridlock!!


Is he pro 2A? If he is he'll get my vote.
How come I've never heard of this gridlock charactor. When did he announce he's running?:p
The only thing worth rooting for, this election season, is gridlock.

Go gridlock!!


I'm convinced that the economy was so good when Bill Clinton was in office because Congress was so busy investigating him that they didn't notice the growth of the tech sector, and therefore it flourished without regulation.
+1 to VinnyT

i hate Billery, they are untrustworthy and are solely to blame for the current IMF troubles from 10 years ago.

Hill and Obama want our guns gone, plain and simple. I was a Dem in my youth, raised a poor kid and raised to think of the Dems as great crusaders. They are, too. For giving to others before me and you, for robbing from Peter to pay Paul and for handing America over to the enemy.

Not my first choice but I'll take McCain.
The three candidates with any hope of winning are so much alike that any of them could act as the other's VP. They have essentially formed a thurd...whoops, make that third party already. We need to just do away with the D's and R's by their names and just go to an S for all of them...
