I'm beginning to think Hillary would be the best


New member


With that out of the way, my thinking goes like this:

1) Alot of Dems have sided against her, high profile, alot of big anti's (Kennedy.....)
2) The Clintons reward friends and destroy enemies - BIG TIME.
3) She gets in and is to busy to do anything of substance (legislation wise) :
a) Rewarding friends (hacks/do nothing types)
b) Trashing/destroying those on the Obama side

Wishfull thinking maybe, but, if the preceeding happens, it's less damage than McCain WOULD do.
The way I see the election . . .

* If Hillary wins, the GOP might actually start acting like Republicans again, and in two years, win back the House & Senate. (Maybe a new "Contract with America" like they had under Newt Gingrich?)

Downside is higher taxes, AWB II, and SCOTUS nominees so far to the left that they'll make Ruth Bader Ginsberg sound like Ann Coulter. Even if the GOP gets back to their roots, it will take a lot of work to undo the damage of a President Hillary, and I don't know if they'll have the stomach for it.

* If McCain wins, the GOP, in order to support a fellow RINO, will go along with every harebrained leftist idea he pushes. Forget about controlling illegal aliens or a move back to the center, they'll figure since we elected McCain, we're OK with liberal officeholders, and The Stupid Party will be no more than Democrat Party Lite. (Which is how they've been governing anyway.)

But with McCain we might - might - get at least a moderate SCOTUS nominee. It's a long shot, but with Hillary, it's a not a possibility at all.

* If Barack Hussein Obama wins . . . be afraid. Be very afraid. Gun rights, taxes, spending, foreign policy, domestic policy, border security, every issue you can think of . . . :barf:

Bottom line: Nothing good will come of this election.
Only reason I would like to see Hillary elected:

Watching Hillary go on a search and destroy mission against her fellow Dem's that pulled their support and switched to Obama. She would probably make shock & awe look like a Cub Scout meeting.:D
I will vote for anyone in November who is pro-gun and not a liberal. Unfortunately, this means I will not vote for Obama, Hillary or McCain. I am hoping a good conservative will run as a 3rd party candidate. This will be the first time since 1988 that I have not voted for a Republican for president. McCain doesn't deserve the vote of any conservative. Hell, he courts liberals anyway.... he knows what he is.
Come back to reality. McCain is far from my ideal candidate, but he is conservative on a number of issues and if elected, will have to work with his Republican legislators if he is to accomplish anything. Hilary or Obama will be a disaster for us. There is no question that at least 1 and possibly 3 SCOTUS nominations will arise during the next presidential term, and recovery from the appointment of ultraliberal justices will take at least a generation if ever. I am too old to wait 30 years for possible improvement. Right now the court is split 4-4 and our 2A rights likely hinge on a single vote. Even if we win in Heller we could lose it all after the court membership changes. Plus we have the very real threat of fascist Islamic aggression, and you are living in a fantasy world if you do not think that McCain will react very differently from either of the Democrats to defend this country.
will have to work with his Republican legislators if he is to accomplish anything

I believe he will work closer with democrats as he has done in the past, he
appears to be a loose cannon so I will not vote for him.

Plus we have the very real threat of fascist Islamic aggression

If we sealed our ports/borders contolled immigration much of this "threat" could be eliminated..
Downside is higher taxes, AWB II, and SCOTUS nominees so far to the left that they'll make Ruth Bader Ginsberg sound like Ann Coulter.

Too big a downside for me.

McCain before Hillary, Hillary before Obama.

I agree.

There is no question that at least 1 and possibly 3 SCOTUS nominations will arise during the next presidential term, and recovery from the appointment of ultraliberal justices will take at least a generation if ever. I am too old to wait 30 years for possible improvement. Right now the court is split 4-4 and our 2A rights likely hinge on a single vote. Even if we win in Heller we could lose it all after the court membership changes.

My view, too.
* If Barack Hussein Obama wins . . . be afraid. Be very afraid. Gun rights, taxes, spending, foreign policy, domestic policy, border security, every issue you can think of . . .

Oh we have some of your kind on this forum. I'm actually not surprised.

Yup, it just might be time to vote for Hillary!!!
Let's elect someone that will complete the destuction of the US. :(
So we can start to rebuild this grand, old country, back to the ways the founding Fathers set it up in the first place.
As a land of freedom and greatness for those that are willing to work and dream for the future. Not for the socalist swamp it is becoming now.:mad:
Whatever happens I just hope it's the last straw for enough people. I am sick of everyone in this country doing nothing and simply sitting here and have these 3 toads handed to us. Having the GOP get off their butts is a nice thought, but I don't like anyone who likes the status quo so much that they'd only defend us from going further left of it...that they tolerate it says enough to me that they're not fit either.

What to do?
* If Barack Hussein Obama wins . . . be afraid. Be very afraid. Gun rights, taxes, spending, foreign policy, domestic policy, border security, every issue you can think of . . .
Oh we have some of your kind on this forum. I'm actually not surprised.
Oh? And what "kind" would that be?