I'm beginning to think Hillary would be the best

The three candidates with any hope of winning are so much alike that any of them could act as the other's VP. They have essentially formed a thurd...whoops, make that third party already. We need to just do away with the D's and R's by their names and just go to an S for all of them...

as in "SOS/DD."
That she and Obama's philosophies mirror those of Carl Marx is the point.. Try to read what there instead of putting words in the mouths of others. She doesn't want ownership by the State, just that they be heavily taxed essentially giving the State their earnings, and heavily regulated, thus giving the State control over their practices. Ownership would be a matter of symantics......
Try to read what there instead of putting words in the mouths of others.

Thats what I did. A comparison was made between her and Marx. Marx did not simply want to increase taxes and government regulation. He wanted to create a classless society where property was owned by the state. I don't believe I have seen Hillary advocate this.

So she is not a marxist. Thank you for clarifying, Bruxley.
The comparison to Marx was incorrect.

She is an authoritarian, a supporter of big government, and perhaps a socialist. But she is not a Marxist.
I find it ironic that you misread my post, put words in my mouth, AND used that behavior to state that you wer reading what was there and NOT putting words in the mouths of others.

You think your fooling anyone. It's painfully obvious. Do you not care at all??
I find it ironic that you misread my post, put words in my mouth, AND used that behavior to state that you wer reading what was there and NOT putting words in the mouths of others.

You think your fooling anyone. It's painfully obvious. Do you not care at all??

Bruxley, I believe Hillary is a carpet bagging communist.
Are you saying that Hillary wants state ownership of businesses?

Nah, she justs wants a say in how much profit they make. Some quotes from Hillary:

—"We'll take on the oil companies and harness their record profits to create millions of clean energy jobs – high-wage jobs you can raise a family on. I'll end their special tax breaks and give them a choice: invest some of your profits in alternative energy, or we'll do it for you. People have been paying through the roof at the pump, and it's time the companies paid their fair share."

—"We'll take on the credit card companies so that you and your families aren't drowning in debt. Here in Ohio, payday lenders are actually taking Social Security checks from our elderly. That's outrageous. I've proposed real consumer protections against abusive interest rates – capping them at no more than 30 percent and working to get them far lower. And I'll ban those hidden fees and sudden rate hikes, because credit card companies shouldn't be able to bait and switch you and your family."

—"We'll take on the insurance companies and tell them they can no longer discriminate against the sickest people who need care the most. They spend more than $50 billion a year trying to figure out how not to cover people. Well, I'm going to save them a fortune and a whole lot of time, because here's the new policy: No more discrimination period. So even if you have a pre-existing condition, you can get the health insurance you need – no questions asked."

—"And I'll go after drug companies and insurance companies that are overcharging consumers and the government – it's time to end their profiteering at our expense.
I was addressing Unregistered but thanks for the clarification Copenhagen.

I believe she is a Marxists. Short of STATING she believes in State ownership of businesses her other beliefs fit into Unregisted's definition very well. I believe Obama has the same leanings.
You can't be a Marxist unless you support state ownership of property. Its a fundamental requirement. Its still fun for Republicans to call people Marxists on the internet though, even if they don't meet the real definition of the word. It helps scare the uninformed into voting for your favored candidate..

I will completely agree that she is a big government authoritarian who supports increased taxation, big bureacracy, more government regulation, and more intrusion into our personal affairs, but this is not what Marxism is. It is closer to socialism. Most of her views are closer to those of Hitler than Marx.
You can't be a Marxist unless you support state ownership of property.

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few, time to reject the idea of an "on your own" society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."

"We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
-Hillary Clinton

My prediction:

If Obama gets the nod, he will lose to McCain.
If Hillary gets the nod, she will narrowly lose to McCain.
If either Hillary or Obama picks each other as a VP, they will win over McCain.

The Dems are greatly divided right now. McCain is sitting backing in a rocker with a cup of lemonade. (And occassionally getting the countries of Iraq and Iran confused. :rolleyes:)

Obama - Riding the "change" wave for now. People are blinded by his true "politics". (Seinfeld fans: Remember "The Wiz" episode?) He also has NO experience at all. Another thing that bothers me is that his speeches sound like sermons.

McCain - Sure, long track record, ex-Vet, great credentials. A little up there in age. (I know, doesn't matter, his mother is still living) What bothers me, IMHO, is that I think he feels like he deserves to be President. It's almost like he feels entitled to it. He also has blown many a fuse during his sessions/meetings with cohorts. A "my way or the highway" mentallity. We don't need someone with a itchy trigger finger, My biggest con: He wants to stay in Iraq. Hello? We cannot change a country that doesn't want to change!!

Hillary - Another one with a track record. Not-so-rosy past with Bill, but has done a lot. Misspoke a few times, a flip-flop here and there. My idea about her changed when I saw the table meeting with the citizens in NH. You know, the one where she teared-up. Many thought it was a staged, but I believe she really has her heart into this. I don't think it showed weakness at all. However, that being said, the attacks against Obama negate the sincerity.

And, no, I'm not voting for Hillary. :D

Many here worry about gun issues with any candidate. I tell ya, with everything else that the US is dealing with, I wouldn't worry about it. WAY too much on their plates right now. I believe any gun issues will take a back seat.

So who's best to be President.......?
IF Hilary Clinton is elected,there will be an unofficial second Vice President named Bill.

In much the same way she assisted him, he will assist her.

This will, I imagine mean the immediate reintroduction of some Clinton Assault rifle initiatives that had lapse.
Copenhagen, the things you quote from Hillary to me are indicative of socialism, not communism.

like I said . . . 'hmmmmmmmm' I don't really want to get into a debate of socialism versus communism versus fascism etc. To me, the end result of excessive government seems to be the same... death and lots of it. Doesn't really matter to me what color of sheep's skin the wolf sneaks into the herd with.

With that being said, you may well be right about it being socialism rather than communism. But my two cents is that both lead to pretty much the identical ending for the people.. enslavement and death.

I will completely agree that she is a big government authoritarian who supports increased taxation, big bureacracy, more government regulation, and more intrusion into our personal affairs, but this is not what Marxism is. It is closer to socialism.

OK, she is a socialist. Now are you happy? Or will you only be happy when she occupies the White House?
Now are you happy? Or will you only be happy when she occupies the White House?

Yes, I am happy now that people are willing to use correct terminology to describe her. But I certainly won't be happy with her in the WH.

I think many here misinterpret my intentions. I am a life long Republican, and have voted for no one but Republicans since Reagan. I intend to do so again.

I just hate to see fellow Republicans categorize someone as a Marxist or Communist when they are not. It stinks of McCarthyism.
It stinks of McCarthyism.

I guess you are unaware of the fact that release of Soviet records and FBI recordings now show that McCarthy was right in nearly all his accusations.

Hillary and Obama may not fit the exact definition of what it means to be a communist. Many of there ideas can however be found almost vebatim in such works as Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto.

Their policies at best will lead to a huge expansion of the federal government and huge tax increases to pay for it.
Hillary is married to Bill Clinton, and I do believe most people recognize that they're very similar politically.

Early in his first term, Bill Clinton referred to himself as a "communitarian."

Not having heard the word before, I decided to look it up . . . my dictionary defines the word as ". . . a member of advocate of a communistic community."

Other dictionaries refer to collectivism and socialism in their definitions.

Words do mean things . . .